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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from October 22, 2010


Gabriel Stati is registered

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has registered Gabriel Stati as independent candidate for the MP position, within the parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010. Yet, Stati is the second independent candidate registered by the CEC and will appear in the ballot under the number 16, and his electoral symbol is a stylized pentagram, marked at the bottom with “Gabriel Stati”. The candidate has not made public his electoral platform or campaign slogan, and he didn’t show up at the CEC either for submitting the documents or for official registration, being represented by proxy. In his statement of income and assets for the last two years, Gabriel Stati declares that he holds the position of Director General of “Stati & Co.” Ltd., he didn’t accumulate revenues at his basic job, and from part time job he has accumulated about 164 thousand lei, he doesn’t have securities. Also, the candidate owns a 2-bedroom apartment, 3 houses, some land and 18 cars, including two Rolls-Royce. (source: CEC)

Two additional potential independent candidates

On October 22 two citizens filed documents with CEC, requesting to be registered as independent candidates for parliamentary elections and have presented subscription lists: If they will be registered, the two will appear on ballots under the number 22 (E. Nazarenco) and 23 (Gh. Russu).

PLDM disputed the PCRM statements and requests operative investigation on abuse

In a press release, the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) qualifies the information recently released by the press service of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM), as if the physical assault of citizen Anton Cotici by bodyguards of Vladimir Voronin would be a “provocative action carefully prepared and carried out most likely on PLDM request”, as totally aberrant and showing totally false and aggressive character of the PCRM electoral campaign. PLDM reaffirms its commitment to promote a clean, non-aggressive campaign, one that is focused on the goal of taking the country out of poverty, but request the law enforcement bodies to carry out an operative investigation of the case for prosecuting the guilty ones. (source: PLDM)

BCC dismisses the complaint on Pro TV

Audiovisual Coordination Council (CCA) has rejected as ungrounded the PCRM complaint against Pro TV broadcaster. PCRM requested for the sanction because only one electoral candidate (Marian Lupu) was invited to the Programme “In Depth”. According to CCA, the legislation and regulation on campaign media coverage does not Prohibit to organize political talk-shows, but PCRM representatives disagree with that decision, although, as stated, they won’t appeal it. Pro TV representatives say they have invited the PCRM leader Vladimir Voronin to the next Programme “In Depth”, but they have not received a response yet. (source: Pro TV)

CEC informs the voters and secures the voting

At its meeting on October 22, CEC approved the SMS texts for awareness raising among citizens regarding the parliamentary elections. The texts will be disseminated in the state language and Russian, as follows: At the same meeting, CEC has established the procedure for securing the voting process by applying a stamp with the words “Elections 11/28/2010” on the voters’ identification documents. Once the ballot is issued, the stamp shall be applied on the attachment to the ID card or on the other document used by the voter: passport; form no.9; service cards for conscripts; service record issued by the Civil Service Centre and sailor’s service record.

PACE interested in Moldovan elections

An observer delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE] will pay a visit on 25–28 October 2010 in order to get informed about the organization and conduct of the electoral campaign and parliamentary elections of November 28. According tot the programme, the members of PACE delegation will meet with the Speaker of Parliament, leaders of the European Integration Alliance and the parliamentary opposition, with representatives of extra-parliamentary parties, experts from civil society and mass media. The planned programme also includes meetings with representatives of the CEC, CCA, Constitutional Court. (source: Press Service of the Parliament)

Prior registration period extended

The prior registration period for Moldovan citizens abroad was extended by 15 days before the election day (the previous term was 25 days before the Election Day).The voters will be informed about the new registration period by publications on websites of the CEC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, diplomatic missions. (source: CEC decision no.3688 of 22.10.2010)

Additional electoral responsibilities

Central Electoral Commission has established additional responsibilities for central governmental authorities and other bodies related to ensuring the smooth conduct of parliamentary elections on 28 November 2010. According to the CEC decision, the authorities have to ensure conditions for training, uninterrupted and secure work of electoral administration, to counteract abuses and electoral infringements, to provide the assistance required for documenting the citizens and for conducting the voting process, for functioning of the media (source: CEC decision no.3690 of 22.10.2010)

PCRM complaint dismissed

Central Electoral Commission has rejected the complaint filed by PCRM representative, whereby requesting to sanction Valeriu Cosarciuc, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, MP candidate on the lists of the political party “Our Moldova Alliance” [AMN] for violating the legislative provisions on the suspension from office during the electoral campaign. PCRM invokes the participation of AMN representative in a roundtable, under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry .CEC has found that participation of V. Cosarciuc had no relations with his status of electoral competitor, and the information disseminated in the media does not mention the minister’s name. The complaint has not proven the candidate’s use of public funds or property (administrative resources), and the participation of a minister at a round table is not a violation of those provisions. Therefore, the CEC noted that V. Cosarciuc did not exercise his office powers, he was not campaigning and did not use administrative resources. (source: CEC decision no.3698 of 22.10.2010)