Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsParliamentary2009Election News

Election News from February 2, 2009

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The Parliament established the election date

Considering the expiration, on March 7, 2009, of the sixteenth legislature Parliament mandate, according to art.76 paragraph (2) of the Election Code, the Parliament approved the decision that establishes April 5 2009 as the date when the parliamentary elections will take place. Just as before the 2005 elections, the Parliament ignored Constitutional Court’s decision Nr. 20 from 29.04.99. That decision declared unconstitutional the Parliament decisions entry in force on the approval date. It established: “according to art. 1 paragraph (4) from nr. 173-XIII, 6.07.1994 Law concerning the publishing and force entry of the official documents, the Parliament’s decisions entry in force: on the Official Monitor publishing date or on the date indicate in the text (namely on their publishing date or on another subsequent date, market by the Legislative)… If not published, the Parliament’s decision shall be considered inexistent”.

The list of parties that may participate in the elections

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) publicly announced the List of parties and social-political organizations, registered by the Ministry of Justice until January 30, 2009, therefore obtaining the right to participate in the parliamentary elections from April 5, 2009:
  1. Democratic Party of Moldova
  2. Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova
  3. “Moldova Noastra” (Our Moldova) Alliance
  4. Agrarian Party of Moldova
  5. Socialist Party of Moldova
  6. Party of Law and Justice
  7. Christian Democratic Peoples’ Party
  8. Professionals’ Movement “Speranta-Nadejda” (Hope)
  9. Liberal Party
  10. New National Moldovan Party
  11. Social Democrat Party
  12. Social-Political Movement “Forta Noua” (New Force)
  13. Party of Socialists of Moldova “Patria-Rodina” (Motherland)
  14. Social-Political Republican Movement “Ravnopravie” (Equality)
  15. Ecological Party of Moldova “Alianta Verde” (Green Alliance)
  16. National Romanian Party
  17. Popular Republican Party
  18. Republican Party of Moldova
  19. Labour Union “Patria-Rodina” (Motherland)
  20. Centrist Union of Moldova
  21. European Party
  22. Humanist Party of Moldova
  23. Party of Spiritual Development “Moldova Unita” (United Moldova)
  24. Conservative Party
  25. National Liberal Party
  26. Social-Political Movement “Actiunea Europeana” (European Action)
  27. Political Party “Pentru Neam si Tara” (For Nation and Country)
  28. Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova

PNL and MAE will participate in the elections with a common list

The National Liberal Party (PNL) and the National Romanian Party (PNR) decided to participate in the April 5 parliamentary elections on the common list of the Social-Political Movement “Actiunea Europeana” (European Action) (MAE). The three groups signed a statement in order to confirm this decision. PNL and PNR leaders stated that the members of the parties, included on the MAE list, quit their party positions and their status as party members. (source: Info-Prim Neo Agency news)