I. General Principles
The National Peasant Christian Democratic Party of the Republic of Moldova (further PNCTD) is a political party, created through consolidation of the will of the peasants put in possession of land into a common force, capable to insure poverty eradication and advancement to a better life of the whole society.
The main aim of the PNCTD is to create political, economic and social premises, which would provide real conditions to meet material and spiritual interests of the peasants, teachers, physicians, representatives of the cultural sphere, businessmen.
The doctrine of the PNCTD is based on three fundamental principles: Pre-eminence of Private Property, Christian Morality, Homeland and Nation Awareness.
Pre-eminence of Private Property. The superiority of private property was evident during the whole history of the human civilisation. Only private property allows the combination of interest with Individual abilities , capacities and responsibility.
Christian Morality. In order to build a civilised society, it is necessary that the Christian morality, with its love and tolerance towards man and the 10 commandments become again the fundamental criterion in the approval and disapproval of relationships among people, political activities, state administration, legislative activity etc.
Adopting democracy and Christian Morality as ideological principles, PNCTD unreservedly imparts the Christian-democracy, considering it the most adequate to our people’s nature and as giving much hope for a better future for our society.
Homeland and Nation Awareness. The inseparable elements of the advancement to future should be the realisation of our millennial past in the historic and ethnic space of our national becoming, belonging to our Romanian people, we share the same, Romanian, language with, as well as the whole treasure of the same spiritual values. Acknowledging and being proud of the whole treasure, gathered for centuries, we care, above all, for our ancestral home, which is the Republic of Moldova, we care for the people of this land with its suffering and torment, we care for our State that has to be strengthened.
II. Citizen and Government
PNCTD considers that the whole home policy must be centred on the primacy of the citizen in relation with the state, on citizen’s free access and active participation at the formation of state policy, local, regional and national strategies.
PNCTD disapproves the current proportional system of Parliament formation, when the selection of the candidates that are to be included in the electoral ballots takes place in the lobby and the elector is proposed lists that are practically de-personalised through the thousands of names they contain. Our party speaks in support of the majority system, i.e. choosing concrete deputies in each constituency. In this way every citizen will know whom he personally commissions his rights to.
PNCTD is against dismissing the big numbers of civil servants at each change of Government. The change of the Government must not cause radical changes in the structure of the public administration , the modalities of employment and dismiss should be well stipulated in the legislative framework instead of being left at the discretion of the new ministers and vice-ministers.
PNCTD supports the administrative territorial reform and is ready to contribute by any means to the processes of decentralisation of the state power and of strengthening the new administrative units.
PNCTD supports the non-partisanship of the decision-making bodies, their staff professionalism, their demands of being remunerated according to the responsibility of their position and assumed risks. At the same time, public order maintenance bodies must become a more efficient guarantee in defending citizen’ rights and liberty, protection of private and public property.
PNCTD speaks in favour of abolition of the immunity of deputies, members of the Government, prosecutors, judges and other civil servants. PNCTD also stands up for the citizen’s safe and law supremacy in relationship with every citizen.
III. Democracy Consolidation
PNCTD stands for the improvement of the society democratisation process and overcome the prejudices left by the totalitarian regime and therefore:
- will struggle against communist ideology and the tendencies of the old empire, no mater which form it might take;
- will continue to stand up for conclusive guarantees for citizens’ human rights, protecting them from abuse of power, and offering them to voluntarily participate — in a direct or indirect way — at state and society decision making;
- will continue to support equality of rights of all social, professional, religious and ethnic groups as active partners of common efforts for the advancement of the whole society; we consider the Ukrainians, Russians, Gagauz, Bulgarians and representatives of other ethnic groups from the Republic of Moldova our brothers with full rights, encouraging them, with our heart open, to unite our forces and find for our country a way out of the crisis, for the benefit of today’s and tomorrow’s generations;
- will support the process of formation of a state based on law, with real separation of legislative, executive and judiciary power; PNCTD is for the intangible supremacy of the Law;
- will fight the attempts of state power usurpation, likelihood of a dictatorial regime installation;
- will militate for the consolidation of state and prosperity of the Republic of Moldova as an independent, free and incorruptible State in the ethnic area of its national evolution, allowing no form of separatism;
- will contribute to the profound study of the process of national renaissance, on the basis of historical, social, ethnic and cultural values of the people.
PNCTD expresses its profound anxiety about the proportions that the protectionism, corruption and crime have reached, declaring its willingness to contribute to the counteraction of these evils, which are major threats for State and society development.
IV. Economic Policy
4.1. Encouragement and support of native producer
PNCTD considers that in conditions of transition to market economy the main aim of the state economic policy must be the encouragement of native producers and speaks in favour of improving and making more effective the fiscal, currency-credit, and investment policies, as well as:
- enforcing new simplified standards of accounting and substantial reduction of the documents requested by the fiscal and control bodies;
- exemption of economic agents, in the first instance from rural localities, involved in purchasing and processing of agricultural products, providing agricultural-technical and zoo-veterinary services, from income tax for a period of 5 year;
- exemption from value added tax and customs tariffs imports of new technology, engineering, agricultural equipment, units for the economy, import of herbicide and pesticide for plant protection;
- exemption of banks from the tax on income gained from granting investing credits for a period of at least 5 years;
- exemption economic agents, planting vine and fruit trees from tax for a period of 5–7 years within the limits of the invested capital;
- granting credits guaranteed by mortgage in the agricultural sector, investing external credits in creation of small processing enterprises in rural localities, planting of vines and orchards, purchase of engineering and new technology of advanced productivity;
- introduction of a more effective system of fiscal administration, optimisation of public expenses with the reduction of the ineffective ones, guarantee of public sector’s transparency, lessening in this way the fiscal pressure on the real sector of economy;
- protection of internal market through customs tariffs as well as through a effective system of import certification, guarantee of fito-sanitary and veterinary control of the imported products;
- encouraging of the home produce export, including through facilitating credit granting, return of the value added tax on products exported in conditions of currency repatriation.
4.2. Agriculture and Food Industry
PNCTD considers as a fundamental strategic objective formation and maintenance of a sustainable development system of the agricultural sector. In order to fulfil this objective it plans to:
- work out and put into practice agricultural and food policies, strategies and developing programs of agriculture and food processing industry at the national and regional level;
- develop the food market, market of means of production and services, of technical and scientific production, of capital and securities;
- adjust the agricultural and food processing sectors to the new requirements through orientation to competitive goods production, that would resist national and international competition;
- develop a sustainable agriculture, increasing the economic profitability and the benefit of agricultural producers by rational usage of natural, human and material resources;
- co-operate and integrate in the international agricultural economy, collaboration with international bodies;
- attract internal and external investments, foundation of price policies, adjustment of fiscal and credit supply policies to the specificity of the agricultural sector;
- finalise the land reform and ensure free circulation of the land property in order to obtain a better structure of agricultural entities; develop land ownership of the peasants with their really inherited part from the heritage of the former collective farms;
- adjust agricultural regulatory mechanisms to new requirement of the market economy;
- consolidate and make the peasants households prosper, as well as the associations of land ownership’s based on private property;
- encourage the development of the system of supplying the agricultural sector with technical equipment, fuel, seeds and high biologic potential etc.;
- create favourable conditions of harvest, procession, transportation and trade of the agricultural production, to develop the infrastructure of agricultural services system;
- having full transparency of the investment possibilities in agriculture;
- introducing efficient loan offering forms of peasants’ enterprises;
- introducing legal guaranteeing mechanisms in agriculture such as mortgage, collateral, leasing etc.;
- foundation of the County Agricultural Chamber and National Agricultural Stock market as agricultural business centres in the Republic of Moldova;
- on the bases of loan giving and economic associations to create a Peasants’ Agricultural Banks, that would direct the cash flow to the private sector and would offer long term loans to support the development of the agricultural private sector;
- enlarge the service use of local and foreign qualified specialists in the field that would come with useful recommendations on high technologies, that would suggest environment clean technologies, scientific proposals on the crop rotation, rising their quality and productivity in order to obtain a positive balance of humus and nutrition elements in the soils, programs of combating the soil erosion, sub-floods, excessive dryness of the plots, slide prevention ;
4.3 Industry
PNTCD considers that the current present day situation in industry need an energetic industrial policy in the following domains:
- finalising the reforms in industry, de-monopolisation and privatisation of the existing industrial branches;
- development of the updated fruit, vegetable, grapes, tobacco, sunflower, sugar beet, cereals, milk, meat, wool processing industries by applying new technologies that would provide high quality goods from a technical, economic and scientific point of view;
- production of the new agricultural equipment that will comply with the requirements of the private agriculture, equipment for transportation needs, for light industry, telecommunication and computerisation;
- encouragement of an accelerated development of industries agriculturally nondependent and their prior placement in the rural areas;
- a rapid industrialisation of the rural area that would absorb the excess of the labour force and would at the same time keep the peasants in their spiritual environment offering them at the same time the economic advantages of a private economic activity;
- efficient support to the national strategic industrial sectors such as electricity, telecommunications and pharmaceutics;
- support to small and middle business the owner of which will make ,together with agricultural ownership, the main social layer, successful and independent from the economic point of view.
4.4 Energy
PNCTD will strive for the following in the field of energy policy:
- overcome the situation when the energy needs of the country depend on the large scale only on one supplier;
- work out and implementation of a complex national program on energy saving in all the branches of economic and social activity;
- technological upgrading of industrial activities, transport in order to low the energy consumption to a production item fact that should be a priority in all industrial branches;
- gradual decentralisation of electric energy production and distribution, giving priority to local enterprises that use ecologically clean and safe technologies;
- implementation of renewing energy technologies (bio-energy, wind energy, solar energy etc.).
V. Environmental Protection
PNCTD considers that sustainable maintenance of the soil fertility, maintenance of the bio-diversity, of the traditional rural landscape, improvement of the environment — serve a main factor for national development and in order to fulfil this task it would promote the following:
- re-establishing the balance between the arable surfaces and the pasture territories taking into consideration the number of life stock to balance the production potential and soil protection requirements;
- gradual change of the forest fund from a state property in a private property according to specific legal stipulations that would categorically forbid any kind of forest renting;
- increasing the level of forest lands by planting more trees, protection lines;
- recovering the affected by economic activities or natural disasters landscapes, solving the issue of non-recyclable waste neutralisation;
- orientating the state policy towards forest management first of all in the direction of protection, regeneration and extension of the forest fund as a basic element of recovering the forest ecosystems in order to extend and regenerate the forest fund and ecological and climatic balance;
- to conserve the bio-diversity;
VI. Social Policy
6.1 Education
PNCTD thinks that Moldova’s survival and prosperity depend to a large extend on the intellectual potential of the country and the state should:
- To ensure every citizen with the possibility of applying his/her abilities, to be able to chose the profession he/she likes that would bring him/her material and spiritual satisfaction;
- To efficiently support the state education of all levels, with the orientation to western standards;
- To encourage the private education of all profiles;
- To ensure the implementation of the constitutional provision of giving autonomy to institutions of higher education;
- To find means of sending students and other specialists to practice abroad;
- To work out a state program of protection to didactic personnel and scientists in which it should be a provision on their remuneration for the contribution they bring to the education of the new generations and in the science development;
6.2 Culture and Religion
PNCTD is for the free access to the values of universal culture, freedom of spiritual values circulation of Moldovan Romanians and of co-living ethnic communities and would contribute to:
- protect the national cultural patrimony of the Republic of Moldova as alienable wealth of the whole society, national culture prosperity for the present and the future generations;
- reintegration of the cultural values of Moldovan Romanians into the Romanian spirituality;
- promotion of cultural changes on the inter-state level;
- radical change of the material situation of the cultural sector especially in the country meaning that margining of this sector will lead to enormous damage and prejudices for the present and the future generation;
- ensure entire religious freedom as an element of fundamental human freedoms;
- respecting the independence and autonomy of all cults and religious confessions supporting their contribution to common spiritual goodness;
- official recognition of Basarabian Metropolitan Church with in the framework of the Romanian Orthodox Church fact that will confirm Moldova’s attachment to International Law requirements.
6.3 Healthcare assistance
PNCTD is for a state supported healthcare assistance, with the free of charge access of the citizens to healthcare services based on updated healthcare and supports:
- state owned network of policlinics, hospitals, pharmacies, rest homes and supply with updated diagnostic and treating equipment;
- preventive medicine development;
- sanitation and hygienic education of the population, making every citizen aware of the importance of conducting a healthy life style;
- private healthcare extension, development of medical insurance system and other forms that proved to be effective in other countries;
- At the same time PNCTD disapproves the taken steps that destroy the healthcare system by drastic reforms of infrastructure, closing the hospitals and introduction of unbearable medical fees for the majority of the population.
6.4 Social Protection
Standing for market economy principles, for economic liberalisation, PNCTD manifests special concern to keeping social order, national income distribution, social assistance and protection of special categories of the population, of social risk people and families. In order to solve these issues the party will contribute to:
- social assistance to elderly people;
- working out and implementing a special support system for families with many children;
- social protection of the invalids;
- improving the system of nominal compensations for communal services for a certain category of the population;
- protection of the unemployed;
- acceptable equilibration of the social protection and the inflation rate;
- creation of non governmental pension funds and funds of social protection of the population;
- application of fiscal, banking and investment mechanisms in finding new jobs;
- employing the unemployed by launching some public work projects, retraining and re-qualifying people;
- creating the necessary conditions for family consolidation and bring up of a healthy generation;
- promoting women in all spheres of economic, social and political life of the society according to their professional qualities;
- working out programs for children development by supporting the pre-school institutions, schools of different profiles, by guaranteed state assistance of super-capable children, especially those who come from poor families;
- development of family planning centres, social protection of young families, especially the handicapped and the ones living in poverty through a special system of medical rehabilitation, of social recovery and of personal support depending on the level of income.
VII. Foreign Policy
PNCTD stays for Moldovan integration into the European states family;
PNCTD will support efforts in the field of economic and cultural co-operation and integration of the Republic of Moldova with Romania and neighbouring countries.
PNCTD will support the activities of creating bridges and friendship relationships and collaboration with all the countries of the world, consolidation of the collaboration with all international and regional bodies. At the same time preserving the principle of non external interference in internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova, the party will reject any external tentative of dictatorship, of encouragement of division or federalisation of the country according to ethnic groups, of motivating separatist tendencies and of raising suspicion towards Moldovan Romanians on behalf of other ethnic groups.
Let God Bless Us!