Main Directions
I. Macroeconomy and formulation of the national public budget area
Reorientation and development of the national industry starting from the following primary backgrounds: use of local national resources and of human resources and use of foreign and local investments. In our country there exist real possibilities to develop the following industries: food, pharmaceutics, construction, machinery, energy system and economic infrastructure.
The following will be taken into consideration during formulation of the revenue part of the national budget:
- Ensuring a real participation of all candidates to formation of the public revenues through combat of tax evasion, reduction of fiscal benefits and rejection of tax amnesties;
- Gradual exclusion of barter operations and offsets in relations with the budget, what will contribute to an increase of budget cash in-flows and to avoidance of fiscal evasion;
- Stimulation of the development of national economy by introduction of a balanced fiscal system and univocal attitude to tax payers;
- Creation of a favorable fiscal regimen for local and foreign investors;
- Achievement of a broader taxation basis through an inventory of existent real estate and land plots;
- Simplification and transparency of the taxation system;
- Maintenance if taxation quota, with the exception of the transfers to the state social security budget, which needs to be decreased down to 20%.
II. Economic and social development of villages
Deputies elected in the Parliament from the list of “Lawyers and Economists Alliance” will plead for the following:
- Review of the existent way of the gross national product distribution, pursuing the goal to cover the real necessities of villages for the achievement of an improvement of its economic and social status;
- Village will have priorities in the use of foreign credits;
- Development and implementation of special programs for the restart and multilateral development of the rural settlements;
- More significant role for the local power administration bodies and larger economic and financial independence;
- Development of an adequate financial and taxation legal framework meant to ensure improvement and consolidation of the financial local system (mayoralties’ budgets);
- Consequent implementation of the agrarian reform through strict observation of the Law and responsibility for the real situation in every separate settlement and for the farmers’ present problems;
- Termination of squandering and robbery of the wealth of former socialist collective farms. Thorough recording of farmers’ land and value shares;
- Competent and complete study of economic status of former and present collective farms. Return of the goods alienated in an illegal way;
- Implementation of a wide assistance program for organized farmers or the ones that intend to organize themselves into production associations. The program will envisage among other things the following: allocation of credits with interest rates smaller than the ones of the commercial banks; supply of seeds; land improvement activities; acquisition of machinery; implementation of adequate technologies; consulting supply in different issues linked with the agriculture economics; assistance to do accounting recording and to carry out commercial and financial relations, etc.;
- Efficient measures aimed to achieve revitalization and development of the education, health protection and culture systems in the rural area;
- Revitalization and development of the rural economic and social infrastructure;
- Supply of the village with necessary energy resources;
- Continuous attention on behalf of mass media to the village problems, including development of programs and publishing special information materials. Training in agricultural issues;
- Broad and quick dissemination of information to villages regarding events both within the country and abroad as well as about problems faced by the society at present;
- Concrete and realistic measures for the attraction of young people and intellectuals to settle in villages;
III. Social security area
Our Alliance pleads for the following:
- A material adequate support for the entire population during retired age and in case of invalidity or loss of bread winner in the family;
- Observance of social equity principle, meaning that citizens of the Republic of Moldova will benefit of pensions depending on their contribution to the pension system;
- Foundation of a pension system favorable for all citizens, meaning that the proposed system will be developed based on a real level of payments;
- Consideration of the issue regarding the social security reform (establishment and payment of compensations for the following categories of people: temporary loss of work ability; single mothers; to persons in charge of children up to 1,5 year of age; social vulnerable families).
IV. Health protection area
- The Alliance will pursue to achieve the following:
- Unconditioned responsibility of the state for the health of a child;
- Delivery of an adequate set of services in the health protection area;
- Guaranteed supply of basic medicine;
- Improvement of urgent and intensive care services;
- Introduction of a new approach in respect to prevention of diseases and encouragement of the civil society participation in activities promoting public health and prevention of diseases;
- Public campaigns pursuing promotion of public health. Coordination between the disease sector approach and work-site accidents.
V. Reform of the judiciary area
- Replacement of the old legal framework and creation of a set of new laws, able to meet the needs of the creation of a modern civilized society;
- Undertaking reform and efficiency installment measures with respect to the legal bodies, so as to avoid departmental incompatibility and opposition between them; Among others, it is envisaged to annul the prosecutor’s office narrow prerogatives. It will be requested that this office works rather for the Law enforcement;
- Implementation, in short term perspective, of an efficient system of education, training, selection and promotion of law personnel by applying both the high qualification and the responsible approach principles towards applicants;
- Amendments to the Law in force regarding combat of corruption and organized crime;
- Amendments of legal framework regarding constitutional justice;
- Amendments to the legal framework regarding protection of national minorities;
- Amendments of existent legal framework and creation of a legal framework regarding double citizenship;
- Re-organization and modernization of the penitentiary system.
VI. Education
At present the education system in the Republic of Moldova is experiencing very difficult moments. The number of educational institutions has increased considerably, especially higher education institutions and lyceums and colleges. However, this process is not accompanied by an increase of knowledge. What is even more important, it was not ensured that the total population of young people and children of school age are covered by education. The tendency to promote education for fees becomes more and more strong. In conditions when the majority of population live in poverty, such a tendency may leave illiterate a great number of children, fact that will result in an increase of inequities and an accumulation of social contradictions. Villages are especially in a very grave situation from this point of view.
In order to get rid of such drawbacks, the Election Block “Alliance of Lawyers and Economists” proposes implementation of a plan of actions, which among other envisages the following:
- Revision of the education concept of the Republic of Moldova, so as to ensure that state education has unconditioned priorities;
- Re-consideration of the Education Law in order to increase the education sector revenue share of resources coming from the gross national product;
- Revision of the present state system of educational institutions evaluation and accreditation, so that it is performed from the national interest point of view (state institutions). Ban of institutions created exclusively for profit generation purposes;
- Financing of the state educational institutions will be done with money from the central state budget;
- Ministry of Education will ensure co-ordination and harmonization of fees for all education institutions, irrespective on their legal status;
- Increase and payment in time of salaries to educational personnel.
VII. Improvement of local power administration
Election Block “Alliance of Lawyers and Economists” comes with a broad set of initiatives aimed to ensure support for local power administration and to facilitate improvement of the local power bodies activity. They are:
- Promotion of the regional development within the context of national development;
- Promotion of the local economic development;
- Introduction of facilities in the taxation area;
- Allocation of micro credits;
- Creation of consulting and entrepreneur-ship centers;
- Services regarding exports;
- Decentralization and de-concentration of public services;
- Support of local strategies and policies within the local economy developments;
- Promotion of infrastructure development and support to the economic entities.
VIII. Maintenance of state administration
The absolute majority of civil servants are elderly persons, some of them being pensioners, other on the brink of their retire age. To a greatest extent they represent an inheritance from the soviet administrative system. Traditions they followed during times of their education and training do not correspond to the new historical conditions or to the task to create a new modern and social state, aiming to join the European Community. That is why the future deputies from the “Alliance of Lawyers and Economists” will undertake great efforts to promote young people in the public administration, provided, of course that they meet all requirements set forward by such a function.
IX. Election system
At present the entire Republic of Moldova constitutes a single election circumscription and elections are carried out based of party lists. That is why the elected deputies bear no direct responsibility in front of the electorate; They are not elected by voters from a particular settlement, but rather by the entire electorate. Theoretically the electorate is entitled to request that all deputies report to it. However, it can not achieve this in practice, because the deputies may not be made responsible. That is why the “Alliance of Lawyers and Economists” will plead that elections in territorial circumscriptions be also held in parallel to elections based on party lists.
X. About statutes of deputies and civil servants
The Alliance will request the following:
- Amendments to the Constitution achieving that immunity of deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova be annulled, because everybody if equal in front of the Law;
- Reduction to the maximum possible level of material benefits to which the state servants are entitled;
- Consideration of the issue connected with amendments of the Law regarding the legal status of the civil servant;
XI. The deputies of the alliance will inform the population about the following issues:
- Privatization for patrimonial bonuses;
- Activity of the investment funds;
- Privatization for cash;
- Sales of the state goods;
- Deviation of international credits;
- Distribution and use of humanitarian aids.
XII. Regulation of employment of citizens of the Republic of Moldova in foreign count
In order to find jobs a significant number of citizens of the Republic of Moldova left for other countries lately, especially to such countries as Russia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal . Due to lack of correspondent regulations violation of the elementary human rights of the employees often takes place during such employment and sometimes the human dignity is violated also. There are mistreatment, seizure of property, imprisonment, and expulsions from the country.
In order to prevent occurrence of this kind of events deputies from the “Alliance of Lawyers and Economists” will insist to sign agreements of the Government of the Republic of Moldova with other countries governments regarding mutual employment of citizens of parties to the contracts, provided the labor Law of both parties is observed.
XIII. Platform regarding environment
Environment platform of our block follows the objective to familiarize citizens with issues concerning protection of environment in our country from the point of view of present development conditions and requirements and future integration in the European Union. Protection of environment is vital bearing in mind the fact that we need to be able to maintain our health, to protect natural values and to maintain their good status for future generations.
Human development constitutes one of the main objectives of our Block. We envisage to achieve it through a healthy economic growth, inter-dependent on the environment.
In order to ensure increase of the life quality and to benefit from competitive advantages of the society the Alliance of Lawyers and Economists assumes and supports the following principles:
- Creation of an adequate legal and institutional frame work able to facilitate and stimulate the dialogue between authorities and civil society regarding strategy, policy, programs and decisions concerning environment and social economic development of the country;
- Development of an integral environment monitoring system, environment information system, and the system ensuring control over the environment status development. These are perceived as essential instruments ensuring grounds for decision-making regarding protection of environment, evaluation of the national environment policy fulfillment and awareness of population;
- Encouragement of the ecological efficient production and of the sustainable consumption; Introduction and use of economic instruments for protection of environment;
- Development of a complex criteria system for the selection of potential investors: The criteria will include not only the sale price, but also obligations assumed by a buyer, such as new investments, maintenance of the staff membership and creation of new jobs, modernization of machines, introduction of measures ensuring protection of environment and production of export oriented goods;
- Introduction of ecology as a subject of the school curriculum, so that the ecological education starts from the kindergarten up to higher education institutions.
Thus, in order to have a clean and healthy environment we need to preserve the ecological equilibrium, to maintain and improve the natural factors, to prevent and combat pollution and to develop natural values. Each of us needs to have the belief of having an important role in the development of backgrounds linked with protection of environment, the latter being such a large and important area.