Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsParliamentary2001Electoral ContestantsPPCD

Electoral platform of the Christian Democratic People’s Party


1. Fundamental objectives

The strategic objectives of the political program of the Christian Democratic People’s Party (CDPP) for the following four years are the following:

  1. Fight of corruption and delinquency
  2. Alleviation of poverty
  3. Creation of conditions to ensure a sustainable economic development
  4. Support of agricultural producers and the middle class
  5. Strengthen and improve the public administration system
  6. Integration in the regional and European economic system.

A rapid, consequent and coherent promotion of reforms is necessary to attain the proposed objectives and alleviate the profound crisis provoked by previous governments. CDPP shall adopt and implement economic and social policies to ensure conditions for a stable economic growth and a sustained improvement of the quality of life.

2. Social Programs

Over the past decade the population’s standard of living has decreased continuously. The real value of population’s income is now ten times lower than it used to be. 75% of citizens live under the poverty line. The discrepancy between the earnings of poor and rich families grew as much as 21.5 times, salary gaps — by 8 times; the lowest wages are now paid in the social sphere. The average wage covers only 40% of the basic consumption needs. Unemployment is rampant and has exceeded 200,000. Over 600,000 Moldovans have left abroad. The difficult life conditions, deficient medical services and improper nourishment have led to an increased incidence of illnesses and death rate. The pension system is unjust, the pension value does not cover the minimum existence expenses and the system of nominative compensations is more of a symbolic one and does not protect the socially vulnerable population. Corruption, smuggling and organized crime have reached more than threatening extents.

2.1 Fight of corruption

Corruption is a recognized vice of the public sector most seriously affecting developing countries. It has affected various levels of public administration in Moldova. Prevention and fighting of corruption are current urges that the CDPP shall work toward by:

2.2 Alleviation of Poverty

CDPP’s policy of alleviation of the current social disaster and the improvement of the standard of living shall be directed towards:

2.3 Educational System

Given the key role of education in the development of the society, CDPP deems education the national priority and proposes the following measures to revive the education system:

2.4 Public Health Security

Creation of a viable system of health protection shall be a permanent concern of the CDPP in this field and shall be achieved by:

2.5 Protection and Social Assistance

Measures to attenuate the social costs of the economic reform shall be taken in the social protection system as follows:

2.6 Development of culture

CDPP deems culture the expression of national identity and pleads for the maintenance and development of the cultural environment and access to the cultural heritage. For this purpose, CDPP shall:

2.7 Environment Protection

In the field of environment protection, the following steps shall be taken:

3. Macroeconomic policies

GDP has dropped continuously over the past decade and constituted in 2000 about 38% of its level back in 1990. The considerable fluctuation of inflation, the pronounced devaluation of the national currency against the US dollar, the “dolarization” of the economy (deposits in dollars account for 35% of the monetary mass), frequent bankruptcy of banks caused a significant share of monetary mass to circulate outside the bank system. The current fiscal and budget system is characterized by superdimension, lack of clarity and predictability and does not stimulate the economic development.

3.1 The Monetary and Financial Policy

CDPP shall strive that the Government in cooperation with the National Bank of Moldova promotes a monetary and financial policy based of the following principles:

3.2 The Fiscal and Budgetary Policy

CDPP shall promote a fiscal policy to encourage economic development, create new jobs, improve the business environment and favor the entrepreneur spirit. Income policy shall be based on the “4S” formula:

4. Structural Reforms

Industrial production in 2000 constituted 1/3 of the 1990 level, whereas agricultural production dropped by 50% over the same period. More than 2/3 of industrial enterprises are either bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy.

4.1 Objectives

CDPP shall take a series of measures to recover the real economy and aim to:

4.2 Ownership Reform

In the ownership reform, the CDPP shall promote the principles of equal treatments of the state and private ownership as well as guarantee the private ownership as the foundation for social welfare. Ownership reform shall be carried out with maximum transparency and correctness and the traffic of influence over the results of privatization shall be prevented. CDPP shall do the following:

4.3 Recovery of the Industrial potential

The industrial potential and competitiveness of local goods on the domestic and foreign markets shall be recovered by stimulating enterprise restructuring and ensuring a favorable economic environment. CDPP shall focus on the following:

4.4 Supporting agricultural sector

PPCD will concentrate on:

4.5 Developing the infrastructure

PPCD policy will concentrate on:

4.6 Ensuring energetic security

It is necessary to take urgent measures to make the sector more efficient and to reduce energy consumption, namely:

4.7 Consolidation of the middle class

PPCD sees middle class as the guarantee of the sustainable development. In this respect PPCD will promote:

5. Reforming public sector

Previous governments have created a multi-dimensional, bureaucratic and corrupted public administration. The existence of three state structures: Chisinau, Comrat and Tiraspol, permanent diminishing of the state property, deliberate bankruptcy of major state and private enterprises, enormous foreign debts — are only few of the outcomes of the inefficient former governance.

5.1 Objectives

In the public sector, PPCD has the following objectives:

5.2 Economy

PPCD considers that to ensure a favorable environment for economic development the state role should resume to:

  1. Establishing an adequate social-economic environment by defining a set of clear rules, regulations and norms for the economy functioning. These are to be binding for all the market players.
  2. State will interfere in economy only to stimulate economic development in the poorly financed areas such as: social and state security; public order, foreign policy, justice, public administration, education and culture, health care, research and science, and environment. This interference will be achieved via specialized governmental structures whose number will be significantly reduced. In addition, customer care office and competition office will be established.
  3. State redistribution of the incomes through fiscal and budgetary policy, reduction of fiscal burden, establishing clear priorities for budgetary spending.
5.3 Central Administration

PPCD will implement its political program through its representatives in Parliament and Government by supporting:

5.4 Local administration

PPCD activity in this domain will be oriented towards:

5.5 Territorial integrity

In view or re-establishing territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova, PPCD will intensify its efforts at the international level to facilitate resolution of the Nistru conflict. To facilitate negotiation process over the status of the region, assistance of the Romania, Russian Federation, Ukraine as well as international organizations such as OSCE and European Council will be sought.

6. Foreign Policy

6.1 Objectives

The following would be the main objectives in the foreign policy:

6.2 European integration

The strategic objective of the foreign policy would be integration in the European Union. In this respect it is necessary to:

PPCD will promote the strategy of establishing a common economic space with Romania and simultaneous integration in the European economic system. Currently, the first state is being implemented — Governments of the Republic of Moldova and Romania have signed agreements on free trade, economic cooperation in different sectors of mutual interest. PPCD will foster economic integration through:

Creating a joint customs union and developing relevant legislation will favor the promotion of Romanian nations in the third countries. Establishing a common customs union will be the foundation of a common market characterized by liberalized traffic of goods and free circulation of the labor force, services and capital.

PPCD will take all the necessary steps to maximally benefit of the favorable geographic location of the Republic of Moldova both to the East-West and North-South directions.

6.3 Bilateral and regional cooperation

Republic of Moldova’s bilateral relations with other countries will rely on programs to meet economic and political interests on a short, medium and long term basis. PPCD will promote:

In promoting cooperation with international financial institutions, PPCD will support:

As a member of the Christian-Democratic International and as a partner of the European Popular Party, holding the majority in the Brussels European Parliament, PPCD will employ all available means to promote the interests of the population and the image of the Republic of Moldova.

(“TARA”, No 9(841), January 30, 2001)