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Election News from July 14, 2009

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Starting Tuesday, electors may check their names in voter rolls

The Central Electoral Commission informs that starting Tuesday, July 14, 2009, the people entitled to vote are welcome to check their names in voter rolls. Under the effective legislation, the voter rolls shall be made available to people not later than 14 days before the Election Day. Citizens can check the electoral lists for the July 29, 2009 parliamentary elections during July 14–24. They are free to contest to bureaus of polling stations the absence or the deleting of their names from voter rolls, as well as other mistakes related to personal data or data about other electors not later than 5 days before the elections that means until July 24, 2009. Changes to voter rolls are operated on the basis of identity documents or official certificates. (CEC communication)

PNL will quit the electoral race

The chairwoman of the National Liberal Party, Vitalia Pavlicenco, has announced that her party will quit the electoral race for the early elections next weekend. We will make an official announcement in this respect on Thursday and will participate in all debates as long as the Central Electoral Commission decides to exclude the PNL from the electoral race. We invite our electors and supporters to elect the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, Liberal Party and “Moldova Noastra (Our Moldova)” Alliance, Pavlicenco stated. (

US Senator calls Moldovan Government to provide access for all electoral participants and civil society experts to public media

US senator Ben Cardin has made a statement on the early elections in Moldova, that he addresses acting president Vladimir Voronin. “Even an independent member of Parliament, Valentina Cusnir, was abused and beaten by police, suffering injuries. Three young men have died, and the cause of death is reported to be injuries from the beatings they received,” adds the American senator. “Foreign journalists were expelled and local reporters were arrested and intimidated, their equipment was confiscated. The parliamentarian opposition parties, which accused the Communist Party in power of election fraud, have boycotted elections of the new President that, ultimately, triggered repeated elections,” reads the statement. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe stated that Moldova’s recent elections had shortcomings that challenged some OSCE commitments, in particular the disregard for due process in adjudicating complaints of alleged irregularities and deficiencies in the compilation of voter lists. Ben Cardin states that “on July 29, the Government of Moldova has another chance to show her citizens and the international community that it remains committed to democratic principles and international standards. Moldovan authorities must provide access for all electoral participants and civil society experts to public media outlets, as well as ensure the ability of voters abroad to participate in this important poll.” “The United States should condition good relations with the new government of Moldova based on its respect for the rule of law and human rights. The U.S. Helsinki Commission, which I chair, will continue to monitor the conduct of the electoral process in Moldova and will hold a public briefing following the elections,” states Senator Ben Cardin, a member of the Democratic Party from the USA, of which president Barack Obama is a member. (Info-Prim Neo)

Eleven polling places will be set up for Transnistrian voters

The Moldovan citizens living on the left bank of the Nistru will be able to vote at 11 polling stations that will be opened in Sanatauca, Ustia, Cocieri, Copanca, Farladeni, Hagimus, Rascaieti and Varnita (2 stations) villages and in Rezina town. The voters will put the ballots in separate boxes that will have the words “Special Box” on them. Such a decision was made by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) on Tuesday. The residents of a number of Transnistrian communes and towns could vote at these polling places. They will be included in additional lists that will contain the number of the electoral office of the polling station. “The lists will not be written beforehand as it is not known how many persons will participate in elections. At the previous elections, we did not have problems concerning the low number of ballots,” said the CEC secretary Iurie Ciocan. The ballots from the “Special Box” will be counted and submitted to the CEC separately. In order to ensure the security of the voting process at the stations opened in the Security Zone, the CEC asked national and international observes and the Joint Control Commission to make sure that the voting process runs smoothly. (Info-Prim)

Promo-Lex Association to conduct monitoring in 7 electoral districts

The Promo-Lex Association, which is a member of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Coalition-2009”, will conduct the monitoring of the election campaign for early parliamentary elections of 29 July 2009 in seven electoral districts — Floresti, Rezina, Dubasari, Anenii Noi, Causeni and Transnistria. On Tuesday, Promo-Lex Lawyer said that at the first stage of the monitoring observers reported undue influence on voters, excessive involvement of law enforcement agencies into the electoral process, undue involvement of underage citizens into the campaign activities and preferential treatment of some electoral contenders by local public administration. He said that on July 9 after a speech by Premier Iurie Rosca in Causeni packets with beer, mineral water, boubliks and salted nuts were distributed among those, who were present at the meeting. Promo-Lex Chairman Ion Manole said that no changes for the better against the elections of April 5 are observed in the course of the electoral campaign. Two district councils were set up in Transnistria, their significance is not clear, as election bureaus have not been set up for the time being. The Association has only seven observers, which deal with the long-term monitoring and 270 observers will work on the day of the elections. (Infotag)

PLDM: Communist government hinders settlement of Transnistrian conflict

The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) says that the Communist government’s attempts to divide the society according to ethnic principles affects the process of settling the Transnistrian dispute and hinders its resolution. “The policy pursued by the Communist power with the aim of artificially dividing the society according to ethnic principles fuels the false arguments of the self-proclaimed Transnistrian administration,” PLDM leader Vlad Filat said at a news conference on Tuesday. Filat said that since the conflict sparked in Transnistria, the Tiraspol administration insistently promoted the idea of a possible expansion of Romania, manipulating the population from the left bank of the Nistru. Vlad Filat said that his party has a clear strategy and a concrete plan of action for settling the Transnistrian dispute. “We insist on the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Russian troops and munitions from Moldova’s territory as a first condition for initiating a real process for solving the conflict,” Vlad Filat said. Another major action, according to the PLDM, is to transform the peacekeeping mission into an international civil mission under the aegis of the European Union. (Info-Prim Neo)

Marian Lupu in Paris on a visit

Marian Lupu, who tops the electoral list of the Democratic Party, is participating today in the festivities organized to celebrate the National Holiday of France. In a communiqué issued by the party, it is said that Lupu is the only Moldovan politician invited by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy to the festivities, Info-Prim Neo reports. While in France, Marian Lupu will participate in the Festive Parade and in the reception held by the President of the French Republic. He will also have a number of working meetings at the Presidential Administration, the Senate and the National Assembly of France. (communiqué PD)

Patentees invite Government to talks

The patent holders submitted a number of claims to the Government, saying that if they do not reach an agreement with the executive in two weeks (just before the early elections — e.n.), they will resort to mass protests. Eugen Roscovanu, president of the Small Business Association (AMB), who is a candidate on the list of the Moldova Noastra (Our Moldova) Alliance (AMN), at a news conference held at the AMN head office on Tuesday said that the claims are contained in a resolution adopted at a regional protest in Balti on Sunday. Roscovanu said that the patentees demand that the health insurance payments for the last three years be cancelled. They want that the health insurance is optional and that the amounts transferred are collected in a personalized account throughout the payer’s life. They also demand that the too many state inspections be reduced, that the cost of the patent be halved and that the range of entrepreneurial activities allowed under patent be diversified. According to the AMB president, the number of small entrepreneurs is growing. Many of them work in the underground economy because they do not have conditions to operate legally, he said. (Info-Prim)

Supreme Court rules Gurbulea’s and Zubic’c assertions that Urecheanu and Plesca tried to assassinate Rosca are unsupported

The Supreme Court of Justice Tuesday decided that the Prosecutor General Valeriu Gurbulea and Deputy Minister of the Interior Valentin Zubic did not have enough reasons to accuse the leader of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Serafim Urecheanu and the AMN member Ion Plesca of involvement in the assassination attempt on the leader of the Christian Democratic People’s Party Iurie Rosca. The Court upheld the decision of the previous court and rejected the prosecutor’s application in this case. (Info-Prim)

PCRM slaps opponents’ movies,"dirty technologies"

Young candidates on the PCRM’s list for the parliament criticized, on July 14, the movies about the April 7 events, produced by the AMN and the PLDM, and “the dirty electoral technologies of the liberal-radical parties.” Number 17 on the PCRM’s list, Grigore Petrenco, has said he is waiting for an answer from PLDM leader Vlad Filat about holding debates in media, after young PLDM members had challenged their Communist counterparts to debate in Stefan cel Mare Public Garden from Chisinau. “Misinformation and unbelievable lies”. This is how Grigore Petrenco has called the movies about the people’s revolt of April 7, produced and distributed by Our Moldova Alliance (AMN) and the Liberal Democratic Party. These movies can be watched on the Internet, but no Chisinau television has aired them. (Info-Prim)

PCRM seeks the revelation of frauds signalled by opposition parties

The Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) insists firmly that the so-called frauds related to the results of the April 5 elections invoked by leaders of opposition parties should be brought into the open, so that to understand why young people have been taken to the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN). PCRM candidate Ion Ceban has delivered such statements at a news conference. According to Ceban, “the lie followed by taking schoolchildren and students to PMAN was organised by the opposition.” Hereby, Ceban claims that the opposition can invent endless arguments that the 7th of April is a “creature” of the governance. As well, the candidate noted that “it was very clear” that opposition leaders have shirked for months from providing such arguments, trying to smother somehow this story, as well as the key call which directed young people to storm the Parliament and Presidency headquarters. (Basa-press)

Vasile Tarlev: Communists ruin Moldovan producers

The Communists have ruined the Moldovan producers, Vasile Tarlev, who runs for parliament on the Social Democratic Party’s (PSD) list, stated at a news conference on July 14. “The interference of the central authorities into the work of the real sector has conducted to a general drop in the demand for the main products, to the unjust appreciation of the national coin, what finally have destroyed the Moldovan producers”. The former prime minister says he quit because he could not see how the authorities were destroying the Moldovan economy, how “the oligarchs from around the president were stealing from the state’s pocket.” Vasile Tarlev stands for banning the imports of raw materials produced in Moldova, too, and for dropping the taxes on them. At the same conference, Tarlev has criticized the authorities’ intention to buy busted Investprivatbank through state-owned Banca de Economii. “The state will have only to lose from this deal, since BEM will have to return the money of Investprivatbank’s depositors. The authorities want to prove, in the full swing of the race, that the bankers are bad, but the state is good,” he said. (Info-Prim)

PL accuses government of allowing deterioration of rural infrastructure

The vice president of the Liberal Party (PL) Dorin Chirtoaca said that the rural roads are damaged, the villages remain non-gasified, but the authorities did not take steps to remedy the situation and did not invest money in the rural infrastructure during the last few years. “The authorities should give priority to the rural settlements. The municipality of Chisinau in 2009 invested mainly in suburbs, while the state reduced the current expenditure for the Moldovan villages and the volume of investment. 20% of the funds from the municipal budget are allocated to suburbs. The state authorities yet provided no social assistance to the persons that have incomes lower than the minimum subsistence level,” said Dorin Chirtoaca, who resigned as Mayor General of Chisinau for the period of the election campaign. According to Chirtoaca, the authorities must strengthen the social sphere so that the people have a decent salary, pension and living. The PL members criticized the Moldovan Village Program initiated by the authorities in 2005. (Info-Prim)

MAE says four of its members were detained by order of PCRM

The European Action Movement (MAE) has said that four members of the party were detained on July 13 without reason and interrogated until midnight at the Buiucani Police Commissariat. They were placing election posters on a specially allotted place, the MAE says in a communique. According to the MAE, the police were called to the place by a group of individuals wearing the symbols of the PCRM, who wanted to intimidate the young members of the MAE that were attaching the party’s posters with the slogan “Down with the Communism!”. The head of the Interior Ministry’s press service Ala Meleca confirmed that the MAE members had been detained. She said that a report was written against one of them over intentional destruction and deterioration of election posters. The man was fined 600 lei. (Info-Prim)