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Election News from November 25, 2010


Documentation of citizens will be also made on election day

On November 28, 2010 all offices for population registration and documentation of CRIS “Register”, including those issuing urgent documents, will work from 7.00 to 21.00. Citizens with voting rights, holders of identity documents with the status “invalid” or people in detention or arrest will be issued free of charge temporary identity documents (Form № 9). (source: CRIS Registru)

CEC warns about prohibition of agitation in the last 2 days

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) reminds the electoral competitors and media that electoral agitation is prohibited on election day and the one before it. In these days it is not allowed to conduct/reflect the activities/materials related to campaigning, and it is neither allowed for electoral candidates to appear in TV and radio programs. The announcement is made by CEC taking into account the negative experience of previous campaigns, also noted in monitoring reports of international observers. According to article 47 par. (8) of the Electoral Code, on the election day and the day before it is not allowed to perform any kind of electioneering, but that prohibition does not refer to the information already posted on the internet and to the external posters. To continue campaigning in these days within the media, candidates, citizens is an administrative offense and is punishable under law. According to Article 52 of the Contravention Code, continued campaigning within these last two days shall be sanctioned with a fine of 10 to 20 conventional units (1 c.u. = 20 lei) applied to the individual or from 40 to 50 conventional units applied to the person with public office or the electoral candidate.

Ballots are ready

Central Electoral Commission has completed printing the ballots for parliamentary elections and starting with November 25 they will be sent to all district electoral councils in the country. 130,000 ballots have already been shipped to polling stations abroad. Total circulation is 2 million 804 thousand ballots, with a reserve of about 150 thousand more than the number of voters included in electoral lists.

False leaflets on government behalf

Igor Volnitchi, spokesman of the RM Prime Minister, convened a briefing, in response to a disinformation campaign about the social aid provided to population by Government. In his statement, Volnitchi mentions that a process of paying social compensation for the cold season to socially vulnerable families started in November. However, certain distructive forces unleashed a cynical and campaign of misinforming the beneficiaries of compensation and misleading the public by distributing leaflets with false data, with the governmental heading, which says that the beneficiaries of compensation should pay a tax from the amount received, otherwise they will be fined. Moldovan Government qualifies this information as an ordinary fake, meant to mislead public opinion and declares that beneficiaries of social compensation should not pay any taxes from the amounts received, because it is assistance for the cold season, which is part of the Government’s social policies. (source:

Political PR and crisis communication

Aurelia Peru-Balan, PhD in political science, has launched a book titled, “Political PR and crisis communication in Moldova”, which presents an analysis of actions to promote the image of political parties in electoral campaigns of 2009–2010 .According to the author, in promoting the image of political parties the public offices held by their representatives have had a significant influence, but even in the absence of such functions, politicians have proved to be inventive.

MIA considers the campaign as being much calmer than before

Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and the CEC had presented a report on electoral incidents and violations registered during the current campaign. According to presented information, the current campaign could be considered as one of the quietest and cleanest in the past 10 years, during which twice as less violations were registered (only 60 contravention minutes were made), the most common being the violations regarding the electoral posters and vandalism or destruction (stealing) of electoral boards. The major events include three criminal case-files (theft of safe from PDM Soroca branch, the incident in Ungheni involving the bodyguards of Vladimir Voronin, vandalizing a party office in Vulcanesti), the involvement of nine children in electoral activities. In order to avoid violations in Sunday elections, over 4 thousand policemen will be involved in ensuring the integrity of ballots and public order at polling stations.

Trade Unions Call

National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (CNSM) called on all working people and union members to show a conscious attitude and actively participate in parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010. (source: CNSM)

PCRM leader characterizes the electoral campaign

PCRM Chairman, Vladimir Voronin, has convened a press conference where he thanked his party colleagues for the way they have conducted the campaign and exposed his its opinion on certain topics. According to Voronin’s statements:

PPCD considers as “explosive” the situation on the eve of elections

PPCD leader, Iurie Rosca, has launched a number of alarming theses regarding the situation on the eve of parliamentary elections; these PPCD findings include:

Veterans of Transnistrian conflict support AMN, PL and AIE

A group of disabled veterans of the 1992 War Veterans Association urges voters to vote on November 28 for the party Our Moldova Alliance (AMN) or other AIE parties.

Representatives of the veterans of Transnistrian and Afgan wars in the areas of South, Central, North and Eastern districts of Moldova declared in a press conference that they support the Liberal Party in elections because they trust it is the only party which “will not make any dubious ruling alliances with communists”. (source: PL)

A PUM knight gives up the title

The candidate to MP position on the list of the Humanist Party of Moldova (PUM), the journalist Dumitru Ciubaşenco, publicly gave up the distinction “Order of the Republic”, awarded last year by decree signed by the interim President Mihai Ghimpu. PUM representative gave up the title and distinction in protest against the decorating Mikhail Saakashvili, President of Georgia, with the same order. Ciubaşenco declared that he does not want to have the same distinction with Saakashvili, who promotes anti-Russian policy and unleashed the war in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, who came on March 2, 2005 to Chisinau in order to support the Party of Communists, headed by Vladimir Voronin, whom with he then fought against Russia. (source: PUM)

Fatal road accident

Two persons, aged 20 and 23, died after a car exploded in Corneşti village, Ungheni district, following an dab with other two cars. According to the Chairman of AMN territorial organization in Ungheni, Alexandru Lipcan, those involved in the accident are representatives of an advertising company from Chisinau and they were in Ungheni to install an electoral billboard of AMN. (source: