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Election News from December 24, 2010


Constitutional Court confirmed the legality of the parliamentary elections

The Constitutional Court confirmed the legality of the parliamentary elections of 28 November 2010 and validated the mandates of 101 MPs who will constitute the Parliament of Moldova of the 19th convocation. Some electoral competitors requested to suspend the confirmation of results on the ground they filed requests with ordinary courts or the prosecution service would be investigating a case of multiple voting, but the Constitutional Court held that there is no credible evidence, and the situation related to criminal investigation of an MP may be settled even later according to the proper procedure (lifting the immunity in Parliament, upon the request of Prosecutor Attorney General).Along with confirming the legality of elections, the Constitutional Court issued an address, calling on Parliament to amend the Electoral Code in order to prevent violations of the kind notified during the campaign.

Speaker and interim President summarizes his activity

Mihai Ghimpu summarized today his work as speaker of Parliament and interim head of state. The Parliament’s activity was assessed as good, 237 laws and 149 decisions were adopted. One of the failures of 2010 year was non-election of the president as well as the weak cooperation among parties in the European Integration Alliance, and as a personal success it is considered the decree on declaring 28 June 1940 “The Day of Soviet occupation”, even though it was later declared unconstitutional and had to be repealed.