Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

February 25, 2001 Election Results in Ungheni County

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  Ungheni County
Number of voters included in the voter lists159,292
Number of voters who took part in elections111,086
Voter turnout69.74%
Total number of valid votes cast109,732

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Electoral contestants Votes %
Christian Democratic People’s Party 10,372 9.45
“Credinta si Dreptate (Faith and Justice)” Electoral Bloc 835 0.76
Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova 48,133 43.86
National Liberal Party 1,279 1.17
“Pentru Ordine si Dreptate (For Order and Justice)” Movement 1,694 1.54
Party of Rebirth and Reconciliation of Moldova 8,464 7.71
Democratic Party of Moldova 5,477 4.99
Peasants’ Christian Democratic Party of Moldova 311 0.28
“Alliance of Lawyers and Economists” Electoral Bloc 1,124 1.02
“Edinstvo (Unity)” Electoral Bloc 387 0.35
Valeriu Ghiletchi 768 0.70
Republican Movement “Ravnopravie (Equality)” 109 0.10
National Peasants’ Christian Democratic Party of Moldova 1,379 1.26
Party of Democratic Forces 1,470 1.34
Agrarian Democratic Party of Moldova 732 0.67
“Braghis Alliance” Electoral Bloc 22,654 20.64
“Plai Natal” Electoral Bloc 1,276 1.16
Iacob Mogoreanu 28 0.03
Ilie Donica 111 0.10
Social Democratic Party of Moldova 2,791 2.54
Ion Pomana 31 0.03
Ana Golubenco 39 0.04
Valeriu Lapinschi 61 0.06
Vasile Severin 25 0.02
Dumitru Solomon 20 0.02
Vasile Trofim 99 0.09
Mihail Kulev 63 0.06