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Election News from August 30, 2016

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CC decision on restoring citizens’ right to choose their president by direct vote

On March 4, 2016 the Constitutional Court (CC) ruled on reviewing the constitutionality of some provisions of the Law no. 1115-XIV of July 5, 2000 on amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, on the election of the President. The case originated from the notification filed by 18 MPs of LDPM on November 12, 2015.

The Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional the law amending the Constitution regarding the election of the President of the Republic of Moldova by the vote of 3/5 of the MPs. Therefore, in order to avoid legal gaps, the Court declared unconstitutional the law on electing the president and reinvigorated the Electoral Code provisions on presidential election by direct vote of the citizens. Constitutional provisions were revived, but not entirely, except for the paragraph 2 of Art. 78, about the age of the citizen that can be elected as President of the Republic of Moldova. The Court decided to maintain unchanged the age of 40 years old for the candidates for president, although until the constitutional amendments of 2000, the censors age was 35 years.

October 30, 2016 — the day of presidential elections

During the plenary session of the Parliament of April 1, 2016, the parliamentary majority adopted a decision on holding presidential elections in Moldova on October 30, 2016. The main argument of the initiators of the bill was Constitutional Court’s decision no. 7 of 03/04/2016 that revived the Electoral Code on presidential election by direct vote of the citizens.

Parliament voted the new composition of the Central Electoral Commission

During the plenary session of the Parliament on June 17, 2016 it was adopted the bill on the appointment of new members of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). The project was supported by 79 MPs. The new CEC members are: Iurie Ciocan, proposed by Social Democratic Platform of Moldova; Andrei Volentir, proposed by DPM; Vasile Gafton, proposed by seven LDPM deputies; Veaceslav Agrigoroae, vice president of the Center for Juridical Investigations; Rodica Ciubotaru, proposed by LPM; Sergiu Gurduza proposed by the LDPM; Maxim Lebedinschi, proposed by PSRM; Alina Russu, proposed by the Communist Party and Vladimir Serban, proposed by President Nicolae Timofti.

On June 27, 2016 CEC members have elected the leadership of the institution. As president was elected Alina Russu, the vice president was elected Rodica Ciubotaru, and as secretary general — Veaceslav Agrigoroae.

Parliament adopted amendments to the Electoral Code

On June 23, 2016 by a vote of 55 MPs were adopted in the final reading amendments to Title IV of the Electoral Code “Elections of the President of the Republic of Moldova”, describing the procedure for direct presidential elections. According to the amendments adopted, nomination of candidates can be made 60 days before the election day which is October 30, 2016. The candidates will have to collect in one month between 15 and 25 thousand signatures of support, and the campaign will begin once for all — 30 days before the election day. The amendments also provide that the future head of state, if a party member, will have to give up this role in the party. The draft amendments to the Electoral Code were endorsed virtually by all parliamentary factions, and take into account some of the recommendations of the Venice Commission and civil society organizations. // Free Europe

CEC informs about online registration prior to presidential elections

According to a press release from the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) on July 8, 2016, the Moldovan citizens entitled to vote and who are abroad are invited to access to complete under “Pre-registration” heading an electronic registration form and a declaration stating their willingness to participate in elections. Subsequently, the voter will receive an email with the confirmation of the pre-registration. Pre-registration will help authorities in identifying the highest concentrations of voters in order to open additional polling stations. Pre-registration period for the 2016 elections started on May 10, 2016 and will end on September 19, 2016.

The election period began on August 31, 2016

Presidential elections period began on August 31, 2016. A decision on this was passed by Parliament on July 29, 2016. In this way, MPs amended the decision no. 55 of April 1, 2016 which should have entered into force from July 30. The decision was taken in the context of amendments introduced to the Electoral Code stating the new conditions for organizing and conducting elections of the President of Moldova.

CEC presented the total number of voters in the State Register of Voters

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) informed that the total number of voters in the State Register of Voters (SRV) on August 22, 2016 is of 3,237,032. However, CEC warns that among the total number of voters in the SRV only 2,853,802 are citizens assigned to districts/ rayons. The difference include persons without residence and voting citizens residing in the administrative-territorial units from the left bank of Nistru.

ACC adopted the “Concept on electoral coverage of the presidential elections of 30 October 2016”

Audiovisual Coordinating Council (ACC) examined and adopted on August 25, 2016 the “Concept on electoral coverage of the presidential elections of October 30, 2016”. According to the Concept, each broadcaster that intends to cover the campaign will submit to the ACC a statement presenting their editorial policy for the electoral campaign. These statements have to be submitted within 7 days from the approval by CEC of the Regulation on electoral coverage in the mass media. Editorial policy statements for the campaign will include, among others: 1. name of the broadcaster owner / owners; 2. principles assumed by the broadcaster on electoral coverage; 3. principles for electoral debates; 4. the order in which participants are invited to electoral debates; 5. monitoring plan of how air time to electoral competitors is allocated, etc.

Broadcasters of which statements are not approved by ACC, will not be allowed to cover the campaign in the presidential elections of October 30, 2016.