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Election News from December 14, 2010


PCRM has new additional requests, and CEC is governed by law

The Central Committee of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) has released a statement claiming concealed violations that occurred in the elections of November 28, 2010 and which, according to PCRM, could not be found “because of the complicity of all bodies responsible for ensuring security and legality of voting and counting the votes”. PCRM considers that unhindered access must be provided to all completed electoral lists in order to compare the data and cases of multiple voting. (Source: PCRM)

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) rejected accusations that it would not observe the Constitutional Court decision on the recount of votes cast in parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010 by not allowing the comparison of lists. CEC mentions that in accordance with the Constitutional Court, it was ordered just to recount the votes in compliance with the Electoral Code and a special instruction was approved in this regard. It should be noted in this context that Constitutional Court’s decision contains the text: “Court finds that voting ballots shall be recounted and the basic and supplementary electoral lists shall be verified”, but without any details requiring “verification” of lists.

Territorial leaders are concerned by PDM position

In an interview published on a news site in Ungheni district, Oleg Malachi, deputy Chairman of PDM territorial organization in Ungheni, states that the party territorial representatives were not consulted on decisions that are discussed by the party leadership. In his interview, the PDM representative states that people “condemn the Democratic Party’ attempts to make alliance with communists”, and in the electoral campaign the leadership of the Democratic Party clearly said that there will be no coalition with the PCRM. (Source: