Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsChisinau2007Zinovia Zorina

Electoral program of the candidate for General Mayor of Chisinau Zinovia Zorina

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The political local governing programme of the Conservative Party is called Follow Your Party. Our local councillors aim to represent citizens and interests of their community via this programme. We bring solutions to stringent problems faced by every community, while our development strategies will ensure a true development and welfare of citizens.

Councillors of the Conservative Party will promote a responsible and constructive policy, will supervise the respect for citizens’ interests from electoral promises, and will monitor the implementation of projects, their finalisation, making of decisions.

The Conservative Party has considerable human potential, responsible, experienced, professional, competent persons who managed to gain the confidence and respect of people around them, who know to make decisions and enforce them.

The local development programme of the Conservative Party is based on a fair analysis of all components of social, economic, local life, and on identification of development opportunities.

We bring viable solutions and pledge to implement them.

The Conservative Party pledges via its local councillors:

The Conservative Party proposes realistic solutions and brings competent people capable to implement them, in a move to turn Chisinau into a safe city where everybody would like to live, work, study.

We will urgently implement measures:

1. To supply residents of the municipality with quality drinkable water:

  1. By rebuilding the drinkable water treatment stations;
  2. By renovating the water and sewerage system in the Chisinau municipality;
  3. By renovating the industrial water providing system.

2. To resolve the problem of evacuation and processing of household waste:

  1. By building a plant to process and use the solid waste;
  2. By creating conditions to make population actively participate in sorting out the household waste.
  3. By granting the household waste evacuation services to private economic agents;
  4. By urgently repairing the water filtering station of the Chisinau municipality.

3. To rebuild the heating supply system:

  1. By gradually building the system of mini-CETs, approaching at maximum the energy resources to consumer.

4. To improve the public transportation management:

  1. By increasing the share o ecological transport;
  2. By enlarging the market of transportation services provided by private operators;
  3. By respecting the minimum quality transportation standards;
  4. By elaborating a scheme of routes to ensure optimal passenger inflows;
  5. By reendowing public transports and street network for disabled people.

5. To modernise the urban structure and arrange the municipality:

  1. By urgently implementing the General City Development Plan;
  2. By making a technical expertise of old buildings of the city, establishing historical objects;
  3. By resolving the problem of parking sites, arranging afferent fields, dwelling areas;
  4. By building and renovating the roads of the municipality;
  5. By projecting a beltway and restoring roundabout ways for transit transports;
  6. By repairing and arranging the territory of districts, arranging stairs of dwelling blocks, repairing lifts;
  7. By capitally repairing playgrounds and stadiums for children, creating green areas;
  8. By ensuring a lasting development of rural localities which are part of the municipality.

6. To ensure a good functioning of educational and health institutions:

  1. By allocating enough budgetary resources to education and healthcare;
  2. By paying a supplement to salaries of teachers and doctors from municipal budget;
  3. By capitally repairing and renovating the technical-material base of educational and health institutions;
  4. By creating a high school for talented children and supporting them later;
  5. By creating a broad network of school sport clubs;
  6. By restoring the massive surgery system.

7. To ensure the social protection of retirees, veterans, invalids and other disadvantaged categories:

  1. By increasing compensations for communal services paid to retirees, veterans, invalids, and people earning up to 1,200 lei.
  2. By opening centres for veterans and retirees;
  3. By actively involving disabled people in activities held by municipality;
  4. By encouraging economic agents to create conditions and give students temporary jobs;
  5. By supporting centres for rehabilitation of disabled children.

8. To promote private initiative and development of a functional market economy:

  1. By sustaining and encouraging all domestic enterprises to create and provide well-paid jobs;
  2. By actively and efficiently involving economic agents of the municipality in resolving social problems of the municipality;
  3. By creating a stable and predictable business environment for a better investment climate;
  4. By attracting investments in supporting planned projects.