Parliamentary anticipated elections on the 25th of February, 2001 have been imposed to our society by the communists, who had voted in July 2000 for Constitution modification having in mind the hidden thought of taking advantage of the further democratization of the political system of the Republic of Moldova in order to change this system by a new totalitarian dictatorship. July 2000 events have preceded by the actions of Lucinschi-Voronin-Rosca coalition aiming at destroying the Alliance for Democracy and Reforms, at dismissing the Government created by the Alliance and installing a Government created by communists, “frontists” and Lucinschi. At the same time Lucinschi has declared the campaign of Constitution modification in order to constitute a Presidential Republic and by this opening the way to an authoritarian regime.
The destructive policy promoted by Lucinschi-Voronin-Rosca in the years 1999–2000 lead to even a bigger increase of political instability, fact which in its turn lead to a greater multidimensional crises of the society. The Republic of Moldova has been pushed on the edge of the precipice with the danger of a break down of strong social conflicts. The Democratic Forces Party has for many times drawn the public opinion attention from the country and abroad to the danger of the communist restoration, danger of an authoritarian communist regime establishment and the liquidation of the independence of the Republic of Moldova through its dissolving into the Russian-Belarus Union, through denationalization of the population of our country according to the soviet model. These dangers are still persisting. The PDF thinks that the country can overcome the present crisis only by implementing a coherent and balanced program of economic, political and social reforms approving and promoting a realistic strategy in the sphere of foreign policy that would have as a basis objective promotion and fulfillment of fundamental interests of our society.
The PDF suggests such a program taking the commitment of fulfilling it through its representatives in the Parliament, Government and public administration bodies.
The main objectives of PDF in the nearest future are:
- Ensuring social security of the citizens;
- Combating poverty through economic growth,
- Law enforcement and real, efficient fight against corruption and organized crime,
- Continuing and finalizing the reforms in order to provide a decent level of life of the population,
- Establishment of the State of Law and the Civil Society,
- Respecting human rights and historically established spiritual and moral values: trust in god, family durability, guaranteed and law defended private property of the citizens,
- Gradual adherent of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union.
The Program of the PDF of modernization and development of our society has been realistically and pragmatically thought out and has an aim to valuably use all the resources and competencies at our disposal for the citizens to be able to conduct a decent level of life and the Republic of Moldova to be able to reach the place it deserves in Europe and in the world.
I. Providing social security through economic growth:
PDF will take concrete steps in order to organize the society and the economy in such a way that in could produce more wealth and provide in his way a substantial growth of the level of life for all social categories, for the majority who have to suffer from the “costs of the transition”. The idea of social justice dominates our political activity.
Having a pragmatic, opened to real economy and fundamental needs of the citizens, vision the PDF aims at a real and sustainable growth of the economy as a means of poverty eradication and significant improvement of the level of life of the citizens. Sustainable economic growth will be achieved through up dating industry, agriculture and service industry infrastructure. Education, scientific research and culture represent important points in our strategy of development.
PDF will undertake actions for the following:
- motivating and protecting local investments, attracting and guaranteeing foreign investments;- finalizing the privatization process of agriculture and post privatization development of agriculture. Motivating the agricultural development through support to land ownership associations and rural economic agents cooperation.;
- fiscal facilitation of the import of means of production and agricultural equipment, putting into function the mechanism of motivation and promotion of agricultural goods export;
- direct subventions to land owners ;- motivation, especially in villages, of small and middle agricultural products and other local raw material processing enterprizes as well as promoting of handicrafts;
- favoring the investments in the branches of means of production (agricultural technical equipment, light and food processing industry equipment);
- removing the electricity dependence of the Republic of Moldova on one market, connection to the European energetic system, promotion of the electric interconnections with Romania in order to join UCPTR;
- de-monopolization and privatization electric energy and thermal systems, and their fuel supply;
- making the funding of the healthcare system, education, culture, science and sport a State priority;
- stating a lawful correlation between Individual social contribution of every citizen and he society’s duty to protect those who are in need;
- differential social assistance of employees and compensations to those whose salaries are lower then the living minimum stated by law;
- approving a realist program referring to reimbursement of population savings accumulated before the price liberalization on the 1 of January 1992;
- creation economic and financial conditions for providing every family with a place of living, the young families first of all and for family consolidation and upbringing of a healthy young generation;
- Reorganization of the health care assistance with the aim of meeting the population needs, development of family doctors service supply and crating the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the legislative framework on the minimum free of charge medical assistance and to develop a state program on combating socially dangerous contagious diseases (hepatitis, TB,AIDS);
- Providing equal chances for education, support to the young coming from rural territories and from poor families by reserving places with special destination at universities and colleges, implementing the system of preferential credits;
- Support to professional integration of the youth;
- Funding from the state budget of pre-university education;
- Synchronization of Moldovan and Romanian education systems, curriculum compatibility and common textbooks implementation;
- Integral job payment form the state budget of those employed in public administration;
- Creating new jobs by attracting foreign investments;
- Retraining the unemployed in accordance with the labor market demand; — providing certain cervices for the elderly people for them to be able to conduct a decent level of life, supporting sport and tourism.
II. Law Supremacy in the Country and Efficient Fight Against Organized Crime and Corruption
Taking into consideration the fact that the fundamental rights of the citizens have been ignored or frequently violated by the State Authorities during the last years, and that the continuous impoverishment of the population lead to the increase the number of committed crimes and that the existing system favored corruption at all levels but the crime and corruption combating was just simulated by those who have the real power in the state, PDF will undertake measures for:
- creating an efficient institutional and organizational framework meant to ensure monitoring over the law execution, combating corruption, criminality and underground economy;
- reestablishing trust in the juridical acts, in the mechanisms of imposing legality and public order aiming at protecting citizens rights and security. Justice should become powerful, credible, it should serve as a veritable factor of censorship over abuse;- working out the package of documents necessary to urgently reform the legislative bodies, increasing their role in criminal prosecution, in protecting the fundamental human rights and general interests of the society with the aim of increasing criminality combating efficiency.
- Approval of new codes, inclusively the Civil Code, the Penal Code, and Penal Procedure Code- implementing on the large scale the simplified procedure to less dangerous offences in order to raise the role of law enforcement bodies in combating the more dangerous crimes- introducing the judiciary control over criminal cases initiation.
- Strengthening the Court Independence, creating the necessary conditions for a good functioning of institutions of the court.
- Working out a legislative framework directed to ensure the provisions of the principle of free access to justice, State financial support for qualified juridical assistance of the citizens;
- Revising the procedures of economic disputes by their maximum simplification, creating the legislative background for the large scale usage of the mechanisms of non judiciary solutions of the cases that result from contracts (notary prescriptions etc.);
- Excluding any abusive interference of the law enforcement bodies into the activity of economic entities.
III. Democracy and Reform Consolidation
PDF is for the reformation of the political life that would consolidate the democracy, would increase the transparency and responsibility of the public institutions towards the citizens.
PDF will undertake measure to:
- consolidate the independence of the Republic of Moldova and the existing Constitutional system, counteraction of anti-constitutional plans of including Moldova into the Russian-Belarus Union;
- recovering the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova over its integral territory and ensuring its territorial integrity;
- Respecting the OSCE Summit decisions at Istanbul referring to complete withdrawal of the Russian troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova till the end of the year 2002;
- Clear separation and efficient co-working of the state powers according to exiting experience in democratic countries;
- Continuation of economic and structural transformations in order to provide irreversibility of the democratization process of the society and market economy institution;
- creating the private competitive sector, correcting the in-equitability of the privatization process in order to accelerate the appearance of the real middle layer of the society;
- establishing a responsible and transparent system of public administration that would support the private sector and would promote an innovative and competitive development strategy;
- Meeting the interests of local and territorial communities ,inclusively those from Transnistria and “Gagauz-Yeri” by taking advantage of autonomous economic, administrative and budgetary competencies;
- Firm and consequent implementation of the legislative framework referring to public administration, continuing decentralization of public local budgets aiming at giving financial autonomy to collectivities;
- Institutionalization of the cooperation of trans-frontier regions;
- creating optimal conditions for a viable civil and democratic society functioning;- ensuring respect of generally recognized human fundamental rights and freedoms.
IV. European Integration
PDF considers that joining the European Union (EU) should be the main strategic objective of the Republic of Moldova. European integration offers a favorable framework for ensuring prosperity, security and stability of the state and its citizens, it would facilitate the transformation of the Republic of Moldova into a modern state with an up dated and efficient economy and stable democratic institutions; it ensures free circulation of goods, capital, services and mobility citizens of the Republic of Moldova in the member countries. The citizens of the Republic of Moldova will benefit from social treatment complied with the European Community standards.
PDF will continue to strive to:
- obtain the Status of a full right participant at the Stability Pact for South East Europe;
- work out an Action plan that would define in details the present day situation, objectives and actions that are to be undertaken in different sectors, mechanisms of decision implementation, necessary technical and financial assistance;
- meet the requirement for the countries which are on the way of joining the EU;
- bringing the national legislative framework in compliance with the legislation of the EU;- signing an agreement of the association of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union.
- Integration of the Republic of Moldova to the European and world economic systems;
PDF is for:
- intensifying the bilateral collaboration on the bases of mutually advantageous principles and increasing the possibilities of co-working with international financial organization;
- Republic of Moldova active participation in the activities of international organizations.
Its time to wake up!
Vote for the Party of Democratic Forces! (PDF)