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Election News from October 11, 2010


Registration of first 12 contestants

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) registered the first 12 electoral competitors for the parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010, in the order they will be placed on the ballot, registered their electoral symbols and confirmed the CEC official representatives. The registration decisions mention the registered candidates who fall under the provisions of Article 13 para.(3) of the Electoral Code and are required, until October 14, 2010, to suspend the work in their positions (deputy prime ministers, ministers and deputy ministers, ex officio members of the Government; leaders of central public authorities, chairpersons and deputy chairpersons of districts; mayors and deputy mayors; praetor and deputy praetors).Non-suspension from the positions may entail invalidation of these candidates’ registration, upon the request of CEC, through a court decision. Since the day of registration, the electoral contestants may officially start the campaign and electoral propaganda.

PLDM has filed the registration papers

Although it was earlier declared that PLDM will start running in electoral campaign on the last stage, 30 days before the election date, on October 11, 2010, the leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) shoed up in CEC to filed the documents for registration as an electoral competitor. Before entering in into CEC HQ, the PLDM leader, Vladimir Filat, has publicly presented the list of party candidates and the party’s electoral platform, which is titled “Moldova without Poverty!”. Since it was the only applicant for registration on that day, PLDM will appear on the ballot under number 13. CEC shall examine the filed papers and registered the electoral candidate within seven days.

Parliamentary Committee didn’t vote to lift the parliamentary immunity of some candidates

On its second sitting, the Committee on Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities did not vote for lifting the immunity of Vladimir Voronin and Anatol Popuşoi, PCRM MPs, and proposed the Parliament to dismiss, by submit to the Prosecutor General, the notification due to the “lack of evidence”. According to the Committee Chairman, Ion Plesca, the Committee decided to dismiss the notification back to the prosecutors because they had failed to interrogate both respondents, as well as because Vladimir Voronin is a member of Moldovan delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and holds the immunity of that assembly, and therefore the PACE should be notified and informed. Vladimir Voronin has qualified the attempt to wave the immunity as a show, a political scenario before the elections, and the work of prosecutors as being unprofessional. Since registration of an electoral candidate, the candidates of its lists benefit from additional immunity, which may be lifted only by CEC.

Another possible independent candidate

The former Communist MP and member of the United Moldova Party, Victor Stepaniuc, said he will run independently in parliamentary elections of November 28 and addressed the CEC to get the subscription lists in order to collect at least 2,000 supporting signatures. According to CEC representatives, on October 11, 26 persons declared they want to participate in elections as independent candidates, but none was yet officially registered.