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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from October 5, 2010


Civic Initiative for a Clean Parliament launched

A number of non-governmental organizations, political analysts and investigative journalists have launched the campaign “Know your candidate”, where the moral qualities of the candidates nominated by parties for the elections of 28 November 2010 will be verified. The lists of political parties registered with CEC and with chances to accede to the Parliament will be investigated according to certain criteria such as: property owned and property declared; use of public resources for personal or party purposes; political transits; activity in previous public positions. Profiles of the candidates included on the lists will be first examined and then submitted to the monitored parties, which will be able to challenge the information or to proceed to changes. The monitoring results will be made public before the elections, when a list of candidates who would not deserve to hold the MP position in the next Parliament will be also prepared. All results will be included in a booklet that will be sent to political parties, voters and media.

Significant increase of the expenditure ceiling

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) approved the ceiling on funds that may be transferred to the electoral fund in early parliamentary elections of 28 November 2010: CEC justifies its decision by the international experience, which involves 0.5 euro cents per voter in case of parties and 0.05 euro cents in case of independent candidates. It should be mentioned that in 2009 political parties were able to accumulate an electoral fund of maximum 7.5 million lei, and independent candidates — maximum 500,000.

Accreditation of first observers

CEC accredited 42 long-term national observers, representing the Public Association “Promo-LEX”, to monitor the parliamentary elections to be held on 28 November 2010.

CEC decisions

Within its meeting of October 5, CEC adopted several technical decisions for early parliamentary elections of 28 November 2010, covering the following issues:

Requests for revision of the lists of candidates

The Prime Minister Vladimir Filat made a public appeal to party members of the European Integration Alliance, asking them to reconsider the decision on nominating the current cabinet ministers into the lists of candidates. The Prime Minister reasons its decision by the need to further the activity of Governmental, which would lack the quorum in the situation when 11 ministers are already included in the lists filed for registration with CEC. Representatives of those parties who have already submitted documents for registration have commented differently the message of Prime Minister, some say that Government may be also functional in the absence of ministers, who may be replaced by deputy ministers, who are highly skilled and responsible. The proponents of the ruling parties have argued that by this message addressed in public, without prior consultation, the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers promotes his own image for electoral purpose. On the evening of October 5, representatives of the Liberal Party have publicly stated that liberal ministers will withdraw from the electoral lists in order to work in the Government and will work in the Government as long as it will be necessary and then will return later in the campaign.

Additional four possible independent candidates

CEC was approached by additional four persons who have requested special forms for collecting signatures of support that are necessary in order to run in electoral race as an independent candidate. If all those who requested the forms will succeed in gathering 2,000 valid signatures each, the number of independent candidates would already reach 20 persons.