Candidate of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) |

Economist-manager, Phd in Economics, member of Moldovan Parliament
Electoral programRO
Biographical Data
Igor Dodon — the solution for Chisinau!
Biographical Data
Born on February 18, 1975, in the village of Vorniceni, Straseni rayon (district).
- 1997 — graduated from the State Agrarian University of Moldova, Department of Economics
- 1998 — graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Department of Management
- 2002 — got a PhD degree in economics from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Banks and Stock Exchanges Sub-department
- Graduated from the International Institute of Management, Department of Economic Law
- 2006-present — Institute of Economics, Finance and Statistics (IEFS), coordinator scientific researcher
- 1997–2001 — Moldova Stock Exchange, superior specialist in the Clearing Department, superior specialist in the Listing Department, administrator of Electronic Negotiation System, director of the Marketing, Listing and Quotation Department
- 2001–2005 — National Securities Depository of Moldova, President, member of the Council of Directors
- 2002–2005 — Universal Stock of Goods of Moldova, President, member of the Stock Committee
- 2003–2005 — National Securities Commission, member of the Council of Experts
- 2004–2005 — Moldova Stock Exchange, member of the Arbitration Commission
- 2005–2006 — Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce
- 2006–2008 — Minister of Economy and Commerce
- 2008–2009 — First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Moldova, Minister of Economy and Commerce
- April 5, 2009 – July 29, 2009 — Member of Moldovan Parliament of the XVIIth Legislature, faction of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, Minister of Economy and Commerce
- July 29, 2009-present — member of Moldovan Parliament of the XVIIIth and XIXth Legislatures, faction of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova
Political activity
- Since 2010 — member of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova
Married, father of two children.