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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from November 4, 2010


BCC Report

Broadcasting Coordination Council launched the first Report on monitoring the electoral campaign coverage in the news programs of television stations with national coverage. The report covers the period from 18 to 29 October 2010 and contains technical, quantitative findings and some qualitative estimations regarding the coverage in all programs broadcasted by the monitored broadcasters. The monitoring activities are conducted by a team of monitors, who have participated in training activities in media monitoring, on monitoring procedures and techniques. (source: BCC report)

Verification of voter lists online

Citizens who have domicile or residence visas in Chisinau may check if they were included in the voter list, accessing the box, “Check the electoral list” on City Hall’s website. Online service to check the voter lists prepared for the parliamentary elections of 28 November 2010 may be used by selecting the sector of residence and introducing the voter ID number. Citizens who have recently changed the residence visa, identity card or other personal data may require appropriate changes in the electoral lists by completing an online form. Voters who do not know the address where to vote on the day of the parliamentary elections may check the heading “Find out where to vote!”. The on-line project was initiated in 2009 and is accomplished by Chisinau City Hall in collaboration with Central Pretura and support of the Soros Foundation and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Moldova. (source: Info-Prim Neo Agency)

Controversial survey

CBX-AXA Centre presented a report on current social and political situation in Moldova, were the respondents with high voting probability and declared an intention to vote (50% of total sample) have stated the following options: The poll was conducted by the Centre for Sociological Investigations and Marketing “CBS AXA”, on a sample of over 1500 people in 88 localities, between 22 to 30 October 2010, with an error limit of ±2.5%.Following the presentation of the survey, several parties have accused its biased nature, requesting the information about the funding sources and invoking the presence of some CBS-AXA Centre representatives in the leadership of some political parties (DPM), and that party was presented in the survey with better results. The CEC pointed out that the survey has not been announced in advance to the CEC as it is required by electoral law.

Further information by MIA about electoral offences

Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) presented an information about the measures taken to ensure the parliamentary elections and about the events that took place during the electoral period, from October 4 to November 2, 2010. According to the MIA, as a result of actions taken by the relevant police commissariats, 10 cases of electoral breaches during the reported period have been identified, registered and documented. Seven electoral incident took place during the meeting of electoral competitors. In total, between 04/10/2010 to 02/11/2010 587 electoral meetings were held, which were attended by over 70,000 people. (source: MIA)

Valeriu Plesca proposes “resetting” the political system

Valeriu Plesca, independent candidate, held a briefing and circulated a press release which states that current political system in Moldova was discredited and should be “reset” because the country’s supreme legislative body is not representative and doesn’t represent the will of voters, of people, it lacks the multitude of options, positions, ideas, except for two opinions: pros and cons. In that situation the candidate Valeriu Plesca believes that the only indispensable prerequisite to “reset Moldova’s political system must be the independence of MPs”. And the situation must be changed by introducing a new electoral system, where at least one third of MPs shall be directly elected from all regions of the country. As a result, new bases will be laid for a stable electoral system and a stable party system, this will decrease the possibility of usurping the power both in parliament and in the parties.

PCRM proposes a Strategy to prevent the impact of natural hazards

At a press conference, the PCRM candidates have presented the Strategy on environmental protection, which provides for “modernizing and improving the national system for monitoring the natural disaster forecasting and prevention; development and subsequent filling of Regional Bank, Bank of natural disasters in Moldova in order to improve the methodology of predicting these phenomena; continuous strengthening of dams”. PCRM also proposes a national program to speed up the modernization of the thermo-energy complex and environmental infrastructure of Moldova, which provides for the resumption of cooperation with Russia and China concerning the investments in infrastructure with the priority focus on projects like CET-1 and CET-2. (source: PCRM)