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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from October 27, 2010


Additional five potential candidates

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has received the registration papers filed by additional independent MP candidates and established the provisional order of their registration in the ballot:
  1. Romeo Cereteu
  2. Afanasie Birladeanu
  3. Leonid Volneanschi
  4. Oleg Bolotnicov
  5. Oleg Cozac

PACE pre-electoral mission statement

Pre-electoral delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) visited Chisinau in order to assess the electoral campaign on the eve of the parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010.The delegation met with state officials, leaders of political parties running in elections, CEC members, members of the Constitutional Court and Broadcasting Coordination Council, representatives of the international community, NGOs and media. The delegation noted with satisfaction the trust of political stakeholders in the transparent operation of the CEC and improvement in the process of the media coverage of electoral campaign, including the public broadcasters, which in the past were predominantly favouring the ruling party. It is also recommended that private TV stations to provide, regardless of their political sympathies, a balanced media coverage so as to avoid serving as the platform for propaganda. According to the PACE delegation, there are some pending concerns regarding this electoral campaign: Delegation urges the political stakeholders to avoid aggressive rhetoric and attempts to apply pressure on political opponents or other actions contrary to the principles outlined in the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters of the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission. It is emphasized the crucial importance of early parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010, the results of which should eventually ensure the establishment of functioning state bodies in compliance with the Constitution and allow national authorities to focus efforts on solving key problems of citizens .Following the early parliamentary elections, the leaders of main political parties should immediately engage in a constructive and responsible dialogue to reach the necessary consensus for solve the crisis. (source:

MAE has amended its list of candidates

A statement of the Party “European Action Movement” (MAE) is announcing about changes in the list of candidates for the elections of November 28, according to the “performance criteria established by the National Council”. As expected and assumed earlier, the first places on the list of candidates include the party leaders: MAE Chairman, Veaceslav Untila; Anatol Petrencu, first deputy chairman; Iurie Colesnic, writer, MP. Initially, the MFA candidates were placed on the lists registered with CEC in alphabetical order.