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Election News from November 17, 2010


CEC gives up voting in Corjova

Central Election Commission (CEC) decided to do not open polling stations in Corjova village, providing the reason that previously the Transnistrian militia and the inhabitants of Dubasari town have prevented several times the development of elections in this town. Corjova voters will be able to vote at polling stations situated in the surrounding areas. (source: Infotag)

Contestants neglect gender criteria

The Alliance Progen-2010 Elections analyzed the respect for gender equality criteria by electoral contestants in parliamentary elections to be held on 28 November 2009 and found out that only 3 out of 20 parties, which entered the electoral race, stipulated in their Statute the representation quotas for women on electoral lists and only one party (PNL) respects this statutory provision. AMN list of candidates complies the best with this chapter (37% of women), followed by the list of PDM (33%), PL (27%) and PCRM (24.3%). As regards the first 20 candidates on the list, the PCRM has priority over other parties (8 women). According to the presented report, women are hardly visible within election advertising, the women who lead parties also are not promoted as persons, the focus is made on the messages they want to spread (usually in areas assigned to women: education, culture, social protection, health, environment and rarely economics and finance). The posters are missing women or they appear only behind men. (source: Info-Prim Neo)

Independent candidates want to be taken into account

The independent candidates Maia Laguta, Oleg Bolotnicov, Natalia Axenova and Evghenii Nazarenco convened a press conference during which they said they wanted to participate in election debates on TV channels together with political parties. The independents believe that the broadcasters violate their rights, forcing them to participate in debates among themselves, when the Election Code provides that all candidates have equal rights and may use media on equal footing. The independent candidates also criticize the fact that there is no “correlation of TV channels’ actions” (a candidate being invited on the same day and at the same time to several TV channels), they challenge the electoral threshold of 2%, which is a discriminatory one from the beginning. (source: Infotag)

Civil education abroad

The publication “Gazeta Basarabia”, issued in Italy (distributed free of charge in Rome, Venice, Padua, Bologna, Turin and Milan), launched the campaign “Bring a vote too!”, in order to inform, raise awareness and motivate the Basarabians from Italy about the importance of the parliamentary elections to be held on 28 November 2010. “Gazeta Basarabia” urge its readers to send their message at home in all ways possible and urges Romanian and Italian press to give full attention to this campaign. (source: Arena)

Challenge of the ministers’ signatures

The lawyer Mihai Corj convened a press conference within which he set forth his opinion that the ministers relieved from office during the election campaign had no right to put their signatures on Government decisions adopted after 14 October 2010. Corj challenge the fact that in the “Official Gazette” are published Government decisions, which were issued after 14 October and were signed by ministers participating in electoral campaign, because during their meetings with voters “the ministers say that the approval of appropriate decisions are their merit”. By a petition signed in his own name, Mihai Corj calls on the Government and CEC to draw up a Government decision to withdraw the signatures of the ministers relieved from office. (source: Infotag)

PSD affirms that it created a new branch of economy

Social Democratic Party presented the project “”, within which there were created 3,500 working places in urban and rural localities. According to the PSD representatives, there was established the basis for the emergence of a new branch of national economy: “E-commerce” — electronic commerce. (source: PSD)

PUM insists that the Metropolitan may be a compromise figure

The chairman of the Humanist Party of Moldova reiterated the idea, launched previously, that the Metropolitan of Moldova could be a compromise candidate for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova. PUM proposes to create a large coalition in the new legislative body — a Committee of national rescue, and the government should not be affiliated politically, the head of state, the Prime Minister and other senior government officials should renounce to their party membership. (source: PUM)

MAE calls for peace within the AEI and accuses intimidations

European Action Movement calls on the parties of Alliance for European Integration to prove wisdom and responsibility, to do not estrange voters by quarrels, accusations, mutual reproaches and insults. MAE claims intimidation by a request received from the National Centre for Personal Data Protection, which asks for information on how the campaign for collecting CVs of persons who would like to be employed according to their professional qualification is developed. MAE considers that certain parties “feel themselves threatened by MAE”, and the request made by data protection institution may be classified “as political orders, which seek to intimidate MAE during the campaign”. (source: MAE)

PMUEM requests consolidation

Party “Moldova Unită — Единая Молдова” (PMUEM) (“Unified Moldova” Party) calls on all parties and independent candidates that advocate for the preservation of statehood, sovereignty and independence of Moldova to unite. PMUEM invokes “the likelihood of coming to power of left and right-wing radical forces, oriented to split Moldovan society, to split it based on ethnic criteria” and proposes to the independent candidates and such parties as “Our Moldova Alliance”, Social Democratic Party, Humanist Party of Moldova, Republican Party of Moldova, Political Party “Moldova’s Patriots”, People’s Republican Party, Labour Party and Political Party “For Nation and Country” to enter the electoral lists of the Party “Moldova Unita — Единая Молдова” (“Unified Moldova” Party). The deadline for negotiations is limited, the deadline for entering new candidates on the list is 20 November 2010.

Two environmentalists quit with scandal the PEMAVE list

Andrei Dumbrăveanu, Prime Deputy Chairman of the Ecologist Party Green Alliance (PEMAVE) and Deputy Chairman Anatol Prohniţchi announced that they are not any more among the candidates of the party, they accuse PEMAVE leadership of authoritarianism, “moving away from ecological ideology and organizing an election campaign without lots of success”. The two candidates declared that they remain members of the party and support the environmentalists’ cause.

PPCD proposes solutions for the political crisis

Christian Democratic People’s Party (PPCD) considers that the current political crisis, which lasts more than half a year, may be overcame only by amending the Constitution to simplify the procedure for electing the head of state and for forming the Government. PPCD considers that the right to form the Government should belong to the parliamentary majority. (source: PPCD)