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Election News from December 15, 2010


Justice rejects PCRM’ additional requests

Chisinau Court of Appeal rejected the requests by the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova who requested to compare and copy the electoral lists of early parliamentary elections held on November 28. Chisinau Court of Appeal decided to reject the requests and to end the trials, due to the following reasons: In this context, the Central Electoral Commission believes that all allegations of PCRM regarding the CEC’s refusal to provide the party representatives with the opportunity to compare the electoral lists are unfounded and illegal. (Source: CEC)

Diaspora representatives accuses CEC and MFAEI

At a press conference, representative of the Media Association Pro-Diaspora, Stefan Florea, noted that in summing up the results of early parliamentary elections over 920 votes from abroad, cast on simple A4 sheets, were not counted. Moldova’s diplomatic missions in several countries (France, Italy), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) and CEC are accused for not undertaking all measures necessary to ensure the rights of Moldovan citizens in those countries, and finally, their votes cast on simple sheets were considered invalid. Due to the lack of any reaction from political parties that have benefited from the votes of citizens living abroad, the leaders of the Movement “Democracy at Home” and the Association “Pro-Diaspora” assume the responsibility to take into consideration all reactions of Diaspora and to make them public, and all those concerned shall apologize publicly. (Source: Info-Prim Neo)

PDM ordinary members continue to express concerns

Leaders of some territorial branches of the Democratic Party of Moldova (branches from Orhei, Rezina, Ungheni) say they are worried about a possible alliance between PDM and PCRM and state they could leave the party ranks. At the same time, PDM territorial representatives say that not just the leaders in Chisinau, but also democrats in provinces have sufficient reasons to be angry with PLDM and Vlad Filat because there have been dismissals and pressures, as well as elements of dictatorship. However, those reasons can not prevail over national interest and the way the country will be going must be towards the west and European Integration Alliance will be remade. (Source: RFE / RL)

PCRM is not satisfied by the recount before its outcome

At midday, when the recount process was going on all across the country, the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) has released several statements whereby it believes that “vote recount failed” and “votes were stolen”. PCRM believes that the recount of votes “is regarded as non-transparent by observers”, without showing whom the observers represent, whether they have been accredited according to established procedures and how they carry out their observation mission, independently or as representatives of PCRM. In connection with those allegations, CEC representatives stated that the recount is conducted in accordance with relevant legislation and guidelines, transparently and observing the necessary security.