The Republic of Moldova is currently experiencing a decisive moment in its evolution. Throughout the last four years, the country, being ruled by an authoritative political regime, reached a state of humiliation, isolation and poverty. At present, Moldova doesn’t have a functional market economy, and Europe considers us a state with a “sick” democracy. Time has come to choose among development and regression, dignity and lack of hope, European Integration and isolation.
Such circumstances impose new requirements towards the political class, as well as towards the whole society in the view of accomplishing the fundamental objective — avoiding a profound crisis and a complete isolation, which would be impending under the leadership of the retrograde Communist Party.
- replacing the authoritative political regime, represented by a Party belonging to the past, and having a compromised ideology that is dangerous for the society and democratic civilization;
- changing and upgrading the way of governing, which is still using a Soviet commanding administrative style;
- changing and modernizing the domestic and foreign policies, which would insure real stability in the society.
The creation of an authentic democratic state is feasible only on a strong economic ground. An impoverished and starving nation can not be free if it is preoccupied only with its physical survival. DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc proclaims as the main objective of its economic policies — the eradication of poverty and insurance of a decent way of life for all citizens, as well as the establishment of a stable orientation towards welfare and sustainable development.
DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc has concrete programmes targeting at solving the country’s problems and at its integration into the European Union.
On the first place — the citizen!
Any reform, any investment will be directed towards our primary objective- the welfare of the citizen! In this respect, DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc:
- Will create 100 thousand new workplaces annually; will organise free of charge qualification and re-qualification courses, as well as a process of professional education for the unemployed.
- Will insure, up till the year 2009, an average salary per economy equal to 250–300 US dollars; will correlate the average salary of state budget workers with the average salary per economy; will index the salaries on a yearly basis, adjusting them to the inflation rate.
- Will increase the number of university scholarships from the State Budget by 30 % annually. The minimal scholarship will constitute the equivalent of 50 US dollars.
- Will reduce the tax on income for natural persons up till 10–12%. Will reduce the quota of social insurance contributions from 27%, in 2005, till 22%, in 2009.
- Will increase and index the pensions on a permanent basis, so that the average pension till the year 2009 would be at least 120–150 US dollars. For workers in the agricultural field — pensions equal to those on a country level. It will unify the system of pension calculation for the citizens that retired before and after the year 1999, in order to insure equal pensions for equal work.
- Will improve the system of medical insurance, will double the Unique Programme of necessary medical services, executed through the system of compulsory medical insurance. Will guarantee the right to freely choose the doctor and medical institution to each citizen.
- Will plead for the introduction of a no-visa circulation system for our citizens in EU countries. Will obtain a facilitated system of citizens’ circulation in Ukraine, Russia and Romania.
Family — the target of social policies!
The moral health of the society and the nation’s capacity to live in a modern world depend on the family’s durability. Social policies of DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc will be mainly directed towards the protection of the family. In this respect, DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc:
- Will exempt from taxes the citizens’ financial means expended for the construction and purchase of dwelling space, inclusively through mortgage crediting. For the socially vulnerable families, the construction of dwellings will be done on the account of state and local budgets.
- Will insure the rigorous observance of the principle of social support for low-income population by means of directed compensations, so that the level of payment for communal services does not exceed one third of the family’s budget.
- Will compensate, in proportion of 50%, the cost of facilities (communal services, fuel, current water, sewage, etc.) for families with an income lower that 500 lei per person;
- Will establish unique allowances in amount of 3000 lei, when the first child is born, and in amount of 1000 lei — for the second and following children.
- Will index the social insurance payments for disfavoured families.
- Will grant unique allowances for the education of children from disfavoured families.
- Will increase the proportion of allowances for adoptive families and for orphan children taken under tutorship, as well as the payments for the social support of pupils and orphan students in educational institutions.
- Will guarantee to the children from rural areas the same possibilities that the children from towns have: qualitative high-school studies, sport and artistic schools, access to Internet, to up-to-date knowledge.
- Will re-open kindergartens with prolonged programme; will modernize and equip them for an “early training” process, correlating with the school education process.
- Will guarantee equal chances for hiring, wages and women’s promotion to leadership positions. Will organise free of charge qualification courses from the unemployment insurance budget for women that return to work after post-natal vacation.
- Will implement a national programme in partnership with the non-governmental sector regarding the creation of asylums for lonely old people as well as for women-victims of violence in the family.
- Will guarantee the hiring of young specialists by means of tax facilities offered to economic agents.
- Will stimulate the provision of interest-free credits for studies and for initiating business by young people.
Modern communities in a prosperous state!
The power of a state lies in the level of development of its localities. Republic of Moldova has the chance to become a developed state by adjusting the infrastructure of the latter to the level of European standards. In this respect, DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc:
- Will establish a modern socio-cultural infrastructure in the localities. Will build and rehabilitate local roads, will insure the connection of each locality to national roads.
- Will insure that towns and villages gradually have centralized and good quality drinking water supply. Will reduce environmental pollution through building waste processing and capitalization enterprises.
- Will insure — till the end of the mandate — the integral gasification of the country. Will arrange that localities have thermal power.
- Will insure, till the year 2008, fixed telephone stations in all localities, providing all applicants with access to these services.
- Will transfer the objects that constitute natural goods: lakes, forests, quarries, into the local public administration management. Will implement a national afforestation programme.
- Will rebuild schools and kindergartens, medical institutions and cultural ones from rural areas.
- Will encourage the hiring of young specialists at schools and health institutions from rural areas by means of salary stimulants or by compensating payments for rental and communal services.
- Will reconstruct stadiums and arrange sport halls, will diversify youth’s ways of leisure in rural areas.
- Will stimulate the development of rural tourism, popular artistry and the appearance of agricultural pensions.
- Will insure public order and personal security of the citizens.
A future for Moldova!
DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc departs from the quotation that the state is only an instrument designed for achieving the interests of the society, citizen, family and community. In order to guide the activity of central and local public administration towards this direction, DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc:
- Will perform the real division of powers by means of: consolidating the executive power, removing the bureaucracy and placing the public administration in the citizen’s service; increasing the responsibility of the Parliament; re-establishing the independence of judicial power, placing the latter outside political influences and insuring real security for the citizen. The judicial power will be independent and active in fighting corruption. DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc will initiate the unfolding of a referendum with regard to the direct election of the country’s president and judges by the population.
- Will bring about reforms into the security and defence sector in order to exclude the political police practices and will create a professional army on a contractual basis. It will institute a rigorous control over the security and defence system by the civil society.
- Will introduce changes into the public sector, structurally and functionally adjusting it to the requirements of modern market economy, will reduce the number of ministries and departments, the number of officers and control positions in the state apparatus.
- Will insure real participative democracy in which the population directly controls the decision-taking process. Will insure the citizen’s right to decide for himself/herself or for his/her community.
- Will stimulate the development of the civil society- equal partner of the state in the realization of national policies.
- Will guarantee the real independence and lack of involvement on behalf of political powers and state in the activity of trade unions, employers, scientific society and non-governmental organisations.
- Will insure a real and durable economic growth by 15% annually, as the basis for improving the citizens’ well-being and reducing the disparity compared to European Union countries.
- Will create an attractive competitive and business environment in the view of intensifying the investment process. Will re-establish the relationships with international financial bodies.
- Will re-launch the industry by creating mixed enterprises with the participation of foreign companies bringing new up-to-date technologies.
- Will expand the domain of entrepreneur’s patent application; will introduce the system of registration of small and medium enterprises via mail; will simplify the book-keeping and reporting procedures for small and medium business enterprises.
- Will introduce a stable financial assistance system for agricultural producers. Will help peasants by means of offering state subsidies in amount of 300 lei per hectare. The peasants will benefit from credits and support in selling competitive agricultural products and in the application of some efficient irrigation systems.
- Will insure, in partnership with the private sector, the creation of 30 Centres (Packing Houses) for the collection, conditioning, preservation and selling of agricultural products, and the stimulation of export through the partial reimbursement of packing expenses.
- Will correlate social, economic and other programmes with the European requirements concerning environmental protection.
- Will promote a dynamic and consistent foreign policy, insuring a well deserved place for the Republic of Moldova in the United Europe as well as a European status with full rights for the country’s citizens.
The electoral offer of DEMOCRATIC MOLDOVA Bloc will constitute the basis of the Governing Programme, the latter basing on the following FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES:
- Republic of Moldova is a sovereign, independent, unitary and indivisible state.
- The strategic objective of Republic of Moldova lies in its integration into the European Union and Euro-Atlantic structures, as well as the establishment of a sustainable partnership with the USA.
- Republic of Moldova concludes that the structures of the Community of Independent States have proved their inefficiency and Moldova will withdraw its membership from CIS, pleading for profound bilateral and mutually advantageous relationships with Russia, Ukraine and other states from the ex-Soviet territory.
- Republic of Moldova considers as illegal the presence of foreign armies on its territory and it requests the immediate, unconditioned and complete withdrawal of these armies and their military arsenals.
- Republic of Moldova insures, basing on the Declaration of Independence, the unity of the people and harmony of inter-ethnical relationships by means of integrating citizens of different ethnicity into the Moldavian society, according to the Copenhagen criteria.
- The state encourages the social solidarity and provides each citizen with a decent way of life through compensating payments at the level of minimal consumption budget.
- Republic of Moldova insures the observation of principles of a functional market economy that would guarantee the growth of citizens’ welfare.
- The state insures the optimal operation of democratic institutions and the real independence of the justice.
- The public sector is depoliticised, public officers are hired on a competition basis and they contribute to the increase of central and local administrative structures’ role in bettering the business environment and raising the efficiency of the economy.
- The Act of Governing is transparent, consistent and it insures continuity in accomplishing the strategic objectives of Republic of Moldova.
The warranties for performing this offer are:
- A strong-minded and consistent national political leader.
- A professional experienced team, capable of assuming the leadership risks and responsibilities.
- Realistic and efficient programmes, meant to provide each person with welfare, the old people with an insured life, the children with the warmth of family.