Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

Electoral Contestants for Parliamentary Elections 2014

1  Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM)
2  Christian Democratic People’s Party (PPCD)
3  People’s Power Party (PFP)
4  Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM)
5  Liberal Reformatory Party (PLR)
6  Reformatory Communist Party of Moldova (PCR)
7  Antimafia People’s Movement (MPA)
8  National Liberal Party (PNL)
9  Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM)
10  “Alegerea Moldovei — Uniunea Vamala (Moldova’s Choice — the Customs Union)” Electoral Bloc (BeAMUV)
11  “Democratia Acasa (Democracy at Home)” Party (PPDA)
12  People’s Party of the Republic of Moldova (PPRM)
13  Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM)
14  Liberal Party (PL)
15  “Renastere (Renaissance)” Party (PR)
  “Patria (Homeland)” Party (PP)
withdrew out of the electoral competition
16  Democratic Action Party (PAD)
17  Ecological Green Party (PVE)
  “Ravnopravie (Equality)” Movement (MR)
withdrew out of the electoral competition
18  Oleg Cernei (independent candidate)
19  Oleg Brega (independent candidate)
20  “Patriots of Moldova” Party (PPM)
21  Valeriu Plesca (independent candidate)
22  Anatolie Doga (independent candidate)
23  Centrist Union of Moldova (UCM)
24  “Pentru Neam si Tara (For Nation and Country)” Party (PpNT)