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Election News from November 5, 2010


MAE appeals

President of the party European Action Movement (MAE), Veaceslav Untila, addressed an Appeal to all parties and independent candidates who do not have real chances get into the Parliament withdraw and support MAE in elections of November 28. MAE invokes its own example of July 29, 2009, when it had an active campaign for democratic forces, but withdrew in order to promote the national interest. MAE relies on a survey, according to which this party could be a decisive factor for the creation of a parliamentary majority with 61 seats needed to elect the head of state.

CEC detaches from polls

In a press release, the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) states that according to law during the campaign the polls may only be carried out under prior notification to the CEC and the survey’s results may be published no later than 5 days before the election day. At the same time, the CEC states that the publication of polls’ results shall be accompanied by a range of information: • the name of the organization that conducted the survey; • the date or time when the survey was conducted and the methodology used; • the sampling size and maximum error margin; • the applicant and the funding source of the survey.

The entry order in the ballot is final

CEC has established the entry order of those 40 electoral competitors in the ballot for the election of Moldovan Parliament to be held on 28 November 28, 2010.The order is established according to the submission of documents and drawing the lots, and it still may be changed before ordering the ballots, in case of cancellation of registration or some competitors’ withdrawal from the race.

Unanswered appeals

Central Electoral Commission has not adopted any substantive decision on appeals lodged by LP and DPM against the PCRM and its election spot, which would prejudice the honour and dignity of LP and DPM leaders. CEC invoked Article 16 of the Civil Code, which protects the honour, dignity and professional reputation of individuals and legal personalities, and the disputes of this kind fail under the competence of the judges of common law. Accordingly, the CEC considered the assessment of the content of the appealed advertising electoral spot, regarding the protection of dignity and reputation of the candidates of electoral competitors, fails unde the competence of the court. Electoral competitors who consider themselves wronged were recommended to apply to the competent court (source: CEC decision no.3788 of 05.11.2010)

Invitation to debates: PLDM vs. PCRM

PLDM Chairman, Vlad Filat, has invited the PCRM leader Vladimir Voronin to a public debate in order to discuss important issues for the Republic of Moldova, so as to provide citizens with the opportunity to make a right and conscious choice in the early parliamentary elections. Filat proposed that public debate would take place in the presence of media on November 26, on the last day of the electoral campaign, and to be mediated by independent experts, selected by mutual agreement. After the PCRM rejected the invitation, the PLDM leader qualified the refusal as “a decision dictated by fear and inability to hold a political dispute in a civilized manner”. (source: PLDM)

BCC warns the private TV station NIT

Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) warned the private TV station NIT for political partisanship, lack of observance of the pluralism of opinions and favouring the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) in the campaign. NIT management qualifies the BCC decision as illegal. BCC decided to grant a three days rehabilitation period, after which the station’s performance would be analyzed and the necessary measures taken. BCC based on its own monitoring report, accomplished between October 18 to 29, 2010, according to which out of the total time devoted by NIT to political issues, almost half was provided to PCRM — 48.1%, 15.4% — to EIA, 8.1% — DPM 7.8% — LDPM, 6.4% — to Government, 4.9% — AMN and 3.2% — LP. NIT representatives qualified the BCC decision as illegal, since the mandates of two Council’s members expired and the decision was taken at the request of the ruling parties. (source: Moldpres)