Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

Early Parliamentary Elections in Moldova on November 28, 2010

As the Parliament elected on July 29, 2009 was dissolved because had failed to elect the President of the Republic of Moldova, early parliamentary elections were held on November 28, 2010 when the new composition of Parliament was elected out of 40 electoral contestants (39 candidates competed by the end of the campaign). The voter turnout was 63.37% and the 101 parliamentary seats have been distributed as follows: PCRM — 42 seats, PLDM — 32, PDM — 15 and PL — 12.
General information on elections

Electoral Contestants

Contestants who have passed threshold of representation

Analysis of Lists

Results of statistical analysis of the electoral contestants’ lists by following categories: gender composition, age composition, social status of candidates and candidates’ participation on party lists in current and previous elections[]

Election Results

Results of the Parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010
In the November 28 parliamentary elections four contestants passed the electoral threshold and entered the Moldovan Parliament (19th Legislature) — Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (39.34% of the votes), Liberal-Democratic Party of Moldova (29.42%), Democratic Party of Moldova (12.70%) and Liberal Party (9.96%)[]

List of MPs

List of Members of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova elected on November 28, 2010[]

Election Process Monitoring

Reports and analyses covering election campaign, Election Day and post-election period[]