Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsParliamentary2005Electoral ContestantsPSDM

Electoral program of the Social-Democratic Party of Moldova (SDPM)

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We will build a state governed by the rule of law!

The people will participate directly in the formation of all branches of power: legislative, executive and judicial. It will control the management of public money by state officers. It will control public mass media.

The state will ensure freedom of speech, of press, of the right to independent justice. No abuse or violation will remain unpunished.

Each citizen will elect by direct vote the President of the Republic of Moldova, the rayon chairperson. The people will form directly the executive power both at local and national levels.

Citizens will elect by direct vote the members of Parliament nominally on behalf of each rayon. The citizens will be able to observe the MP’s activity, will know how (s)he votes, what legislative initiatives (s)he sets forth.

They will be able to recall the MP if (s)he does not fulfil her/his obligations.

Citizens will control the appointment of judges, their dismissal and application of disciplinary measures against them.

The people will directly control the activity of censors, their appointment and recall from office. The transparency of public fund management will be ensured.

Citizens will form by direct vote the Board of Observers, which administers the activity of public mass media. Television, radio and press will become truly public.

Each officer will be obliged to answer before the people, and the elector will have real mechanisms to control his/her activity.

The proposed system will uproot such “social diseases” of the state as corruption, abuse of power, usurpation of power, groundless and illegal squandering of public money.

The system of state organization, proposed by PSDM, will lead us to a real democracy — to the real power of the people!

We will support the small business!

We consider the small business as the basis of a strong market economy. The share of small business must constitute not less than 50% of the Gross Domestic Product and 70% of the number of work places in the economy.

We affirm that it is inadmissible to assign to the small business, as compared to the big one, the fiscal role. The former is only about to become taxpayer. At the first stage, the small entrepreneurship represents:

We will promote a stimulatory economic policy and will create preferential conditions for the small business:

We will ensure for patent holders:

The small business will serve as basis for the average class and for a sustainable economic growth!

We will promote an external policy based on our national interests!

We consider as strategic priority the creation of conditions for the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union and conceive Europe as a common territory under cultural and historical aspects. We will create a common space with the integrated Europe.

We will apply the European model of political, economic and social development, based on the strict observance of human rights, market economy and independence of the judiciary. We will ensure a modern, transparent and bureaucracy-free institutional base that will truly serve the citizen. We will promptly reduce the gap between our and the European average with regards to living standards, quality of public services, administrative quality. We will achieve these objectives by emphasizing the economic dimension of the external policy, by making the economic diplomacy more active.

European integration should not lead to the worsening of our relations with Russia. We will re-build, at a new quality level, the strategic partnership with Russia, taking into account our common interests in the economic, political and cultural areas and Russia’s importance in the solving of the Transdnistrian conflict.

The peaceful reintegration of the country will represent one of the main objectives of PSDM’s participation in the governing.

We will re-establish and deepen our economic, political and cultural relations with our neighbour countries, Romania and Ukraine. We will promote and implement trans-border cooperation projects, such as “Upper Prut” and “Low Danube”. We will actively participate in common projects for the countries of South-Eastern Europe and Black Sea basin. We will create an international free economic zone Giurgiulesti — Reni — Galati.

We will achieve the strategic objective of our policy — European integration of the Republic of Moldova — by promoting a favourable political and economic image of the Republic of Moldova on external plane, in view of attracting capital investments and creating a competitive economy.

We will set up a clear and transparent framework, a competitive economy with a modern infrastructure and a European culture, adequate for the requirements of 21st century.

We will consolidate the society!

PSDM calls to the consolidation of a strong Democratic and Socially equitable state. The unification of all sound forces of the society is necessary in view of achieving this purpose.

The European Union and developed countries regard the nation as a complex and civil concept. The concept of state-nation was degraded by the political right wing to the idea of ethnos-nation, a concept that favoured the strong division of the Moldovan society. The communist left wing has exalted the idea that Moldova is a poly-ethnical, multinational state, whose majority ethnic is made up by Moldovans. Both concepts are alien to the European spirit based on the principles of civic nation.

PSDM proposes that the principles of citizenship and nation be placed on the basis of our people’s identity. From this viewpoint, regardless of our ethnical origin, we are Moldovans. Only in this way can we integrate into the EU, based on civic principles.

PSDM thinks that ethnical origin and nationality are the personal matters of each citizen and should not serve as reason for all kind of manipulations and various abuses, which lead to the division of the society and the state’s destabilization.

Regardless of who we consider ourselves — Moldovan, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Gagauz, Bulgarian, Jewish — we are all citizens of the Republic of Moldova, we are an integral people of the sovereign Moldova.

PSDM proposes the following mechanisms of consolidation: promotion of the factors that unite us and exclusion of the factors that divide us. We choose what will unite us!

We will build a new economy!

We will promote a New Economic Policy, oriented towards satisfying the interests of the large masses of the population by accelerating the economic growth. We will build a strong market economy, in which the state’s role will be to regulate, direct and stimulate.

We will reconstruct the agro-industrial complex. We will ensure the accelerated development of industry, of leading technology branches. These directions will become the main sources of quality and sustainable economic growth.

We will simplify the fiscal system; will establish a common tax for small enterprises and 3–4 taxes for medium and large enterprises.

We will reduce VAT to 10 percent, and for imported production means — to 0 percent. We will reduce the income tax to 10 percent. We will establish a common social tax at the rate of 12–15 percent.

We will reduce to the necessary minimum the number of ministries, departments and state agencies. We will plead for a professional, compact and efficient government.

We will cancel paid services, imposed by state structures. We will reduce the number of control bodies. We will liquidate the Anti-Economic Crime and Corruption Centre, which has been transformed into a repression body. The Tax Inspectorate will be the only institution empowered to control economic activities. The control procedure will be regulated by law.

We will support private initiative, entrepreneurship, which constitute the basis of a strong and socially oriented market economy. We will implement the program “Electronic Government”, which excludes the human factor in the relation entrepreneur — officer, and will reduce the phenomenon of corruption to the minimum. We will legalize underground economy.

We will stop the process of re-nationalization and monopolization of national economy branches.

We will support free and loyal competition as an instrument of development. We will protect local producers and stimulate export. We will attract, support and guarantee local and foreign investments. We will ensure an accelerated growth of at least 14–16 per year and, in 5 years, we will double the GDP.

We will build a state of wellbeing for everyone!

We will promote an active social policy, whose priority objectives will be the increase in the living standards, care for the citizen and family as the fundamental institution of the society.

We will promptly decrease all groundless state expenditures (considerable reduction in the number of officers, luxurious cars, costly trips abroad, organization of summits without results etc.) and, respectively, we will ensure the redirecting of budgetary income to the social sphere, including for raising pensions and salaries.

Pre-school, primary and secondary education will be free of charge.

We will modernize and ensure basic educational conditions in rural schools.

We will reduce the rate of school abandonment by granting subsidies to poor families.

The higher education system will be reformed based on the requirements of work places market and of the economy in general. Only 10–20 percent of places in the higher education system will be paid.

Bank loans will be provided for university education, reimbursable in 5 years after graduation. We will double work places by promoting tax incentives for the enterprises hiring young specialists.

We will reform the medical insurance system on the market economy principles. The money transferred by individuals and enterprises will be managed, including by private insurance companies, at the patient’s choice. We will create favorable conditions for the doctors wishing to open private offices and clinics.

We will increase the number of insured medical services. Free of charge medical assistance will be provided to socially vulnerable individuals at the state’s expense.

By implementing the new social-economic program proposed by PSDM,