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Election News from November 22, 2010


Resolution of the US Senate

US Senate adopted a resolution whereby welcomes the democratic progress of the Republic of Moldova and hopes that elections of November 28 will be free and fair. The document highlights Moldova’s progress, including negotiations on EU Association Treaty, obtaining grants, including those within the US program “Millennium Challenge Corporation”. The resolution welcomes signing the border treaty with Romania, a document which is considered by the Senate an important one for strengthening the sovereignty and for the future development of the country. US Senate states that organizing the free and fair parliamentary elections will contribute to establishing stable and strong governance, which meets the vital needs of Moldovan citizens.

A news portal attacked

Administration of the news site informed about its deliberate blocking by hackers who sent thousands of hits from various IPs in record time, which overloaded the server and had to be temporary withdrawn for the network. Website administrators consider that these actions took place following the publication of a photo, sent by a visitor, which represents the leader of the Democratic Party of Moldova, Marian Lupu, when he making a picture of himself in the bathroom. The competent bodies were requested to investigate the case and stop the transgressions directed against the site. (source:

Latest pre-election polls

Moldovan Association of Sociologists and Demographists (ASDM) presented the results of a survey, according to which 6 political parties could get into the Parliament: The rating of political leaders confirms some previous trends, as follows: The survey covered also the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova and was carried out from November 11 to 20 on a sample of 1593 respondents, with a maximum error between 2.6% and 3.0%. (source: ASDM)

The representatives of an institution called the Centre for Sociological Research in Moldova (CCSM) also presented the results of a survey based on their own sources, according to which the parties will cast the following results in elections: PCRM — 26.6%; PLDM — 16.8%; PL — 11.2%; PDM — 10.4% and AMN — 2.3%. The same survey estimates that Moldovan Diaspora could bring about 50,000 votes to PL and PLDM. The authors inform that survey was conducted on November 1 to 14, 2010, on a sample of 1350 respondents (including Diaspora), the error margin error is +/-2.6%. In presenting the survey, CCSM representatives announced about their insistence on amending the Electoral Code to regulate the performance of opinion polls. CCSM representative, Radu Vaslaban, mentioned that CEC should have leverages to check the veracity of polls are advertised in electoral campaigns, and the institution that is going to conduct a survey would have to deposit some money (about 1000 Euros) so that CEC would be able hire sociologists to check the accuracy of the survey and thus the manipulation of public opinion by polls would be addressed. According to the CCSM representative, some surveys conducted in the same period, with the same population, present major differences (10%), and most polls do not take into account the votes of citizens living abroad, at least 450,000 people. (source: Infotag)

PLDM is supported by the European People’s Party

President of the European People’s Party (EPP), Wilfried Martens, held a joint press conference with PLDM President, Vlad Filat, where the EPP declared its sympathy towards the PLDM electoral platform and team. According to Wilfried Martens, ideas and platform chosen by PLDM, which is a member of the European People’s Party, are the perfect way for Moldova. Martens declared that PLDM is supported by one of the largest European political family, and the EPP includes also the President of European Parliament and European Commission, 14 heads of state and several prime ministers. (source: Moldpres)

Unfortunate incident at PLDM electoral show

PLDM has released a statement about the fact that on November 21 in the village Costesti, Ialoveni district, a concert dedicated to the village day was organized, which was overshadowed by a series of provocative actions by local people: local authorities’ refusal to authorize the event; interference of a group of people with disorderly conduct, who tried to prevent the development of the show and a security company had to intervene to protect the interpreter Irina Loghin, who was hit with stones. PLDM requires the local administration to ensure for all electoral competitors the requirements required by law for unhindered campaigning. (source: PLDM)

PUM refuses to debate on media outlets controlled by PDM candidates

The Humanist Party declared that electoral debates “on TV stations of Plahotniuc are a desecration and PUM won’t participate there”. PUM referred to the “Prime” and “2 Plus” televisions, which are carried out in full, and then broadcasted in the morning, with the participation of a many competitors and with a shorter duration. PUM representative, Dumitru Ciubaşenco, also declared that in order to limit the access of electoral competitors to advertising, both media outlets have sharply and unjustified increased the price for electoral advertising — from 2000 to 5000 Euros per advertising minute. That is how, the main sponsor of PDM transfers money from one pocket to another, but the other parties can not cope with so high price. PUM representatives declare that PDM became the party of Vlad Plahotniuc, and the humanists advocate for “separating the business from politics and governance”.

Three independent candidates propose a pact to modernize Moldova

The independent candidates Victor Stepaniuc, Sergiu Iachim and Vasile Lupaşcu came up with the initiative that all electoral candidates to sign a Pact to modernize the country “Pro-Moldova”. In opinion of those three, all political forces that will get into the Parliament must give up the ideological, political and geopolitical battles, and to approve the formation of a broad coalition governance based on dialogue and political consensus.

Gagauz politicians insist on a referendum on Russian language

The Chair of the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia, Ana Harlamenco, declared she would go to the ECHR if the courts in the country won’t accept the constitutional referendum on formalization of Russian as second state language.