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Election News from October 5, 2016

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Maia Sandu officially launched her campaign for presidential election

The candidate of “Action and Solidarity” Party, Maia Sandu, launched her electoral campaign with the slogan “I choose to win.”

Maia Sandu proposes a “social contract”, assuming certain commitments to voters: 1. The President shall be the voice of the people and defender of their interests; 2. The President must ensure integrity in the justice system; 3. A good president should work with state institutions to ensure the welfare of all citizens by creating jobs, transparency, etc. 4. The President shall be the defender of the European vector. “I get no money, no orders from anybody, and I do not owe anyone. I voice your needs and pains and I decided to fight to find solutions to problems in each house. I would be glad if all the presidential candidates would sign this contract,” said Sandu. // Adevarul

IRI survey: the chances of electoral candidates for President of the Republic of Moldova

A survey conducted by the International Republican Institute (IRI) shows that in the first round of presidential elections, Igor Dodon would get 30%, Maia Sandu and Andrei Nastase would get 13% of the votes and Marian Lupu 12%. Iurie Leanca and Dumitru Ciubasenco would get 3% each.

In the second round of presidential elections, Maia Sandu would get 11%, Andrei Nastase would get 7%, Igor Dodon 6%, Dumitru Ciubasenco 6% and Iurie Leanca 3%. The survey was conducted from 1 to 23 September 2016, on a sample of 1516 people, with a margin of error of 2.8%.

Vladimir Voronin calls for excluding Mihai Ghimpu from presidential race

PCRM leader Vladimir Voronin calls the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) to annul the registration of the PL candidate for President of Moldova, Mihai Ghimpu.

In his complaint to the CEC, the communist leader said that on October 2, 2016 Mihai Ghimpu violated the Electoral Code making unionist statements during his the campaign launch. Specifically, PL candidate said that once he becomes president, the first thing he will do is to unite Moldova with Romania. With such statement Ghimpu jeopardize the country’s statehood, said Voronin. // Unimedia

PDM reaction to Maia Sandu’s initiative to install cameras in polling stations

PDM expressed its position on the initiative of Maia Sandu on installing surveillance cameras in the polling stations on October 30 to ensure free and fair elections. “It is a good initiative, although it was exposed with great delay, as it implies: high budget allocations; legal procurement procedures; design services; installation; and other important aspects of system administration. It is good to have more proposals for ensuring election transparency, but these proposals must be responsible and achievable to help fulfill the stated purpose,” reads PDM press release.

Marian Lupu: Dodon puts into practice a political project conceived outside Moldova

PDM candidate for President of Moldova, Marian Lupu, believes that his only rival in the campaign for the presidential election is the socialist Igor Dodon. Moreover, Lupu said PSRM leader is the most dangerous candidate as he wants to cancel the European integration vector of the Republic of Moldova and to federate the country. In an interview with the agency Info-Prim Neo, Marian Lupu said that Igor Dodon “is putting into practice a political project conceived outside Moldova”. “I’m talking about a highly sophisticated project, which aims, among other things, to federate the country — breaking Moldova into pieces. Dodon wants to become president, to put an end on European integration and on the Association Agreement, processes that offered the greatest benefits to Moldovans.” added Marian Lupu. //

After the dissolution of Parliament, Ciubasenco aims to sign a Decree no. 2

Dumitru Ciubasenco, “Our Party” candidate for President of the Republic, announced that his second decree as head of state will be to “annul the decree of Nicolae Timofti on the stolen billion”. He talked about this at a meeting with voters in Ungheni. “This decision on the stolen billion must be stopped until the new Parliament is elected, which will void all such laws and cancel the current majority decision on making people pay for this billion”, said the candidate.

Andrian Candu: Russia is involved in our domestic politics before the presidential election

In a telephone interview with The Associated Press, President of the Moldovan Parliament, Andrian Candu, accused Russian Federation of involvement in the internal politics of Moldova before the presidential elections of October 30, 2016. Candu said that the Government suspects that Russia finances pro-Russian parties and leaders. He added that Russia would manipulate through propaganda and media. //