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Election News from October 12, 2010


Appeal to observe the principles of free and fair elections

Coalition for Free and Fair Elections addressed an appeal to the candidates, the ruling political parties, electoral bodies and other public institutions, urging to observe the principles underlying free and fair elections and announced about monitoring the observance of these principles in the early parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010. (source: The Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections)

First independent candidate files papers

Valeriu Plesca, former Defence Minister (2004–2007) and former Member of Parliament (1998–2004), is the first independent who provided the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) with the documents for registration as electoral competitor in parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010. Valeriu Plesca presented the subscription lists containing 2,400 signatures of his supporters and if he’ll be registered by CEC, he’ll position 14th in the ballot. CEC is required to register the candidates within 7 days from receiving the documents.

PCRM campaign launched

At a press conference, the leader of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM), Vladimir Voronin, has exposed the party’s electoral plans and presented the party’s electoral platform for the parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010, titled “Moldova chooses Victory”. According to statements by Vladimir Voronin:

Challenging the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Electoral Code

The Government, represented by the Prime Minister Vladimir Filat, has notified the Constitutional Court concerning the constitutionality of Article 13. para.(3) of the Electoral Code regarding the requirement to suspend the activity of ministerial positions and other government members during the electoral campaign. The notification alleges a contradiction between the provisions of Electoral Code and those of Article 103 of the Constitution, according to which the Government shall exercise its mandate unless the new Government is established. In addition, it mentions that ministers’ obligation to suspend their position may deprive the Government of the quorum required by law to convene meetings and adopt decisions, which would breach the Articles 96, 102 and 103 of the Constitution. (source: Governmental press release)

Problems with organizing elections in Gagauzia

Members of the Central Electoral Commission of ATU Gagauzia, established for the elections of Gagauz Governor can not elect the Commission’s President, although several sittings were already held to this end. If the leadership problem won’t be solved, the People’s Assembly could decide to dissolve the regional electoral body, and this situation will result into postponement of the election date, previously set for December 12, 2010.