Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsParliamentary2001Electoral ContestantsPCRM

Electoral platform of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova

  1. Strengthening the sovereignty and statehood of the Republic of Moldova, recovering its territorial integrity.
  2. Pursuing an economic course to revive our economy and give every individual the opportunity to work, support his/her family, study and have a materially ensured old age.
  3. Stopping with all firmness the robbery of the republic and the corruption.
  4. Recovering the power of the people, social justice and interethnic understanding in the society.

The Communist Party shall assume the following responsibilities in front of the voters of the Republic of Moldova:

To implement such a program, one will need not only to work hard, have a strong will and be supported by the entire people, but also supplementary funds.

Where will we get the money?

Here are the main sources:

These measures alone will allow us to increase at least twice the state budget. Industry and agriculture will recover. Hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants, specialists from towns and villages, scientists will resume their creative work and give their families a decent life. Fair entrepreneurs will work in normal circumstances and saved from the state and criminal racketeering. The people will gradually be relieved of the heavy burden of poverty. The buying capacity of the population will increase. Our children will be given back their future and those who are at an advanced age — an ensured old age and peace of soul.

We are certain:
Life will be fine!

We are struggling for power not for the sake of power, but out of the major communist cause — to serve the working people. The aim of our program is to join the efforts of all honest, initiative-driven people in the name of the revival of our dear Moldova.

Together we will ensure order in the country and wellbeing in every house!

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Republic of Moldova
January 2001

/“COMUNISTUL”, No 1(217), January 12, 2001/