Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsParliamentary2001Electoral ContestantsPPCD

List of candidates of the Christian Democratic People’s Party running for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in parliamentary elections of February 25, 2001

No. d/oFirst and last namesAddressYear of birthPolitical affiliation
1Rosca Iuriemun. Chisinau1961PPCD
Journalist, chairperson al Christian Democratic Peoples Party, deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
2Alexei Nicolaemun. Chisinau1948-
Lawyer, Ph.D. in Law, Head of the Department for Fight of Corruption and Organized Crime (temporarily suspended)
3Cubreacov Vladmun. Chisinau1965PPCD
Journalist, Vice-chairperson al Christian Democratic Peoples Party, deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
4Chilat Valentinv. Barnova, Edinet County1959PPCD
Teacher, Chairperson of the Edinet County Branch of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party
5Prisacari Viorelmun. Chisinau1946-
Epidemiologist, Ph.D. in Medicine, University Teacher, Deputy Rector on scientific Matters at the State University of Medicine and Pharmaceutics “Nicolae Testimitanu”
6Girla Eugeniumun. Chisinau1953PPCD
Computer Analyst, economist, deputy
7Paterau Rioritamun. Balti1962PPCD
Teacher, Head of Chair at the College of Music and Pedagogy of Balti
8Secareanu Stefanmun. Chisinau1959PPCD
Journalist, Director of the periodical publication “Tara”, deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
9Glavan Iulianmun. Chisinau1953PPCD
Neurosurgeon, Ph.D. in Medicine, Assistant at the State University of Medicine and Pharmaceutics “Nicolae Testimitanu”
10Conisescu Andreimun. Chisinau1952PPCD
Economist, consultant at the Parliamentary Committee for Economy, Industry and Privatization
11Zubcu Efimmun. Soroca1943PPCD
Commodity Expert, Chairperson of the Soroca County Branch of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party, vice-chairperson of the Joint Stock Company “Concordia-Soroca”
12Roscovan Mihaimun. Chisinau1957PPCD
Economist, Ph.D. in Economics, Director of the Institute for Research and Consulting in Management “Business Consulting Institute”
13Ciobanu Mirceamun. Chisinau1956PPCD
Teacher, Publishing Director of the Editorial-Paleographical Enterprise “Science”
14Vasilache Ignatt. Cimislia, jud. Lapusna1953PPCD
Philologist, Journalist, Chairperson of the Lapusna County Branch of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party, Director of the periodical publication “Gazeta de Sud”
15Cerneavschi Veaceslavt. Straseni, jud. Chisinau1949-
Lawyer and economist, General Director of the Joint Stock Company “Company of Leasing Unused Bonds”
16Lazar Alexandrucom. Manta, jud. Cahul1959PPCD
Economist, Chairperson of the Cahul County Branch of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party, deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
17Osipov Dumitrumun. Chisinau1954PPCD
Engineer-physicist, Chairperson of the Chisinau Municipality Branch of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party, deputy
18Buzdugan Viorelmun. Chisinau1971PPCD
Lawyer, Chairperson of the Youth Organization “ New Generation” of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party, Legal Consultant of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party
19Ciubotaru Bogdanmun. Chisinau1973PPCD
Lawyer, MA in Law, Legal Consultant at the periodical publication “Tara”
20Tinica Alexandrut. Soldanesti, jud. Orhei1962PPCD
Doctor, Surgeon at the Soldanesti town hospital
21Arsene-Herescu Larisamun. Soroca1947PPCD
Doctor, Soroca County Hospital
22Romanciuc Petrucom. Scumpia, jud. Balti1959PPCD
Engine driver, farmer
23Tonu Valentinamun. Hancesti, jud. Lapusna1964PPCD
Teacher, Director of the Theoretical Theater “Mihail Sadoveanu” of Hancesti
24Mamaliga Ionmun. Chisinau1957PPCD
Journalist, Chairperson of the Association of Private Transporters
25Stratulat Nicolaet. Straseni, jud. Chisinau1941PPCD
Teacher, Boarding Gymnasium of Straseni
26Mocanu Stefanamun. Chisinau1954PPCD
Teacher, Department for the protection of Children Rights, Ciocana District
27Zbarciog Valeriumun. Chisinau1948PPCD
Engineer, economist, Ph.D. in Economic Science, Acting University Teacher at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
28Balaur Nicolaemun. Chisinau1939PPCD
Biologist, Ph.D. in Biology, University Teacher, Member Correspondent of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Moldova, Head of Laboratory at the Institute for Physiology of Plants of the Academy of Science
29Rusu Lilianamun. Edinet1947PPCD
Teacher, Inspector at the Edinet County General Department for Education, Youth and Sports
30Ciuvaga Victormun. Soroca1971PPCD
Physicist, Director of the Theoretical Lyceum “Constantin Stere” of Soroca municipality
31Buruiana Mariamun. Ungheni1959PPCD
Teacher, Education Director of the Theoretical Lyceum “Gheorghe Asachi” of Ungheni municipality
32Galusca Iont. Leova, jud. Lapusna1949PPCD
Teacher, Theoretical Lyceum of Carpineni, Lapusna County
33Croitoru Iont. Durlesti, mun. Chisinau1951PPCD
Mathematician, Head of Department for Public relations of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party
34Racu Aureliamun. Chisinau1943PPCD
Teacher, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, University Teacher at the Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”
35Petelca Grigoret. Rascani, jud. Balti1951PPCD
Teacher of Music, Director of the Musical School for Children of Riscani town
36Iancu Mihaimun. Chisinau1935PPCD
Teacher, pensioner
37Adauge Mihailmun. Chisinau1958PPCD
Historian, Director of the Editorial Complex “Civitas” Ltd.
38Turculet Ghermant. Floresti, jud. Soroca1954PPCD
Electrician, unemployed
39Socolic Eugeniamun. Chisinau1941PPCD
Teacher, Expert Coordinator at the Department for Education, Science, Youth and Sports of the Chisinau municipality
40Arseni Alexandrumun. Chisinau1952PPCD
Lawyer, Ph.D. in Law, University Teacher at the State University of Moldova
41Ciobanu Vasilejud. Lapusna1949PPCD
Teacher, Theoretical Lyceum in Leova
42Postica Anatoljud. Tighina1952PPCD
Accountant, Head of the Tighina Territorial Agency of the National Commission for Real Estate Assets
43Butuc Iont. Cantemir, jud. Cahul1950PPCD
Doctor, Head of the Cantemir Town Substation for Emergency Medical Assistance
44Turcan Andreit. Donduseni, jud. Edinet1957PPCD
Lawyer, Mayor of commune Baraboi, Edinet County
45Spanu Nicolaes. Chiscareni, jud. Balti1955PPCD
Teacher, Director if the Secondary School of village Chiscareni
46Manole Tudort. Falesti, jud. Balti1949PPCD
Constructions Engineer, Head of Constructions at ICM-2 of Falesti town
47Stavinschi Liubas. Saharna Noua, jud. Orhei1961PPCD
Teacher, Deputy Director of Gymnasium in Saharna Noua village
48Grigorasenco Ioncom. Holercani, jud. Chisinau1953PPCD
Agronomist, farmer
49Cernobai Mariamun.Causeni, jud. Tighina1954PPCD
Teacher, Theoretical Lyceum “Alexei Mateevici” of Municipality of Causeni
50Sali Veramun. Chisinau1963PPCD
Biologist, Doctor at the Biochemical Laboratory of the Republican Clinical Hospital
51Fulea Feodoramun. Cahul1960PPCD
Teacher, senior lecturer at Cahul State University
52Beleuta Marinmun. Chisinau1938PPCD
Historian, Chairperson of the “Sfantul Gheorghe” Peasants Cartel
53Poiata Petrumun. Chisinau1961PPCD
Jurist, Chairperson of the Chisinau county branch of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party
54Barca Veronicamun. Chisinau1959PPCD
Teacher, Senior Director of the General School no. 2 of Chisinau municipality
55Petre Violetamun. Ungheni1970PPCD
Teacher, Department Chief at the Romanian Language House, Ungheni branch
56Machedon Mariav. Larga Veche, county Cahul1956PPCD
Psychologist, Vice-Chairperson of the Cahul county branch of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party
57Railean Eduardv. Cismea, com. Pelivan, county Orhei1973PPCD
Lawyer, Chief of Department in the Orhei County General Direction for Education, Youth and Sport
58Caraianu Eugeniamun. Chisinau1954PPCD
Teacher, Director of the Primary School no. 90 of Chisinau municipality
59Secrieru Iliemun. Chisinau1950PPCD
Welder, Joint Stock Venture “Apa-Canal” of Chisinau municipality
60Chiper Veracom. Palanca, county Tighina1955PPCD
Teacher, Deputy Director of the Secondary School of Palanca com.
61Gherman Petruc. Sangerei, county Balti1947PPCD
Teacher, Director of the Secondary School no. 2 of c. Sangerei
62Sestovschi Mihaimun. Chisinau1947PPCD
Dentist, Chief of Methodic Section of the Republican Dentistry Polyclinic
63Vasilov Victorcom. Sirauti, county Edinet1968PPCD
Economist, farmer
64Soltan Vladimirc. Anenii Noi, county Chisinau1957PPCD
Dentist, Anenii Noi Hospital
65Rusu Alexandrumun. Chisinau1949PPCD
Physician, Ph.D. in physics and mathematics, professor at Moldovan Technical University
66Potanga Andreic. Cimislia, county Lapusna1948PPCD
Engineer, Director of the private company “Mercurius-Potanga”
67Tulgara Victormun. Chisinau1957PPCD
Doctor, municipal hospital no. 4 of Chisinau municipality
68Varnic Veronicamun. Chisinau1947PPCD
Teacher, Secondary School no. 23 of Chisinau municipality
69Bardier Vasilev. Corjeuti, county Edinet1949PPCD
Teacher, Deputy Director at the Corjeuti Gymnasium, Edinet county
70Ivanesi Mariamun. Chisinau1948PPCD
Engineer-programist, Statistics Center of the Moldovan State University
71Nogai Ionmun. Chisinau1959PPCD
Doctor, manager of the Family Medical Center
72Potoroaca Mihaic. Ialoveni, county Chisinau1964PPCD
Lawyer, Program Coordinator Refugee Society
73Godiac Ludmilac. Stefan-Voda, county Tighina1955PPCD
Teacher, Theoretic Lyceum “Stefan-Voda”
74Hasnas Constantincom. Cuhnesti, county Balti1955PPCD
Teacher, Theoretic Lyceum Cuhnesti, county Balti
75Prigoci Mariacom. Ordasei, county Orhei1948PPCD
Teacher, Secondary School of Ordasei, county Orhei
76Ceban Olgac. Ialoveni, county Chisinau1950PPCD
Teacher, Chairperson of the Medical-pedagogical commission of the Chisinau county General Department of Education, Youth and Sport
77Ivas Nicolaec. Calarasi, county Ungheni1955PPCD
Hygiene doctor, branch no. 1 from Calarasi of the Ungheni Preventive Medical Center
78Zgherea Vasilecom. Valeni, county Cahul1949PPCD
Teacher, mayor of the com. Valeni, county Cahul
79Nastas Vasilemun. Chisinau1948PPCD
Engine Driver, unemployed
80Popescu Ioncom. Budesti, mun. Chisinau1957PPCD
Dentist, Health Center of Budesti
81Ghincolov Serafimv. Ciucuc-Mingir, county Lapusna1956PPCD
Teacher, senior methodology specialist at the Lapusna county General Department of Education, Youth and Sport
82Macarie Efimc. Telenesti, county Orhei1950PPCD
Engineer, State Forestry Enterprise from Telenesti
83Stircea Eugeniamun. Chisinau1959PPCD
Teacher, inspector in the Chisinau county General Department of Education, Youth and Sport
84Cusnir Valentinac. Calarasi, county Ungheni1954PPCD
Viticulturist, senior technology specialist at the “Calarasi Divin”
85Corduneanu Alexandrumun. Chisinau1953PPCD
Electronic engineer, writer, Chairperson of the Producers and Processors of Medical Plants Association
86Cojocaru Iuriecom. Baimaclia, county Tighina1964PPCD
Engineer-mechanic, teacher, mayor of the com. Baimaclia, county Tighina
87Rotar Iuliamun. Chisinau1963PPCD
Teacher, Director of the Kindergarten no. 30 of Chisinau municipality
88Nagara Anamun. Chisinau1930PPCD
Teacher, deputy methodology specialist at the Education Institute
89Rusu Nicolaec. Stefan Voda, county Tighina1955PPCD
Hygienic doctor, vice-mayor of the c. Stefan Voda
90Pascaru Zinaidav. Chetrosu, county Soroca1952PPCD
Teacher, Deputy Director of the Gymnasium no. 2 from v. Chetrosu, county Soroca
91Creanga Sergiucom. Gotesti, county Cahul1959PPCD
Technical mechanic, vice-chairperson of the Cahul county branch of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party
92Ghilascu Ioncom. Cotiujenii Mari, county Soroca1944PPCD
Teacher, mayor of the com. Cotiujenii Mari, county Soroca
93Ionita Constantinv. Sireti, county Chisinau1965PPCD
Historian, Deputy director of the Republican Fund for Population’s Social Assistance
94Rudco Andreimun. Chisinau1976PPCD
Doctor, Republican Clinical Hospital
95Bojinov Mihailc. Cimislia, county Lapusna1950PPCD
Veterinary, “M. Bojinov” private company
96Boboc Petruv. Hagichioi, com. Albota de Jos, county Taraclia1970PPCD
Sailor, chief of the farm “Petrica Boboc”
97Sarbu Mariac. Nisporeni, county Ungheni1957PPCD
Technician in postal communication, Chief of the Nisporeni Postal Office
98Pretula Sergheimun. Orhei1948PPCD
Economist, “Basarabia” joint venture
99Postevca Marcelv. Malcoci, county Chisinau1965PPCD
Veterinary, lector at the Moldovan State Agrarian University
100Jeverdan Vasilecom. Radeni, county Ungheni1969PPCD
Veterinary, Chief of the veterinary clinic of the Moldovan State Agrarian University
101Rosca Grigorev. Saseni, county Orhei1976PPCD
Resident-doctor, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testimitanu”
102Babii Iuriev. Cotova, county Soroca1973PPCD
Historian, reporter at the “Tara” newspaper
103Belei Igormun. Chisinau1976PPCD
Student at the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testimitanu”