The Electoral Bloc “Plai Natal” is a modern political alliance, which is in opposition to the current government.
The Social-political Movement “Plai Natal” was set up two years ago when it became clear that neither President nor Parliament were able to evaluate the actual state of affairs in the country and take decisive actions.
When Plai Natal is elected to Parliament, we shall strive for:
- Introduction of a single tax of 10% and establishment of the minimum wage of 500 lei.
- Reduction of customs duties and excises, liquidation of contraband and legalization of economy.
- Reduction of prices on oil, electricity, heating and other utilities.
- Facilitated funding for entrepreneurs and farmers.
- Full insurance by the state of invalids unable to work, war veterans, Afghanistan war veterans and Dniestr armed conflict veterans who have passed over the age of 50 years.
- Introduction of free medical assistance for pregnant women, war veterans and people suffering with social sicknesses as well as free medical emergency services.
- Introduction of the free higher education system in accordance with the priority economic domains. For the rest of the students there shall be provided loans which they shall refund during their years of work.
- Amendment of the Constitution to institute the presidential form of government, a two-chamber Parliament in which Trasnnistria and Gaguz Yeri shall be represented and parliamentary elections based on single mandate constituencies.
- Depriving the deputies of the parliamentary immunity and creating a Department for Ethics under the Cabinet.
- Establishing a National Committee for fight of organized crime and corruption to report to the people.