Election News from July 15, 2005
July 10 elections were not validated
CEC set the date for repeated elections for July 24, 2005, as July 10 elections were not validated due to low voter turnout. CEC also decided on increased electioneering, distribution of materials, TV and radio spots in view of getting the people to the polls.
CEC remarks
CEC called on the Chisinau District Electoral Council to eliminate the shortcomings pointed by the observers. Also it encouraged them to explain voters that voted" stamp applied in ID’s is intended to eliminate multiple vote.
CEC approved the budget breakdown
CEC approved the budget breakdown for the repeated elections worth 1 million 600 thousand Lei. As for the contestants, they are entitled to spend up to 750 thousand Lei.
A number of candidates have announced that they withdrew from the electoral race
A number of candidates have announced that they withdrew from the electoral race, namely: Vladimir Guritenco, Mihai Severovan, Gheorghe Sima, Valerii Klimenko.