As an independent candidate, the major goal that I propose myself to achieve as deputy in the Parliament of Moldova shall be to follow the truth of God and the good of the people. In all my actions I shall be guided by the principles of Christian morality and shall recognize the supremacy of God’s will over my life and my deeds. I will do everything to rehabilitate the trust in and the dignity of the name of a representative of the People. I would like with all my heart to give hope back to the hearts of the desperate and the light to the souls burdened by the problems of life.
I assume all responsibility for my actions as deputy and engage to respect the beliefs and obligations referred to below:
- I believe that all the power and authority belongs to the triple God. Anybody who hold power is responsible before God and the People. All state power bodies must pursue the justice and the good of the people. I believe that the future of the Republic of Moldova can be founded on the Christian morality and the democratic values.
- I believe that every individual is a personality created by the face and likeness of God. Any individual has the right to the freedom of opinion and must assume responsibility for his/her actions. I engage to fight for the defense of human rights, in particular the religious freedom. Every citizen of the Republic of Moldova has the right to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of nationality, social position, political affiliation or religious convictions.
- I believe that the Church has a special role in building a sound foundation for the society. One of the major tasks to be fulfilled by the Church is to herald the Word of God and do away with the disastrous consequences of the atheist past. The activity of churches and religious cults must be based on the principle of separation of church from the state, noninterference by the state in the affairs of the latter and the guarantee of all individual’s rights to free choice and decision with regard to his/her religious convictions.
- I believe that the family is the foundation of a sound society. I shall defend the integrity and interests of the family. I will advocate the ban of abortion, noninterference by the state in family planning issues, the respect of the rights of mothers and children, the interdiction of human cloning and therefore acknowledge that life is the supreme gift of God.
- I believe that every human being has the right to a life in dignity guaranteed by the Constitution. The obligation of the state is to ensure its citizens with opportunities to a stable income to cover basic life needs. I will direct my efforts toward promoting such legislation as to protect the socially vulnerable categories of population create new jobs and ensure a happy old age.
- I believe that the youth is the future of the country. The state is fully responsible for providing equal training and professional education opportunities both in towns and villages. Education must be ensured in the spirit of the values of Christian morality and the sentiment of patriotism. I shall fight to offer the youngsters opportunities to express themselves in all aspects of life as well as to study abroad and find jobs.
- I believe that the Republic of Moldova must become a country of equal opportunities for all those who want to work. The private property is the foundation of economic relations in a free and democratic state. The state is obliged to create favorable conditions for the development of agriculture, small and medium-scale business, stimulate and encourage the free initiative. Our country’s economic future is conditional upon an appropriate development of villages.
- I believe that the strategic orientation of the Republic of Moldova must be integration into the European structures. The experience of other countries that have already reached such an objective may be followed. In the field of foreign politics, I will plead for the development of multilateral, mutually advantageous ties with all countries of the world willing to cooperate with Moldova. I see it as a priority to establish good relations with advanced democratic countries.
- I believe in the rule-of-law. The state is obliged to protect its citizens. I believe that justice must play a decisive role in the fight of delinquency and corruption. I believe that the Republic of Moldova is a neutral state and will not put up with any attempt to devise it.
- I believe that government officials are the servants of the people and must make all effort to solve the problems faced by their country. A true leader must have the courage to face the lack of justice and put the national interest above his/her personal interests. Faith and justice, honesty and dignity, modesty and compassion shall guide all my action as deputy in Parliament.
So help me God!