Election News from June 1, 2005
Serafim Urechean gives up on Mayor seat
On April 18, 2005 Serafim Urechean, Chisinau Mayor since 1994, and freshly elected deputy in Parliament on the Moldova Democrata Bloc list, chose to stay in Parliament and give up on Mayor seat. Mr. Urechean designated Mihai Furtuna, Deputy Mayor, as an Interim Mayor until local elections.
CDPP designated its own candidate Gheorghe Susarenco
On April 19 2005, Christian-Democratic People’s Party designated its own candidate for the mayoralty, namely the former Deputy Mayor, MP Gheorghe Susarenco. He is good in administration and is known as an experienced lawyer. He also served as a judge in the Supreme Court of Justice and Constitutional Court.
SDPM announced that it would have its own candidate
On April 25 2005, Social-Democratic Party of Moldova also announced that it would have its own candidate in the race for the mayoralty.
Liberal Party had designated Dorin Chirtoaca
On April 26 2005, Party of Reform that recently changed its name to Liberal Party announced that it had designated Dorin Chirtoaca as the party candidate for the mayoralty.
Vasile Ursu was designated as the Interim Mayor
On April 28, 2005 Vasile Ursu was designated as the Interim Mayor, after on April 26 Mihai Furtuna declined the position.
CEC set the new elections day
On May 4, CEC convened on a session and in line with Article 122 of the Electoral Code set the elections day for July 10, 2005. More than one third of the voters included in the voter rolls should take part in elections for them to be considered valid. If none of the candidates garner more than 50% of the valid votes cast, the second round will be held on July 24, 2005. In the second round, the candidate who garners the highest number of votes is considered elected, regardless of the voter turnout.
CEC decided that on July 11 mayor elections will be also held in 11 localities: Ghidighici of Chisinau municipality; Chetrosu of Anenii Noi rayon; Balasinesti and Slobozia-Sirauti in Briceni rayon; Alexandru Ioan Cuza in Cahul rayon; Piatra and Teleseu in Orhei raion; Zaicani in Riscani rayon; Vadul-Rascov in Soldanesti rayon; Purcari and Talmaza in Stefan Voda rayon.
The Conception of Elections Coverage in Mass Media
On May 10, 2005 Audiovisual Coordinating Council approved the Conception of Elections Coverage in Mass Media. The concept refers only to national media and the one broadcasting on the soil of localities where elections are to be held. The aforesaid media outlets are obliged to submit within seven days their internal regulations on elections coverage.
The conception obliges mass media to cover the electoral campaign. Electoral debates shall be held once all the candidates are registered. Each of them would be entitled to 60 minutes daily for debates purposes. Public Broadcasting Institutions shall grant for free 15 minutes on TV and 30 on radio to all electoral contestants. Independent candidates will get 5 minute on TV and 10 on radio. Also, contestants would be entitled, for a fee, to one hour on TV and one hour on radio, while independents to half an hour.
Raising tariffs on public transportation had declined
On May 17, 2005 Chisinau Municipal Council declined raising tariffs on public transportation, albeit the move was quite needed. Probably they would do so after elections. Also upcoming local elections, probably determined five councilors: Ilia Bagdasarov (Moldova Noastra) Viorel Topa, Eugen Stirbu, Victor Racovita, and Serghei Cherdivarenco to establish a Social-Democratic faction.
Chisinau electoral council elected its leadership
Chisinau electoral council elected its leadership with 10 out of 11 votes, namely Ion Stratulat, Chairperson, Nicolae Raileanu, Deputy Chairperson and Ala Andronache, Secretary. Commencing May 23, 2005 District Electoral Council has been registering contestants running for the mayoralty. Under Electoral Code, to get registered representatives of political parties should present all the required documents. As for independent candidates they should also collect 10 thousand signatures from their supporters. The first ones to submit the documents for registration were: Valerii Klimenko, Municipal Councilor, representative of the Socio-Political Movement “Ravnopravie” and Socialist Party; Gheorghe Sima, Chair of the Labor Union “Patria Rodina”; Gheorghe Susarenco — Christian-Democratic Peoples’ Party; Vladimir Guritenco — Democratic Party. Moldova Noastra Alliance has designated MP Dumitru Braghis, former Prime-Minister to run for the Mayoralty. Supposedly, Communist Party would designate Minister of Finance Zinaida Grecianii.
Gheorghe Sima addressed his voters
On May 27, 2005 leader of the Labor Union “Patria Rodina” Gherghe Sima addressed his voters from the pages of Kommersant Plus newspaper and outlined his electoral program is thesis: a) protecting citizens against price hikes on communal services; b) improving the activity of law enforcement forces; с) transforming the capital into a clean and comfortable city; d) taking decisions in line with legal and moral norms.
Valerii Klimenco would opt for reducing unemployment
On May 31, 2005 Valerii Climenco, running for Chisinau Mayoralty, announced he would opt for reducing unemployment and reconstruction of Chisinau according to the Russian capital model.
The ceiling of expenses for contestants
On May 31, 2005 CEC approved the ceiling of expenses contestants might incur during the electoral campaign. Electoral contestants running for the Chisinau Mayoralty would be able to spend up to one million Lei (about $ 80,000 USD) during the electoral campaign, while those running for community mayoralty up to 15,000 Lei (about $1,200).