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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from October 21, 2010


Resolution of the European Parliament on the Republic of Moldova

Resolution of the European Parliament of October, 21 on the Republic of Moldova mentions that the chances of the European future of the Republic of Moldova depend on the way the parliamentary elections of November 28 are conducted. In this context, members of the European Parliament requested that the Council would invite Commission at its next meeting of October 25, 2010 to start elaboration, in short terms, of the action plan for visa liberalization, in order to enter effectively in the operation phase of visa liberalization dialog, based on progresses achieved by the Republic of Moldova. Members of the European Parliament emphasized successful realization of reforms in the Republic of Moldova and substantial success in negotiation of Moldova — European Union Association Agreement.

European Commission hopes that the new Government would have an European agenda

Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, declared the election of November, 28 are important for consolidation of democracy, and European Commission hopes that the new Government from Chisinau would have a pro-European agenda. According to Füle, there have been made progresses in short period of time in relations between the UE and the Republic of Moldova. Unfortunately, political crisis couldn’t be solved through referendum. Political parties should make an effort in electing president and appointing government. Füle mentioned that the European Union made an effort to support the Government of the Republic of Moldova in implementation of democratic reforms and adjusting them to the European standards.

Constitutional Court couldn’t examine the problem of suspending the ministers from their duties

Constitutional Court (CC) stopped examination of request made by the Prime Minister Vlad Filat regarding the constitutionality of suspending the ministers from their duties during the electoral campaign. Request was made by the Prime Minister in order to avoid the effects of the article 13 from the Electoral Code regarding the interruption of the electoral contestants from their executive duties during election period. CC arrived at the conclusion that “the request is not under the competence of the person requesting it”. Victor Puscas, judge of CC specified that “the Code of Constitutional Jurisdiction identifies the subjects allowed to make request to Court, including Government and Prime Minister ". Thereby, in order to adopt or modify eventually some governmental decision, members of the cabinet of ministers should stop temporarily from electoral attributes.

Priorities of PNL

National Liberal Party (PNL) made public its election priorities at one of the press conference. “PNL regrets that democrats didn’t form a Block of National Unity or an Alliance of Romanian Unity, in order to stop returning of Communists to power. PNL comes with the Message of National Dignity, with Message of Unification of the two Romanian States — PNL proposes Unification with Romania. PNL sees Dignity as an Act of historical justice and the only salvation from poverty and despair. Unification with Romania through sovereign vote of the citizens or Parliament is the shortest way to Europe, where law is for everyone, the citizen is free, has rights, able to work and live… The other problems could be solved if we would bring considerable foreign investments, which require a solid security zone, an umbrella for investments. NATO and the UE could offer this. Unification with Romania guarantees our security and opens the way to prosperity. PNL welcomes that Romania doesn’t recognize the consequences of Ribbentrop — Molotov Pact that taken Basarabia from Romania”.

PL supported by anticommunist sportsmen

A group of 31 sportsmen from national lots of the Republic of Moldova announced their solidarity with Liberal Party (PL) in the elections of November, 28. The sportsmen signed a declaration in this context that asserts the following: “The election campaign of November 28, 2010 shows, that after twenty years of transition, we still have to choose between lies and truth, between bad and good, between past and present, between dignity and lack of dignity, between marionette parties and the parties of national interest, between the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent State, between corrupted and rich leaders and honest and pure leaders. We, as a group of representatives of sport elite of Moldova, chose to go in this elections with PL, that is to say we choose the Truth, Equity and Dignity. Liberal Party is the only governing party for which truth matters, that can’t be accused of lying, that hasn’t had or has problems with law, that fight openly with communism” .

AMN launched its campaign in the capital of the North

Alliance Moldova Noastra (AMN) organized official launching of election campaign in the capital of the North — Balti. AMN leader, Serafim Urechean, attending the manifestation, informed those present about the party’s goals in the campaign, and also about the postelection configuration. “AMN program is oriented towards development of the economy, consolidation of the society, bringing back citizens that work abroad. We are for the stability, and order, because we want to live here no matter what nationality, religious belief, and party membership. Moldova is our common country”.

A PLDM representative assaulted

According to a press release of Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM), “in one of the election meetings with Vladimir Voronin, that took place at Culture House in Ungheni, a shocking incident happened. Anton Cotici, intended to ask Voronin, but bodyguards of Voronin stopped him and took him outside … Bodyguards death threatened Cotici, and hit him, as a result he had a number of injures and fractured foot. Cotici had been abandoned outside of Culture House under its stairs. Witnesses of the incident called ambulance and informed police. The victim has been hospitalized, and police and prosecutor’s office investigates the case. PLDM condemns this act of violence by the representative of PCRM and requests this case to be investigated and perpetrators to be brought to justice.”