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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from October 19, 2010


CEC decided about the polling stations abroad

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) decided to open 75 polling stations abroad for the November, 28 elections pursuant to Government arrangements. 35 polling stations will be open inside the diplomatic missions, and the other 45 outside. Thus, in Italy will be open 16 polling stations, in Romania and USA — by 8, in Russia — 4, in Spain, France and Ukraine — by 3.

Independent candidate Valeriu Plesca promises “order in the country”

Former defense minister, Valeriu Pleşca, was registered by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) as independent candidate for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. He will be listed on the ballot paper under the number 14. Valeriu Plesca is the second candidate who will advocate in electoral campaign for establishing order in the country. He declared that entered the electoral campaign to capitalize on his experience and will break the traditions, by becoming the first independent MP to be elected, for the reason that the independent candidate has an advantage of not paying a tribute to donors, as parties do. It was registered also the electoral symbol of Valeriu Plesca — a circle with the inscription “Law and Order”.

PDM leader, Marian Lupu, about the relationship with political opponents

In the TV show “În profunzime” (In depth) produced by the PRO TV station, the leader of the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM), Marian Lupu, declared that “there are both Yes and No” in politics, thus, he is open to dialogue with the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) to create a post electoral alliance, but he supposes that it will be a difficult task. At the same time, Marian Lupu has negatively described the PCRM, naming it a party with “a strong wish to destroy other parties and to keep under control everything happens in the Republic of Moldova”. Despite the fact that PCRM is the main opponent of PDM there are “reasons to keep the door wide open because the country is disunited, and PDM put the country’s interests above its own ambitious”. Moreover, Marian Lupu declared that he is not a “hunter of positions”, and he aspired to the position of chief of state only for the reason to contribute to “the development of Moldova”. Marian Lupu also asserted that out of regard for voters, they have to know who finances the PDM. In this regard, he mentioned about his “transparent and clear” relations with the businessman Vladimir Plahotniuc, which despite his current refusal, ultimately could be included in the electoral list of PDM. Marian Lupu belied the rumors that he would have business relations with Sorin Ovidiu Vintu, implying that these rumors were spread by political opponents.

Humanist Party of Moldova advocates for the customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

Leader of the Humanist Party of Moldova (PUM), Valeriu Pasat, declared in a press conference that “Moldova acutely needs a new political force — a third force that would have relations neither with Communists, nor with Liberal-democrats”. According to Valeriu Pasat, the party he leads will advocate for adherence of the Republic of Moldova to the customs union Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, as this is the only way to relaunch and positively develop the country’s economy. PUM leader considers also that if “Moldova would re-direct its politics and economy towards East, it would be easier to attract investments, to cut off tariffs, and rise the pensions and salaries”. Valeriu Pasat thinks that for spiritual development of the Republic of Moldova it is necessary to cooperate with the Orthodox Church and to introduce mandatory religious teaching in school. As regards the political opponents, Valeriu Pasat affirmed that the only “success” of the Alliance for European Integration (AIE) is the accumulation of debt. On the other hand, PCRM and its leader, Vladimir Voronin “is obsessed with revenge and builds revenge plans, and their coming back to power will mean the deepening of the crisis”.

A Decalogue for a fair campaign by Moldova Noastra Alliance

Leaders of the Moldova Noastra (Our Moldova) Alliance (AMN) declared that will propose the candidates a Decalogue consisting of ten rules of conduct for a fair electoral campaign. These ten rules of AMN are as follows: don’t attack the coalition partners; don’t lie to voters; don’t steal members from other parties; don’t bribe the voters using administrative resources; don’t attack toughly the political opponents; don’t tear up the posters of political opponents; don’t aggress electoral agitators; don’t make bare promises; don’t put personal interests above the country’s interest; don’t throw slurs at your country and national symbols.

Leader of the Liberal Party advocates for free and fair elections

Leader of the Liberal Party (PL), Mihai Ghimpu declared that “Alliance for European Integration (AIE) is interested that early parliamentary elections of November will be free and fair”. Especially, he regarded to “the issue of producing electoral lists, of organizing the activity of polling stations”, as well as other issues related to the organization of November elections. “The citizens will decide by giving their vote for one or another contestant who will win the elections. We shall create optimal conditions for a free and fair conduct of elections”.

Popular Republican Party urges to be voted normal people…

Leader of the Popular Republican Party, Nicolae Andronic, submitted the party’s electoral list to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). According to the PPR leader “PPR became aware and called things by their names — in the Republic of Moldova there were and continue to be two Moldova — one of the previous and incumbent governances, on the one hand, and Moldova of the others, the most poor country in Europe, on the other hand. The PPR list to be registered doesn’t include separate persons from both Moldova – that of governing persons and the poor, but a batch of people that aims at restoring a single Republic, with equal rights and chances for everybody”. PPR slogan is “Choose the normal people!”.

Appeal of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova to the European Commission

Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) warned by an appeal the European partners of the Republic of Moldova about the direct and biased interference in the electoral process of Moldova by the leadership of one of the EU member states. “We call your attention to the fact that Romanian president, Traian Basescu, mentioned publicly and openly in a TV interview on October 17, 2010 that Romania supports the Alliance for European Integration in the early parliamentary elections. This statement was made by Romanian president immediately after on the official webpage of Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was posted the information about Romanian long-term financing of the mass media and other newspapers from the Republic of Moldova, well-known for their political orientation and informational policy. PCRM considers that “such declarations could be refuted only by their public condemnation by official representatives of the European Union in Moldova and of the European Commission”.