Moldova entered the third millennium in conditions of a systemic crisis: economic, political, cultural and spiritual.
The State ideology is not formulated, national development directions are missing. Three quarters of the population live in abject poverty, leading a life of the last century level.
Scientific researches are being ceased, the level of the Education System is declining, the rising generation is morally and mentally degrading .
The financial resources are fully dependent on international banks, the national currency, lei, depends on the dollar .
The number of those who emigrate and leave the country looking for a job amounts 600,000 people per year.
Ecological safety is reaching its critical level.
The population number diminishes, almost half of new-born children have health problems.
The criminality exceeded all the conceivable critical levels, the so-called “thieves in law” are joining the ranks of Power Bodies.
The country is split on territorial, ethnical, confessional principles.
Government bodies are nothing but pure show, with a shadow economy of about 50% , corrupted officials and a total nepotism.
Moldova is out of control and for the near future the loss of its statehood is imminent .
The “Unity” Bloc, in the name of the people and country salvation shall strive
for the following:
Political Program
Constitutional Reform:
- Moldova — a federation, thus solving the problem of territorial integrity;
- the Russian language — the second State language of the country- annihilation of the interethnic opposition and a proportional representation of national minorities in government bodies of all levels;
- a clearly formulated and consolidated patriotic policy of the State — to return the people its History and language;
- restoration of the capital punishment.
Economic Activity:
- the entrance of Moldova into the Russia-Byelorussia union — creation of jobs and expansion of the commodity market for the goods produced in the country;
- the criminological expertise of all legislative acts — abrogation of all laws and legislative acts that cause damage to the State economy;
- fiscal legislation reform, a radical reduction of taxes — the legalization of the shadow economy;
- complete liberty to the agrarian sector, the priority being given to scientific-industrial complex ;
- the maximal levy of taxes and ensuring of uninterrupted financing of the budget sphere;
- legislative consolidation of transparency towards the incomes of the deputies, State officials and judges;
- all the payments to the population should be done on a regularly basis: indexing salaries, pensions, allowances, scholarships, as well as their regular increase;
- guaranteeing a free of charge minimum of education and health care level, guaranteeing to the poor on a free of charge basis;
- access for the people to continuing their education, as well as to medical care.
- The main rights — the right to a worthy and wealthy life, security against arbitrary rules, the right to personal choice;
- the priority of rights and liberties of the people over the rights of the functionaries;
- absolute equality of all of the people before the Law;
- the priority of the national interests of Moldova in front of the interests of the private capital;
- priority of moral values, family and national traditions before the mass culture in the educational sphere and mass media;
- increase of responsibility for the enkindle of the national and religious discords for actions that cause damage to the independence and State security of Moldova;
Foreign Policy:
- Forever with Russia;
- with the Russia-Byelorussia union;
- in the European Community, but only together with Russia;
- the establishing of the multi-polar world, in the name of removal of any danger of the “world host” dictate, moving of NATO to the East at the expense of our territories;
- Moldova, together with Transnistria and Gagauzia must represent the multinational Moldovan people in the boundaries of the Moldova SSR, in which the main achievement will be the dignity of human personality;
- the guarantee of the right to jobs abroad.
In the Parliament must be elected professionals who are not infringed on the basis of national or language principles, new people, who are not involved in the theft of the population personal deposits, as well as those who haven’t taken part in the enkindle of the national discords, in the Dniester war or in the process of territorial breaking up of the country.