“Braghis Alliance” completed its electoral program with the following voters’ recommendations:
- Organizing a referendum on conducting elections in uninominal constituencies and on proposing amendments to the Electoral Code, as well as a referendum aimed to identify the most important problems of the country, which are to be solved only after consulting the people;
- Promoting a legal initiative on modification of the Law on pensions in view of reducing retirement age;
- State support in building two churches of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church;
- Fostering and consolidating partnership ties with USA;
- Consolidating economic relations with Russia and NIS.
February 20, 2001
Our Aim
The main scope, the overall objective of “Braghis Alliance” group consists of the following statements: sustainable development of the Moldovan State, democratic society establishment, political and territorial unification of the country, resurrection of spiritual cohesion of the nation, dynamic development of a socially oriented, free market economy, realization of real democracy, criminality and poverty eradication.
Defending and Developing Democracy
In order to fulfil the mentioned task we intend to contribute to:
- Achieving greater cohesion of the people. We appeal for establishing such relationships in the society that would lead to every citizen’s considering Moldova a common home.
- Perfection the multi-party system. One of the most important element in establishing the civil society is the development of the multi-party system. It is necessary to improve the legislative framework needed for development of strong responsible parties, at the same time, raising secure legal barriers in the way to power for those parties and movements which practice totalitarianism, aggressive nationalism and extremism.
- Perfection guarantees and legislative norms in the field of human rights defense. Creating the Institution of the Responsible for human rights, as well as introducing the function of the State Commissar of the people responsible of children’s rights.
- Ensuring mass media independence. To work out and approve by law a set of State measures in defense of freedom of expression and support of mass media independence. We are for the reorganization of the State Television into a Public company.
- Enhancing the role of public and non-governmental organizations in the life of the country. Public associations and Trade Unions are those steady institutions of the civil society that are able to represent and firmly defend citizens interests.
Interethnic Peace and Civic Concord
Interethnic relationship harmonization and achievement of civic concord constitute the main premise of Moldova’s overcoming the social and economic crisis it faces now and serve as bases for reestablishment of territorial integrity and political cohesion of the nation.
We suggest:
- Signing the agreement “Peace in the name of Moldova” between main political forces of the country.
- To work out and approve the State policy of the Republic of Moldova in the field of interethnic relationships: solving the problem of the Parliament’s approval of the Law on defending rights of citizens of ethnic minorities and juridical Status of their organizations, providing legal regulation of national minorities representation in the in legal and state administration bodies of the country.
- Improving the republican legislative framework which regulates functioning of spoken languages on the territory of Moldova: approval of a State program referring to state funding in support of learning the state language, the Russian language and the native languages on the territories of compact residence of the Ukrainians, the Gagauz, the Bulgarians as well as a foreign language learning. We will suggest the foundation of an interstate Moldovan-Russian University. We will work in order to harmonize the legislative framework referring to citizenship in accordance with the international rights standards, we’ll take care that the Law of The Republic of Moldova on The Special Status of Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri) is properly implemented and we will try to push forward the negotiating process on a definite regulation of the Transnistrian dispute.
Power Reform
- Performing the Constitutional reform. Effective delimitation of prerogatives of legislative, executive and juridical powers. Careful establishment of attributes and responsibilities of The President, The Parliament and The Government. Increasing the role and responsibility of the executive power.
- Raising the role and responsibility of the national, regional and local referendums in solving the main important issues that the country and the citizens confront.
- Improving the electoral system. The electoral system should be changed in order to move from electing deputies in the Parliament according to the lists of political parties and the principle “Moldova is a unique electoral constituency” to the system of elections based on uninominal constituency, in the conditions of which the citizens will vote for those candidates that they respect and rely on. We think the number of Parliament Deputies should be reduced according to generally accepted European standards of representation in the legislative body of the state. The Parliament immunity of the deputies has to be cancelled as well as exaggerated exempts and privileges that don’t necessarily contribute to the performance of their duties. It is necessary to introduce a stipulation in the Electoral Code that would permit the Presidential, Parliament and local elections as well as referendums to be held at the same time.
- Creating a unique system of the executive power. Moldova needs a carefully structured vertical power that would be able to rule the country starting with stability and restart of the economy, installing the rule of law and order.
- Reorganization of the national system of Public Administration, removing the doubling of functions and parallelisms from ministries and departments. Selection of personnel for state functions should not be based on parties representation but on professional qualities of the candidate to a certain function by means of open competition.
- Increasing exigency of public workers. Strict interdiction on commercial activities should be introduced to all categories of public workers when they perform a public function as well as prohibition on receiving gifts and recompenses for activities performed within the attributes of their function. There should be introduced the obligatory income declaration as well as penal sanctions on corruption and lobby activities in favor of special commercial companies should be more severe.
- Rights and possibilities on local self-administration should be extended. It is necessary that local authorities could be given the right to introduce and collect certain local taxes of great importance and on this bases having the possibility to increase their budget as well as directing to them some parts of central taxes. At the same time local authorities investment activities should be enlarged. The Mayors should be given more rights.
- Raising the prestige of the National Army, police, national security bodies, providing at the same time better wages for their employees.
- Reform of law and juridical system. The present day four level juridical system should be simplified and reorganized into a three-level system. We should introduce the Jury Courts and organize their function. There should also be stated the categories of penal and civil cases that can be considered by the judge alone.
- The administrative reform. We’ll plead for the optimization of the present day territorial-administrative division of Moldova; for a closer direction of all levels of public administration activities to people’s needs.
In order to fulfil all these tasks it is necessary to improve and approve the following laws:
- On Government members responsibility;
- On holding elections according to uninominal constituencies;
- On State and Public Monitoring of Public Administration;
- On Judiciary System;
- On Prosecution Bodies.
The strategic objectives of economic development are the following:
- Creating the necessary conditions for sustainable economic growth on the bases of raising labor productivity, increasing the level of local and foreign investments — steps that would lead to an average annual growth of GDP by 5–10%.
- A gradual diminish of inflation rate by the year 2005 down to 5–6%.
- Creating in the following 4 years of about 200 thousand new jobs.
- The strategic objectives will be attained by creating a favorable entrepreneurial and investment environment.
This will mean:
- Ensuring protection of citizens patrimonial rights, offering guarantees on their ownership rights on means of production, homes, plots of land, bank deposits and other movable and estate properties.
- To freedom the entrepreneurs from the administrative yoke by a considerable reduction of state excessive and unjustified intervention in private business. Holding monitoring of financial economic activity of the economic entity once a year to the most. Stating time limits of performing the monitoring not more that 10 days.
- Accomplishing the privatization according to certain methodology, procedures and schemes by delegating duties and responsibilities to branch ministries and local authorities.
- Supporting local producers. Improving the productive sector by means of declaring an economic amnesty, canceling old historical debts, taxes, penalties and fines at all budgetary levels, exempt from customs taxes applied to imports of all kind of equipment, completing items, building materials brought into the country with the aim of acquisition under the state control as well as items that are imported within some investment projects in the production sector. It is necessary to protect the internal market against unfair competitors, by means of introducing import taxes to some competitive goods which are produced in Moldova as well; working out a set of national investment programs consisting of 3–5 that would be facilitated by law, to approve legal acts that would encourage local and foreign investment.
- Simplifying the procedures of economic agents registration, transferring this function to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- Implementing new organizational and juridical structures: industrial stocks, technical fleets, innovational workshops, quality centers, programming laboratories.
- Encouraging development of small and middle businesses, interest reduction and simplification of the fiscal system, financial and patrimonial support to entrepreneurs, developing public and entrepreneurial associations.
- Developing the financial infrastructure by means of dismissing the nonviable financial structures and organizations, ensuring banking activities transparency, exempting banks from beneficial tax for financing investment projects in the production sector, legalization of citizens incomes and savings on the condition of investments in the production sector, signing a contract with the National Bank referring interest reduction economic entities with good business reputation.
- Foreign economic relationships development. Obtaining an effective integration of the Republic of Moldova into the international labor division system that will create the most favorable conditions for penetration of Moldovan goods, services and labor force on the international markets it will at the same time easy the access to international resources of strategic importance for economic development (capitals and technologies, goods and services). It is necessary to support the exporters in order to recover the trade on traditional markets and penetrate the new markets.
- Developing infrastructure and service industries by means of some key-programs that would give us the hope in obtaining the most effective results.
Reforming and Restructuring the Agriculture
In this field priority should be given to the following tasks:
- Creation of an effective ownership defense system of the peasants over the owned land and their rights to freely participate in different farming forms.
- Support the farmers associations and land owners associations by means of fiscal facilities, creation of mortgage bank that would offer collateralized loans with collateral(mortgage) on the owned land and their real estates, ensuring agricultural producers state support.
- Introducing, with the aim of supporting the agricultural producers, the system of maximum favor of the enterprises and organizations that serve the agrarian sector and of the foreign companies that invest in the agricultural sector, provide technical equipment and new technologies.
- Creating agricultural services centers with the help of the state that will provide peasants with technical, agronomic and zoo-technical services.
- Introducing the system of State Order in agriculture based on a contract based system between the producers and beneficiaries of agricultural production.
- Opening a Republican information center that would provide information on production and sale of agricultural goods, price evolution, agricultural products beneficiaries etc.
In order to fulfil the above mentioned tasks improvement and approval of the following laws is necessary:
- On encouraging the real sectors of the economy;
- On simplifying the taxation system of small and middle enterprises;
- On investment attraction;
- On fiscal amnesty;
- On internal market protection;
- On state support of farmers associations;
- On state support of small and middle entrepreneurship.
Taking Care of People is the First State Priority
It is necessary to adopt a long term national strategy on poverty eradication and on he bases of this strategy to work out a program of Social Development of the country.
The following prior steps should be taken:
- Creation of new jobs, for this it is necessary to encourage small and middle businesses, extend the unemployed possibilities to re- qualification with a further employment in the labour market; to qualitatively improve the services of labor market placement offices; to monitor the implementation of the labor legislation especially in the field of employment and dismissing the employees; organizing public works in order to occupy the unemployed : road restoration, building water supply systems, forest planting etc.
- Approving a new social legislative framework that would really guarantee every citizen of the country the right to work with a guaranteed equitable steady payment, to receive paid in time pension and which will correspond to the living minimum, a legislative framework that would ensure protection for mothers and children and that would support and protect the invalids.
- Legislative regulation of the system of labor remuneration achieving a gradual equilibrium between the level of the minimum salary and the minimum living level in the country;
- Approval of the national program “Village Modernization” that would provide for: development of rural infrastructure (gas ,water and electricity supply, building roads and installing telephone lines), taking special measures in support of intellectuals from the country, working out the legislative framework on transferring the clubs, Culture Palaces as well as other premises of social utilization into collective ownership of teachers, doctors and workers of the cultural branch.
- Revising the existing legislative framework on pensions in order to balance the quantum of the minimum pension to real life costs, as well as taking into consideration the entire working experience record, state awards and special merits of every citizen while calculating the pension.
- Free of charge supply of medicines for war participants and invalids.
- A law approval on extending possibilities of obtaining State financial support for pensioners and invalids.
- Approval of the Social Code of the Republic of Moldova, that would provide for a complex system of social guarantees and would stipulate forms and methods of their protection.
- Approval of the Law on Minimum Life Standards, that would state the minimum level of payment for an hour’s work, minimum levels of pensions, prenatal indemnities and those of delivery and child’s care, the level of guaranteed minimum of services in the fields of education, healthcare and culture.
- Amending the Civil and the Penal Codes of the Republic of Moldova, with stipulations on penal sanctions against state and private enterprises for not paying salaries and pensions.
Creating a Viable and Accessible Healthcare System. Environment Protection
Care for people’s health and environmental protection is a task that should be at the permanent control of the state and of legislative and executive powers.
For its fulfillment it is necessary to do the following:
- Working out and implementing the National Program “Health”;
- Preserving the free of charge healthcare services and consultations of the specialists at the residential place of the patients. Further development of the “Family Doctors” program.
- Ensuring free of charge hospital assistance by supplying the necessary drugs and other material services;
- Reestablishing the system of preventing infection diseases (vaccination);
- Creating an efficient system of substantial discounts and freely delivered drugs;
- Developing the system of voluntary and obligatory Health Insurance;
- Ensuring effective and free of charge functioning of the Emergency healthcare assistance;
- State support of NGOs activating in the field of environmental protection;
In order to fulfill all these tasks it is necessary to improvement and approval of the following laws and regulations:
- On citizens rights to Healthcare
- On patients rights;
- On ecological education.
We find it necessary to make obligatory Parliament’s annual examination of the National Report on the level and quality of life and on its bases to identify priorities of the Social Policy of the State.
In order to fulfill these tasks the following laws and regulations have to be improved and approved:
- On state guarantees on wages;
- On Social State Standards;
- On compensation paid for delayed wages;
- On Labor Force Occupation;
- On Labor Code;
- On Citizens Rights to Nominative Compensations;
- On Social Partnership;
- On State Guarantee and Indexation of Bank Deposits of the Population.
Combating Corruption and Organized Crime
In order to eradicate corruption and organized crime the electoral group “Braghis Alliance” intends to take steps in the view of:
- Inevitable punishment and increase of maximum penal responsibility for crimes linked with corruption and participation at organized crime groups, as well as committed murder and other grave crimes;
- Approval of a National Program of Corruption Combating that would include:
- Establishing a very strict control on the use of Public Funds;
- Delegating some competencies dealing with social tasks to Civil Society Institutions;
- Raising personal responsibility of public workers that have at their disposal public funds and goods;
- Ensuring transparency, publicity and public monitoring on the activities of public workers that are in charge of giving personal authorizations;
- Practicing open tenders for adjudging state orders and acquisitions.
- Encouraging development of public institutions of corruption eradication.
Spiritual Revival. Education, Culture, Science and Religion
We will plead for:
- Guaranteeing citizens rights to generally acceptable free education, and make education become a priority at all State levels- republican, regional and local;
- Providing free of charge textbooks, clothes and shoes for children from vulnerable families, as well as putting into function the school canteens that would offer hot lunches for primary school children;
- Amending the legislative framework and regulations that would provide for centralized payment of wages for employees in the social sector.
- Improving the specialists training, scientific workers and workers in the cultural field on State funded and other means taking into consideration the necessities of the country;
- Stating the priorities in the field of science: working out programs of savants support, implementing the Law on the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova;
- All possible State support to cinematography and national theater, keeping and extending the chain of libraries and Cultural Houses;
- A sufficient support to studying youth and development of children’s creativity.
The Youth and Promotion of Healthy Life Style
Youth Policy is one of the most important of our priorities. We are for creating a state system of helping youth with their education, obtaining a profession, placement in the labor market, practicing physical culture and sport.
Attitude to Religion
We promote a full of consideration attitude to traditional cult ideals and we intend to contribute to ensuring freedom to confessions, we are open to collaborate with the church and church people. At the same time we don’t accept religious sects of extremist orientation, which humiliate human’s dignity and we will forbid their activities.
In order to solve the up mentioned spiritual and cultural tasks the following laws and regulations are to be developed and approved:
- Law on Education,
- Law on Science;
- Law on State Support of outstanding persons from the field of education, science and culture;
- Law on Creation Unions;
- On developing National Cinematography;
- On State Support of talented children and youth;
- On interdependence of lay and religious education.
Priorities of Foreign Policies
Our priorities in the field of foreign policies will be the following:
- Intensifying the efforts on gradual integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union, at the same time through the Implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, taking active part in the pact of Stability in South East Europe, continuing negotiations in obtaining the quality of an associate member of the European Union, further collaboration with the Council of Europe, active participation in all the structures of the United Nations.
- Consolidating relationships with the neighboring countries- Ukraine and Romania, as having common intentiotions of European Integration, oriented to regional security insurance and creating a favorable investment environment;
- Consolidating cooperating relationships with countries from the (Russia, Belorussia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland) as well as improving cooperation with regional organizations inclusively with CIS countries and with the Economic Cooperation at Black Sea;
- Further cooperation development with Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and with guarantor countries: Russian Federation and Ukraine, for a final solution of the Transnistrian dispute in the conditions of maintaining the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova;
- Defending economic interests of the Republic of Moldova on the international level, promoting the “economic diplomacy”, attracting foreign investments, increasing exports, developing an efficient collaboration with the IMF and the World Bank. One of the biggest priorities will be Moldovan acceptance to World Trade Organization.
Reestablishing people’s trust in the State power
Electoral Block “Braghis Alliance” will try to demonstrate that politics is not necessarily a “dirty affair”, we will try to prove that we reject political intrigues and non loyal methods, clan deals, betrays and nepotism.
Our honest fight is based on such principles as: patriotism, high professionalism, political honesty and transparency.