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Election News from October 20, 2010


Office of PDM in Soroca devastated

Press service of Democratic Party of Moldova announced that the office of PDM branch in Soroca was devastated. According to the source, criminals broke into the office and stole the safe, containing the stamp of the party’s district organization and many documents related to the party’s activity. PDM qualifies this incident as a clear sign of rough electoral campaign. Aggression could promote only a polarization of society and citizens’ disappointment in political elites, in democratic nature of electoral process. PDM requested law enforcement bodies to investigate this case and elucidate the circumstances of the incident.

PLDM will renounce the immunity

Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova organized a public manifestation, in which party candidates announced that they will renounce the parliamentary immunity if they accede to power after the elections of November, 28. PLDM promised also to take away immunity from judges. The commitment to renounce the immunity is a part of party’s electoral platform, titled “Moldova without poverty — Moldova without corruption.” According to PLDM leader, Vlad Filat, this will ensure equality before the law for all citizens, no matter what function someone has, because governmental immunity is a tool that prevents the solution of problems related to corruption in the country.

PDM presented the list of candidates for the Parliament

Democratic Party of Moldova presented the list of candidates for the Parliament within a public manifestation. The PDM leader, Marian Lupu, declared that the list of candidates could undergo changes. He reiterated the proposal to businessman — Vladimir Plahotniuc, to be included in the list. The leaders of PDM mentioned that the doors would stay open to all interested parts for post electoral dialog. President of Honor of PDM, Dumitru Diacov, remarked that “those from the right are trying to push us to the left, and those from the left are trying to push us to the right, in order to reduce the space of maneuvering”. Referring to the relations of Moldova with its neighbors, the leader of PDM declared that there are good relations with Russia, Ukraine and Romania, specifying that Bucharest could manifest a support of government coalition if it would agree to sign the Basic Treaty and The Border Treaty with the Republic of Moldova.

MAE launched the Plan for modernization of Moldova

European Action Movement (MAE) launched its electoral program entitled “Plan for modernization of Moldova through creation of jobs!” under the electoral slogan “More deeds, less politics!” MAE presented its list of candidates in an abandoned hall full with decommissioned old construction equipment outside of Chisinau, symbolizing defaulted economy of last governments. According to the leader of MAE, Veaceslav Untila, “MAE aims at becoming political engine of reforms. What do we have in mind? Plan for modernization of Moldova through creation of jobs. How? There are a number of measures that we think would create approximately 60000 jobs annually, starting with 2011”

“For Nation and Country” Party presented its electoral program

“For Nation and Country Party” (PPNŢ) presented its electoral program entitled — “WHAT WE WANT TO DO AND FOR WHAT WE WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!” The program is not referred to any promises, but focuses on one problem — Mafia. In this regard, program provides: organization of a public tribunal for mafia organizations in Moldova. Creation of a group made of noble judges and prosecutors, empowered by Parliament, Government, with involvement of European institutions, which would become Nürnberg to Mafia; a process for supporters of mafia (judges, investigators and prosecutors). Bringing of judges from Germany and other European countries in filling key positions in Moldovan system of justice; Transformation of legal framework; Tightening of anti mafia measures. Closing of economical law courts supporting mafia, holding the judges, prosecutors and investigators accountable for tendentiousness, tightening of measures and prophylaxis for the future, modification/ adjusting of legal framework aiming at prevention of mafia and corruption phenomenon. Demilitarization of Prosecution Office, public control of CCCEC. We will return from mafia to State the courts, prosecution office, ministries! It is absolute truth!

PNL is not invited anymore to talk-shows

Leader of National Liberal Party (PNL), Vitalia Pavlicenco, expressed disagreement with the way “free” and “independent” TV stations create “fair conditions” to the electoral contestants. Referring to application of provisions of regulation on media coverage of elections, PNL leader mentions that representatives of AEI appear at TV stations, expressing willingness of political owner of TV station, and confirms stupidity and bad will of art. 18 (“Media institutions in organization of talk shows, besides electoral debates, will provide equilibrium, impartiality, and pluralism of opinions towards electoral contestants” from “REGULATION on coverage of electoral campaign for early parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010 by mass media of Republic of Moldova… This is in a way implementation of philosophy and concept of discriminatory coverage of electoral campaign.”

PSD, MR as well as independent candidate Victor Stepaniuc will participate in elections for the Parliament

Social Democratic Party (PSD), “Ravnopravie” Movement and the independent candidate Victor Stepaniuc applied for registration to participate as electoral contestants. Once Central Electoral Commission verifies documents submitted, it would register the electoral contestants, assigning them printed numbers in the ballot paper as follows: MR — 18, PSD — 19, Victor Stepaniuc — 20.

Chief of European Union Delegation recommends restraint

Chief of European Union Delegation, Dirk Schuebel, declared at one of the press conferences, that it is not good when politicians of the neighboring countries declare support of one or another power in the Republic of Moldova during electoral period. Dirk Schuebel emphasized that the “European Union is interested in free, fair, democratic elections in the Republic of Moldova, without interference from outside … We consider that citizens should have the right to decide for themselves which party should govern the Republic of Moldova, without interference from outside. That is why, we consider that it would be wise to restrain from such declarations in this period”. The present mention was made as a reaction to the declaration of Romanian president, Train Basescu on October 17, in plenary support of Alliance for European Integration (AIE), after the party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova addressed an open letter to the European Commission, regarding this matter.