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Election News from December 9, 2010


U.S. supports democratic reforms and the path towards European integration

U.S. Embassy in Moldova has released a statement whereby stating that after the parliamentary elections of November it is an important time for Moldova to strengthen its path towards a European future, which offer perspectives for a higher economic growth and prosperity. U.S. Representatives wish the Moldovan leaders to work together for people’s interests to form an effective and strengthened government, which will continue the agenda of democratic reforms and economic stabilization, and maintain progress towards closer relations with the West. U.S. Embassy in Moldova welcomes the visits to Moldova made by Foreign Minister Bildt, Foreign Minister Sikorski and other European officials as part of recently intensified cooperation and dialogue between EU and Moldovan leaders, declaring its solidarity with the EU in supporting the continuation of democratic reforms and the direction towards Moldova’s European integration. (Source: U.S. Embassy)

Extra-parliamentary parties negotiate their own coalitions

Several political parties, which ran in the campaign but could not pass the threshold, try to join their forces, based on the initiative of Rosca, leader of the Christian Democratic People’s Party (PPCD).PPCD leader suggests a possible merger, under a new political project; several party leaders were invited: the Republican People’s Party, the Party “New Force”, Ecologist Party “Green Alliance”, Labour Party, the Party United Moldova.

Russian Ambassador comments on the Kremlin’s envoy visit

Russian Ambassador to Moldova, Valery Kuzmin, declared in an interview that the visit of a senior Russian official to Chisinau can not be seen as an attempt to interfere into internal affairs of Moldova, especially because after a few days of Sergei Naryshkin visit, head of Russian President Administration, Chisinau started to be visited by representatives of some EU countries and high European officials. Russian Ambassador considers that the visit of Naryshkin has already occurred after that Moldovan people has made its electoral option and this visit just proved Russia’s interest to overcome the political instability that lasted for some time in Moldova. The discussions and meetings focused on the issue of developing the cooperation relations between the two countries in various fields, and Russian interest in Moldova is the same as the interest of Moldova in Russia, that of cooperation and mutual assistance and cultural exchanges. (Source: AllMoldova)

PLDM comes up with the reasons for the coalition offer

The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM), Prime Minister Vlad Filat considers that PLDM has chosen the most unstable position in the offer made to partners in order to create the centre-right ruling coalition. The Prim Minister position if the most unstable while most responsible one. The compromise that PLDM, PDM and PL can not find is about fair sharing of responsibilities, which, ultimately, anyway lead to positions that shall ensure the power in the state, Filat added. PLDM will not accept in any case some pressure. It is ready to accept reasonable compromises, and the mandates gain from citizens are not to meet the desires of some time greatly exaggerated of one or the others. This time, when forming a coalition with right-wing parties, a document will be signed to provide clear mechanisms of avoiding deviations from the signed agreements. According to the offer made to AIE partners, PLDM would remain with Prime minister position, the Democratic Party would get the President position, and the Liber party would have the position of the Speaker of Parliament.

Social networks support AIE 2

The movement “We want AIE 2, communists to the trash” was launched on some social networks (Odnoklassniki, Facebook). It gathers supporters of the idea to restore the AEI and to keep PCRM in opposition. One of the initiators of the movement is the Prime Minister’s adviser on youth issues. He declared the action does not involve a real rally or protest, but just position manifestations of Internet users and bloggers towards the realities on the political arena. According to the initiators, in 12 hours after being launched, the movement AIE 2 gathered more than 2000 online supporters.