Legal Commentaries

Parliament Activity Review September 30 - October 4, 2002
October 7, 2002
Two important events took place in October. On the one hand European Union established the terms for candidate countries to join EU and on the other hand CIS summit held in Chisinau. The Parliament took an active part in the preparation of the Summit and examined a series of legislative acts related to CIS activity in general and collaboration between the member states. A more detailed review of the said acts is provided below:
Acts adopted in the final reading
I). Law on annulment of some reserves with regard to the Agreement on CIS Establishment
ADEPT comment: In 1994, when the Republic of Moldova ratified the Agreement on CIS Establishment and became a full-right member of the Community of Independent States, several reserves with regard to the aforesaid international treaty were formulated. On the eve of the CIS Summit President of the Republic of Moldova recommended to annul the reserves the country had with regard to coordination between the member states of foreign policy and migration policy.
The said annulment has no legal effect and is rather a declarative aimed to prove once again Republic of Moldova's commitment to cooperate with the rest of the countries members of the CIS. And this only two weeks after the President and Chair of the Parliament launched the initiative of establishing a Special Commission to deal with EU integration.
II). Law on Ratifying the Agreement on Energy Transit in CIS
ADEPT comment: The Agreement regulates the electricity transit on the soil of member state, regardless of its origin, destination or own under a fee established in separate agreements. Also, the Agreement obliges parties to ensure that no other party to the Agreement runs the risk of being disconnected from the energetic sources. One of the arguments in favor of ratification was the possibility of reducing the en-gross price on energy, however it remains to be seen whether this would happen.
III). Law on Ratification of the Agreement on the CIS Interstate Meteorology Network
ADEPT comment: The Agreement regulates the cooperation between the parties in ensuring the activity of the interstate meteorology network, namely: observing meteorology conditions; developing the strategy in the field; legal, methodological and technical provision of the network. Also the agreement provides for the establishment of the CIS Interstate Meteorological Committee.
IV). Law on high-tech information
For more details see the Legislative Commentary of July 1-5, 2002.
V). Resolution on approving the state policy on medicines
ADEPT comment: The following are the main objectives of the policy:
- Providing effective, harmless, quality and accessible medicine;
- Rational use of medications;
- Ensuring access to basic medication to all the citizens of the country.
The policy is intended to:
- Guarantee populations access to medications;
- Consolidate state pharmaceutical system;
- Population protection measures;
- Modernize and boosting domestic pharmaceutical industry;
- Efficient measures of pharmacist professional training.
Legal acts adopted in the first reading (not final)
It is worth mentioning two draft laws:
- Draft law on Ratification of CIS Agreement on parallel functioning of electrical systems in the member states.
- Draft law on modification and completion of the Law on sanitary and epidemiological protection of the population.