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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from October 26, 2010


The number of registered competitors reached 21

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has registered the following five candidates for the parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010:
  1. Popular Republican Party
  2. Social-political Movement “Ravnopravie (Equality)”
  3. Social Democratic Party
  4. Victor Stepaniuc, independent candidate
  5. Roma Social-political Movement of the Republic of Moldova

The financial statements of electoral candidates

On October 26, 2010 financial reports were submitted by 11 political parties registered as electoral candidates. According to information submitted to the CEC, the political party “Moldovan Patriots” did not open bank accounts, and no expenses were incurred by the Republican Party of Moldova and the European Action Movement. Following the verification of the submitted reports, it was found that the income and expenditures are in compliance with data sent by banks, where the competitors have opened their “Electoral Fund” accounts. As of October 26, 2010, the generalized financial report on income and expenditures in the electoral campaign for early elections is the following: for income — 5,591,460 lei, for expenses — 4,846,429 lei. (source: CEC decision no.3711 of 26.10.2010)

Moldovan Mail Service refutes

The State Enterprise “Posta Moldovei” (Moldovan Mail Service) has issued a press release, according to which, there are cases when political entities make use of postmen to make electoral propaganda, influence people, especially the pensioners to vote in favour of political parties, invoking that pensions will no longer be distributed at home if they will not vote for certain electoral candidates. SE “Posta Moldovei” refutes this information and states that pensions will continue to be distributed at home regardless of electoral outcome. Also, all directors of mail offices throughout the country have been instructed to ensure non-involvement in political propaganda, otherwise they shall be disciplinary sanctioned. (source: SE “Posta Moldovei” press release)

A broadcaster claims its production is used in election spots

Pro TV has filed a complaint with the Central Electoral Commission, arguing that the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) makes use of images taken from Pro TV archive in its electoral advertisements, thus violating the copyrights. PCRM representatives state they did not violate the law by making use of public information, which is not copyrighted and is not protected. (source: Pro TV)

PCRM sues the PLDM

The Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) sued the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) in order to defend the honour, dignity and professional reputation of the PCRM leader Vladimir Voronin and the whole party. PCRM requests the court to declare the PLDM press release of October 21, 2010 regarding the Ungheni case when a citizen was mistreated by the PCRM leader bodyguards as slanderous and false. The compensations for material and moral damages are not requested. (source: PCRM)

Registration of OSCE/ODIHR observers

CEC accredited 31 persons as international observers to monitor the parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010 on behalf of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR). The observers activity is regulated by the Electoral Code, the Regulations on the status of observers and their accreditation, by international treaties to which Moldova is party. (source: CEC)

Despite declared efforts, the perception of corruption is increased

Transparency International launched the Corruption Perceptions Index 2010 (CPI 2010), according to which Moldova ranks back to situation of 2008, reaching a score of 2.9 points and ranking 108th among 178 countries included in this rating (in 2009 RM reached 3.3 points, ranking 92nd out of 180 countries).The dynamics show that Moldovan authorities have failed to meet the high expectations of the population after a number of events in 2009, the situation being explicable by the fact that new governance took the power in a situation of political, social and economic acute crisis. However, during one year the progress did occur in the area of public finances, democracy and foreign policy. (source: Transparency International)