Candidate of the “Dreapta (Right)” Party (PD) |

Philologist, Ph.D. in philology, prime vice-rector of ULIM
Electoral programRO
Biographical Data
We make Reunification together
Biographical Data
Born on March 13, 1962 in the village of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Cahul district, Republic of Moldova.
- 1979–1984 — State University of Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
- 1985–1990 — PhD in Romance Philology, State University of Moldova, Sub-Department of French Philology
Professional activity
- 1984–1985 — Lecturer, “T.G. Sevcenko” Pedagogical Institute of Tiraspol
- 1985–1988 — French teacher, Russian School No. 2, Tiraspol
- 1988–1991 — Lecturer, State Agrarian University of Moldova
- 1991–1995 — Senior lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
- 1995-present — Senior lecturer, university professor, Dean of the Sub-Department of French Language and Literature, Director of the Department, Vice Dean and First Vice Dean of the Free International University of Moldova
- 2009–2014 — member of the Moldovan Parliament (2009–2013 — member of the Liberal Party’s faction, 2013–2014 — unaffiliated MP)
- 2013–2014 — Co-chair of the Liberal Reformist Party
- 2016-present — Chairwoman of the “Dreapta (Right)” Party
- 2002 — the Order of Work Glory (Gloria Muncii)
- 2014 — the Order of the Star of Romania (Steaua Romaniei), the grade of Grand Cross
- 2014 — the National Order of the Legion of Honour, the rank of Chevalier, France
- 2014 — the Order of the Republic
- 2015 — the title of Permanent Honorary Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Medal of PACE, Strasbourg, France
Married, has two children.