“I am coming to the Parliament with the most courageous, honest and professional sons of the nation: lawyers, economists, doctors, teachers, businessmen, managers, farmers, scientists, artists. They are the people whom you wait for to make Justice and to rebuild the Country!”
Nicolae Alexei
- We will start a true crusade against corruption, economic crime, mafia and bureaucracy. We will annul the parliamentary immunity. This way the economic crime and corruption will not have a political coverage anymore;
- We will democratize the electoral system:
- The entire people will elect the chief of state;
- Citizens will elect the district chairman;
- The Parliament will be elected on basis of a joint system (51 parliamentarians on party lists; 50 lawmakers on electoral constituencies).
Thus, the powers will be separated in state and the society will control the governmental institutions.
- We will annul the payment for mandatory health insurance policies for all social categories which earn less than the cost of the minimum consumption basket (about 1,500 lei);
- We will reintroduce the old retirement system (men — 60 years; women — 55 years), and will increase the retirement age in dependence of growth of the average life duration;
- We will introduce a single and acceptable tax for farmers and will annul the income tax for small- and medium-sized business.
We want our fellow citizens who work abroad to be owners of fate with estate and property once they come back home.
- We will create a special department on social reintegration of our citizens who left the country to work abroad (legalization of staying, visa-free circulation through an active political and economic diplomacy, investment of their incomes in business and properties at home, under a free and state-guaranteed protection).
- We will negotiate for Moldova the principle on conversion of foreign debts into environment projects at home (1.0 billion U.S. dollars). We will negotiate the annulment of one part of these debts.
- We will strengthen the mortgage system for building of housing at accessible prices, in particular, for youths and in district centres. This is the only way to urbanize the country.
- We will protect and take care of all socially needy categories which failed to join the economic life of the country. We cannot join Europe without this large part of society.
- We will launch an interactive social dialogue with the 30 percent of citizens who do not attend the elections for 15 years, who are disappointed, resigned, who vote neither for the power strange to their interests, nor with the opposition which is unable to build anything. These are our neighbours, our fellow citizens, our colleagues who suffered injustice.
We come to make justice, to reinstate Your dignity of Human, Citizen, Patriot!
- We will intensify the negotiations on integration in the European Union (E.U.). We will apply for association in late 2005, and we will succeed on January 1, 2007 because we are resolute to join the E.U. together with Romania and Bulgaria. Lagging behind these countries means a Shenghen area on the Proute river and isolation from Europe for several generations or forever.
This would mean one more irreversible exodus of population (about 500,000 people).
Somebody should start rebuilding the Country! PDSEM undertook this mission. We have established three clear and great objectives and priorities for sectors:
Objectives of PDSEM:
- Combating corruption, mafia, economic and organised crime;
- Poverty reduction and insurance of a sustainable economic growth;
- Regain of national dignity and European integration.
Priorities of PDSEM:
- Consolidation of the state based on the rule of law and democracy in Moldova, separation of powers in state;
- Strengthening of individual freedoms, enhanced security of citizen and family;
- Guaranteeing and development of private property, equal treatment for property, implementation of a functional market economy;
- Creation of a large and economically strong middle class;
- Economic and social cohesion, reduction of poverty and social marginalization;
- Equal chances;
- Respect for rights of minorities;
- Full participation in the process of integration of Moldova in European economic and security structures.
Measures for implementation of objectives of PDSEM for the Governing Programme:
- insurance of an effective functioning of land market;
- development of technical infrastructure of agriculture;
- creation of the “National House of Moldovan Agriculture Credit”;
- development of association forms for creation of an infrastructure for acquisition and utilization of agricultural products;
- development of infrastructure and agricultural services in rural areas;
- support for a programme on connection of all educational institutions to the Internet;
- simplification of the fiscal system;
- granting of fiscal stimulants to investors and issuers on capital market;
- elimination of administrative barriers on way of investments;
- simplification of procedures for opening of new businesses and improvement of bankruptcy legislation;
- assisted development of small- and medium-sized enterprises;
- speeding up of pension system reform, development of privately administrated public funds and private funds with voluntary contribution;
- improvement of legislation on salary and pension for clergy and certain categories of church employees;
- quarterly indexation of salaries of budgetary employees with inflation rate and their rise in line with economic growth rate;
- introduction of a microcrediting system for youths, using business assistance centres;
- creation of a crediting system for studies;
- introduction of a transparent and accessible credit system for housing of youths, offered by private market;
- clear defining of the minimum package of insured medical services available for all citizens;
- computerization of schools in rural areas;
- guaranteed independence of justice against influences and meddling of politics;
- development of a strategic partnership with neighbouring states which are bidders or members of the European Union through development of joint projects;
- support for the European options of neighbouring states which are future members of E.U. and adoption of a clear and transparent political concept on status of neighbouring country of E.U.;
- adoption of a clear and transparent concept on Moldova’s policy in relations with Ukraine, Romania and the Russian Federation.
The Holy Scriptures: “The last will be the first”
Justice and Truth to Everybody!
Vote the Lion!
Let’s vote!