Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

The 2010 Exit Poll Results

Electoral ContestantsPublika TV & IRESPrime TV & CBS-AXA
Democratic Party of Moldova15.1%1714.1%17
Liberal Party15.7%1810.2%12
Christian Democratic People’s Party0.7%0<1%0
“Actiunea Europeana (European Action)” Movement1.8%01.4%0
“Moldova Noastra (Our Moldova)” Alliance3.1%03.0%0
Humanist Party of Moldova<1%01.0%0
Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova25.7%2833.8%37
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova34.6%3832.2%35

Seat Distribution in Parliament

Seat distribution in Parliament based on the preliminary election results, and results of the opinion polls (pre-electoral and exit polls)

Exit Poll “Publika TV & IRES” — conducted by Publika TV broadcasting channel and the Romanian Institute for Assessment and Strategy (IRES) among a sample of 253 polling stations nationwide. Number of respondents is 17,823, margin of error 1% with 0.95 probability.

Exit Poll “Prime TV & CBS-AXA” — conducted by Prime TV broadcasting channel and Centre for Sociological Investigations and Marketing CBS-AXA among a sample of 71 polling stations nationwide. Number of respondents is ~8000, margin of error ±2%.

See also

Preliminary Results (29.11)42321512
Exit Poll CBS-AXA (28.11)37351712
Exit Poll IRES (28.11)28381718
Vox Populi-II (22.11)36261514
CBS-AXA (19.11)37302014
AVA.MD (18.11)56241110
BOP (16.11)39331613
Vox Populi (12.11)39241514
CBS-AXA (4.11)42232115