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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from October 4, 2010


The first 12 potential contestants

In the first day of receiving the documents for registration as electoral candidates for parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010, 12 political parties submitted their documents to the Central Electoral Commission. Following the drawing of lots, which took place at the end of the day, if the documents will be complete and the contestants will be registered, the first 12 places in the ballot will be held in the following order:
  1. National Liberal Party
  2. Democratic Party of Moldova
  3. Liberal Party
  4. The Party “Moldova Unita — Eдиная Молдова” (United Moldova)
  5. Christian Democratic People’s Party
  6. European Action Movement
  7. Political Party “Patriotii Moldovei” (Patriots of Moldova)
  8. Political Party “Pentru Neam si Tara” (For Nation and Country)
  9. Republican Party of Moldova
  10. "Moldova Noastra" (Our Moldova) Alliance
  11. Humanist Party of Moldova
  12. Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova.
Central Electoral Commission shall check the presented materials (lists of candidates, biographical data, statements on income and property, statements about the absence of prohibitions) and shall decide on registering the electoral competitors within seven days from the day of receiving the documents.

The low threshold stimulates the independent candidates

The reduced threshold for independent candidates in parliamentary elections determines many persons to try and register as electoral contestants. According to the information disseminated by media, the Central Electoral Commission was already approached by 16 persons who have requested subscription lists to gather signatures and run in elections as independent candidates. These include well known people in the field of business, public administration, political leaders, former MPs and leaders of NGOs. In order to be registered by CEC, the independent candidate has to submit subscription lists, containing signatures of at least 2,000 supporters having the right to vote, under condition that a voter can support just one candidate by his/her signature. It should be mentioned that, within those six parliamentary elections, none of independent candidates succeeded to gain 2 percent of votes.