Election News from June 30, 2005
Independent Journalism Centre announced that it would monitor elections
Independent Journalism Centre announced that it would monitor elections coverage in electronic mass media in cooperation with Centre for Analysis and Sociological, Political and Psychological Research CIVIS. For one month, until July 24 (eventual second round) the following TV and radio stations would be monitored: Radio Moldova, Antena C, Moldova 1, Euro TV, ORT, NIT, and PRO TV.
Veaceaslav Untila made a statement
After Prosecution had asked the Parliament to lift the immunity of three Moldova Noastra Alliance deputies (Serafim Urechean, Vasile Colta, Ion Ciontoloi) and one Communist deputy (Ivan Gutu) so as to start prosecution, Veaceaslav Untila, Senior-Deputy Chair of Moldova Noastra made a statement reading “Prosecution’s request to lift the parliamentary immunity for Moldova Noastra deputies is a political attack against the party and its leader. We view this request as a continuation of political repressions… Despite the engagements assumed after parliamentary elections, Republic of Moldova’s authorities continue harassing opposition and undermine political pluralism… Actions staged against Chisinau Mayoralty officials are already examined by the European Court for Human Rights. This is yet another evidence to the fact that the said actions should end until national and European justice issues its judgement. The power’s persistence to continue repressions against its political foes would inevitably destabilize the situation in the country. This also refers to the fact that people realize authority’s falseness and their support to real opposition is on the rise”.