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 ElectionsParliamentary2010Election News

Election News from November 10, 2010


Remarkable decision of the BCC

Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) approved retransmission of TVR 1 station in Moldova through the state network no.2 with national coverage, owned by the company “Telefe M International”. Retransmission of TVR 1 by 2 Plus was possible due to appeals of Romanian authorities, and for retransmission the broadcaster in Moldova will incur expenditures of about one million USD annually. At the same time, all revenues from advertising placed on this channel will remain available to “Telefe M International”.

BCC adopted a decision on sanctioning the private television channel NIT with a fine of 5,400 lei, for failure to observe equidistance, balance and pluralism of opinion, because the broadcaster has not conformed with an earlier decision of November 5, which demands the compliance with legal provision on covering the electoral campaign. NIT representatives declared that BCC monitoring does not correspond to reality and provides erroneous data, and the special attention given to an electoral competitor’s actions and initiatives (PCRM) does not mean biasness. (source: Moldpres)

Prohibitions on the involvement of pupils and students in the electoral campaign

Ministry of Education issued an order prohibiting the directors of educational institutions in the country at all levels and the teachers to involve pupils and students in electoral activities and electioneering during the working hours. The document also provides that meetings of teachers, pupils and students with MP candidates may be held in the premises of educational institutions and student residences just outside of the working program. Issuing this order was dictated by the fact that, lately, in educational institutions various electoral meetings are held by MP candidates, some of them being held with such violations as involvement of minors and during the study hours. (source: Moldpres)

A new test for the AIS “Elections”

During the parliamentary elections of November 28 the CEC will again the modules of the state Automated Informational System “Elections”. The system will be tested in 43 polling stations in the Central sector of Chisinau municipality, where the operators of the pilot project will be present, who will assist in all electoral operations on the voting day. (source: CEC decision no.3801 of 09.11.2010)

Civic campaigns and online promotion

On several social networks (Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter) some accounts have been created and the campaigns launched that urge people to vote on November 28. in order to be more convincing, various ingenious methods (videos, funny pictures) have been also used. Almost 20,000 internet users have joined the mobilizing campaign “Yes to vote on 28”, several messages are launched within electoral campaign “Ia’şi votează”. The CEC also has used social networking, the YouTube portal services, launching the campaign “Vote, people!”. (source: Publika TV)

The electoral competitors are also inventive in using the internet advertising, publishing banners, advertisements and even on-line applications. Thus, Our Moldova Alliance (AMN) has released the second edition of the online game “Seraphim without fear”, where the battle is held between the AMN leader Serafim Urechean and the PCRM prominent members.

PLDM is committed to young people and communicate the “Truth about poverty”

The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) has launched the “Commitment to Youth”, which includes measures to improve the life for young people in Moldova: • Jobs; • Visa-free Europe; • Qualitative Education; • Support for young families; • Youth involvement in decision making; • Fight against corruption. PLDM Youth Organisation has launched the information campaign “Truth about poverty”, where 32 mobile teams will visit all the districts and inform the population about the true face of the communist governance, about its wrongdoings, about the tendency to distort the reality and promote the lie. A dimension of the campaign is screening the film “8 years of lies” — an analogy to the results of those eight years of communist governance. PLDM representatives said that although the party has chosen in the fight against poverty and not a political party, “extent of Communist deceit, disinformation breaking public shares of common sense” and therefore decided to Young Liberal Democrats launch Campaign “Truth about poverty”. (Source: PLDM)

AMN relies on women

AMN organization of women presented several proposals on the need to involve women in political and economic life of the country. AMN aims, if it gets the power, to create a resource centre for women business development, provide tax incentives for micro-enterprises run by women, to introduce in school a curriculum to teach gender equality. (source: AMN)

PCRM promises free education and invokes threats of electoral fraud

Chairman of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) says his party is committed to reach to the totally free state university education by 2015. Communists recognize that contract based education can not be ceased immediately, but through a gradual program the totally free state higher education must be provided, total state budget covering all types of studies in Moldova. PCRM has also released a Statement on the preparation of mass fraud of the elections of November 28, 2010, involving in this regard LPDM letters disseminated by mail, requesting the voters to submit personal information about relatives on the address of the territorial or central PLDM office. PCRM believes that this information will form the basis of mass electoral falsification by including in basic and supplementary lists dozens of thousands of voters, falsifying signatures, issuing additional duplicates of the ID-attachments, multiple voting, etc. The Central Electoral Commission and the Prosecutor General Office are required to verify the situation and to undertake measures, and voters are urged to ignore the letters. (source: PCRM)

Armed forces veterans support EIA

Chisinau Organization of Afghanistan War Veterans Union intends to vote in elections of November 28 for the parties of the European Integration Alliance (EIA), in particular for the Liberal Party. The statement was made by Union’s Chairman, Vladimir Mironov, who denied the statement made by the leadership of the Republican Union of Afghan War Veterans on supporting the PCRM. The Federation of Associations of the Armed Forces Reservists and Veterans and the Confederation of Associations of the Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies of Moldova urge their colleagues and comrades in arms to support democratic values and the country’s European future. The Federation’ Chairman, Tudor Samoilenco, declared that veterans have signed a statement announcing their common support for the progressive forces in Moldova to strengthen and democratize the society, to achieve the population’s hopes to live a decent life in a EU member state. (source: Infotag)