Illustrated booklet describing the stages of the voting process

You may vote only when you show an identification document or the Certificate for the right to vote to the poll workers.

They will look for your name in the voter roll.

If they do not find your name there, you will be included in a supplementary list if you show them your Certificate for the right to vote or any other document that confirms that you are a resident of the precinct area.

After they find/include you in the list, sign on it next to your name. You will then be issued a voting ballot.

Enter the voting booth alone. There you will find the stamp VOTED.

Apply the stamp VOTED only once, in only one circle.

If you make a mistake, you may ask for another ballot paper, but you can do this only once.

Fold the ballot paper so that nobody can see who you have voted for.

Before dropping the ballot into the box, a poll worker shall apply the special precinct stamp on the reverse side of your ballot.

Drop the ballot into the box. Take care not to unfold it for otherwise your vote will not be secret anymore.