Vasile Severin program provides for:
- Establishing new energy tariffs not to exceed 10–15% of the total family budget. Immediately reducing historic state arrears to Moldovan citizens especially for social security, communal assistance and provided services;
- Establishing and ensuring permanent functioning of the rehabilitation centers according to the international standards, for lonely old people, orphans which are to be eventually adopted by foster families;
- Establishing a non-governmental social assistance center for military, their families, as well as family members of those who died on duty during military conflicts or exceptional situations, military personnel who served in the Home Office forces of the Republic of Moldova;
- Provision of the citizens in need with food, clothes from the humanitarian assistance granted to Moldova, when necessary delivering it at home;
- Establishing equal partnership between non-governmental organizations and state bodies: Presidency, Parliament, Government of the Republic of Moldova; participation of the registered non-governmental organizations in drafting normative acts affecting Moldovan citizens interests; NGOs having a consultative vote in adopting resolutions and contra-signing adopted normative acts.
Sources of funding:
- Rational spending of the budget, favorable taxation.
- A credit for goods worth 20 mln. lei, income derived from the sale of goods shall be used for establishing and normal functioning of the rehabilitation and retirement centers for lonely people, orphans and sick children from the North Center and South of the Republic, Chisinau municipality and Transnistria.
- Non-taxable individual farms functioning in conjunction with rehabilitation and retirement centers.
If issues mentioned in the electoral program of the independent candidate in the parliamentary elections of the Republic of Moldova, Vasile Severin, are familiar to you, I am sure you will participate in elections and cast you vote for the person able to meet all the promises he made to his voters.
All to elections!